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    in any event oraciones de ejemplo

    in any event

    1. In any event, it

    2. Isin and Senta looked up into the sky overhead, “You didn't have much time with it in any event

    3. ‘You’re right, of course, Scott; I should have access in any event

    4. Scott knew it was something that would be unconscionable – the notion they would have to use it in any event

    5. Although I agree that gun licenses should not be issued arbitrarily and only under extraordinary circumstances, isn‘t reasonable to assume that the vast majority of individuals willing to surrender their ―weapons‖, that are (otherwise) gathering dust inside clothes closets, dresser drawers and kitchen cupboards, or stuffed inside a sock, for that matter, represent a small minority of law-abiding citizens who, in any event, would be unlikely to use them, unless pressed, unlike hardened criminal elements in the community who wouldn‘t give a second thought to surrendering the tools of their trade unless they were compelled to do so? A fifty-dollar gift certificate from Macys is insufficient compensation for the criminally-minded

    6. What overwhelms the mind, however, is the idea of Eternal Existence without fixed limits, or without some starting or ending point, that has always existed and will continue to exist in Spatial/Time and in that manner could not possibly have risen from Nothingness because Nothingness is not a predicate of Existence, or in any event, Something cannot be created out of Nothingness

    7. or what does it matter! In any event, I will leave such devious constructions to more creative types

    8. Sexual preferences do not require the ratification of public opinion whose ―consent‖, in any event, would (merely) constitute formal acquiescence after the fact

    9. ) Adopting conspicuously faulty and (otherwise) self-serving reasoning conveniently side-steps a very important fact; that we all exist in a less than perfect world subject to changing fortunes and other unexpected events that routinely challenge our mettle; and that Nature, however, has its own inestimable manner of compensating each of us with an innate capacity to endure hardships and rise above our present condition however unfavorable or improbable our prospects for a ―better‖ life may appear and that an individual‘s threshold for suffering and privation oftentimes vary in proportion to that individual‘s (mental) endurance and acquired habits in spite of that individual‘s accustomed environment and in any event, such (gratuitous) impressions are problematical at best and should not serve as a litmus test in determining who should or should not be permitted to live or given an equal opportunity to exercise free choice(s) pre-empted by selfish motives indifferent to such rights; motives whose arbitrary designs are (otherwise) impervious to the apparent limits or consequences of questionable solutions whose (hardened) indifference to Life must inevitably diminish the (inherent) value a society confers upon its citizens regardless of their station in life

    10. In any event, it is doubtful that mastery over the material universe would lead any individual to recognize his or her immortal self let alone that individual‘s ―divine‖ self! Have I made myself clear?

    11. It fails to acknowledge sin as such; although it is willing to entertain forms of appropriate/inappropriate behavior defined by popular customs or manners that (in any event) oftentimes lose their social mandate as arbitrary conventions may vary

    12. ‖ This ―unbroken chain of events,‖ that finds ostensible expression in future behavior, is irreconcilable, it would seem, with causal/effects partially achieved in conjunction with problematical outcomes, that, in any event, could neither shape nor influence an uncertain future unless its ―collective actions‖ were uniformly mapped out, absent the intervention of Accident or Chance or other contaminating elements occasioned by voluntary actions not in keeping with ―programmed‖ designs that would (otherwise) render such a scenario, unthinkable; that is to say, there are far too many contending variables that need to be factored into the equation

    13. In any event, there are any number of vocational and/or general studies programs available to students who are neither endowed by nature nor temperament to pursue higher learning (that is not necessarily a bad thing inasmuch it fills a vital need))

    14. In any event, the bank details would give Frank access to two hundred thousand pounds - his payback for all the years he’d spent in prison

    15. And some lobbying is undertaken for projects that have, in fact, benefits greater than costs; such projects are reasonably likely to be undertaken in any event, rendering special interest expenditures unnecessary

    16. It seems clear in any event that with great knowledge would come great power

    17. What is the point? In any event, I am willing to bet the attendance would drop considerably if there is no reception…

    18. Lago ends his exposition adding: “In any event, it is lamentable that in this hour of crisis of

    19. And our time, in any event, is almost expired

    20. It was a preemptive strike not easily justified, and in any event vindictive

    21. “In any event,” said the fish, “I don’t think you could afford more than one

    22. In any event, we certainly weren’t moving around last night,” said Cliff

    23. In any event, there were no unusual behaviors or clandestine meetings or visits to any dead-drops or any other spook-related activity that I could detect with either guy

    24. In any event, we both know that nobody will be claiming this guy so we’ll be able to keep him and his death on ice for the time being

    25. “In any event, I’ll give you Tommy Akama, my chief local investigator

    26. In any event, Mr

    27. Akihiko Sato, an attaché of the Embassy of Japan, persona non grata and to order his immediate expulsion from the United States; but in any event no later than twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of this letter due to activities that are inimical to the security interests of the United States of America

    28. She did not hear the distant clink of shod hoofs on rock that warned the keen-eared hill-men; but she was far too frightened to disobey, in any event

    29. the fact that Jensen had not been found at the scene, and appeared in any event to

    30. foolish! Less so, of course, in the case of Theodore, who was in any event close

    31. In any event, we have covered all the lines in the paragraph

    32. In any event, motivated only by love and grace, become His vanguard change-agent

    33. In any event, it won’t be easy, but great things can be accomplished

    34. When they land on your thank you / download page, they click on the link to download the product, other than seeing the link to Amazon S3 they would be none the wiser, and in any event they probably would not care

    35. In any event, no one in Agen assumed he was anything less than the genuine article, and the local politicians warmly welcomed and respected him

    36. In any event, there was no place to hide here

    37. In any event, you need one that

    38. It was a hopeless task in any event

    39. Since the analogy requires that the angles be house cusps (or in any event, the spirits require it), projection of these 12 division points must needs be with house circles, since only a projection with house circles retains both the Ascendant and Midheaven as house cusps

    40. It was not worth risking his life, and the cream of his troll army, for the sake of a scrawny wizard who was of no value to him in any event

    41. Besides, it was too late in any event

    42. In any event, it seemed it was a

    43. He realised that he was feeling genuinely tired in any event

    44. She was back in the fold – they needed her, and his father was in any event determined that every last member of the Family should be there that night – but she would never be fully forgiven, not after selling out her House to Crow

    45. It seemed unlikely that the young lady would fall for that twice in any event

    46. Philip had assured her that there was no danger of him trying to snack on her in the early hours of the morning, but she had insisted they keep the tradition in any event

    47. Did she still want to be called Felicity? In any event, whatever she called herself it was to her he would look for help

    48. but in any event, for those who mainly rely on Palden Lhamo

    49. In any event, the times into which the Fifth Dalai Lama was born

    50. In any event, he was relieved that he had avoided the old woman

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