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    Usar "in case" en una oración

    in case oraciones de ejemplo

    in case

    1. In case you are interested, O

    2. children be kids in case they hurt

    3. In case of hoarseness, rest the throat without misuse till hoarseness passes

    4. In case of glandular swelling in the neck, consult your doctor

    5. In case of toothache, gum bleeding, ulcers of the gum and cheek, white patches etc

    6. · In case it is essential to ignore pain, may be temporarily, say while playing a game or attending to a more serious patient, remember that beyond a certain time this could lead to serious body injury to you

    7. This in turn, will ensure that his long-term finances will not take a hit in case of major medical expenses in his latter years

    8. In case of hospitalisation, the expenses that are incurred will be taken care of by this policy subject to the limit of the cover

    9. Tax benefits are also available in case of dependents

    10. In case of medical insurance, the individual is covered only to the extent of the actual expenses incurred on medicine/hospitalisation (up to a maximum limit of the sum assured)

    11. They took to the bed for an hour, just in case Jorma or Venna decided to pop back in on them

    12. In case you are a doctor then counseling your patients is in any case part of your profession

    13. Still, he was always a help if he was around, but it was probably good to get this done without his knowledge, just in case there was something shady going on

    14. He had left Talshi a note in case she came over, but that was not disturbed when he got back for Nightday

    15. From what we have seen of the way the young man lived, I was rather relieved when Stephen told me that he had fitted bolts to the doors … just in case those keys had gone wandering

    16. As long as it lasts, I'll let it send, just in case there is someone there that can still listen, even if they can't send

    17. "Those things aren't allowed in here you clown," Peadar said, "This is the Intensive Care Unit in case you hadn't noticed

    18. ‘Just in case

    19. Her daughter stood beside her protectively, just in case she was needed

    20. call the Milky Way, but he left the monitors on and the tapes running just in case he

    21. Is that what you wanna hear Molloy? Worried your fuckin’ dinner will go cold in case this thing drags on?”

    22. Then, he explains it is necessary for all dog owners to masturbate their dogs, in case the animal hasn't got the possibility to find a mate during the mating season

    23. Don’t know any garages round here … there is one in the village, but I’m reluctant to try it in case they’re a cowboy organisation

    24. ‘I’ll go and get another battery, just in case that’s the problem

    25. Once the now customary tears have passed, I ring Brenda and ask if it would be all right for me to have a few days off – she agrees that this is reasonable and promises to make sure that someone is on call just in case there is a problem

    26. Smith turned his gaze away from the chemical and physical experiment at the edge of what we now call the Milky Way, but he left the monitors on and the tapes running just in case he ever needed to put a face to a crime

    27. in case the dead flex

    28. He had the android on the shuttle in case he had some reason to interact with the natives

    29. She wanted to take some with her just in case Daniel woke up

    30. in case I smother unsuspecting passers by

    31. He was walking without a limp when they left and walked without using the crutch, but he kept it just in case

    32. in case anyone sees her Winnie-the-Pooh knickers and vest,

    33. There were about six of us flying to Bristol and once on board I sat as far apart from the others as I could just in case they started chatting about the weather, or politics, or even worse, sport

    34. They are recommended in cases that feature coarse wrinkles and severe blemishes such

    35. This is usually performed in cases where there is sagging and loss of firmness in the skin

    36. Steve had suggested a ring of explosives be placed around the camp in case the Insane Ones tried to use the mutant bears against the camp

    37. Although this is primarily a book for beginners to the subject I did not want to leave out this fourth variation of the Mountain Posture in case some of you might feel up to trying it

    38. I include it here for the sake of interest and in case there may be some readers adventurous enough to attempt it

    39. in case his waking steps

    40. in case I see a reflection from a caring soul,

    41. ’ I pointed out, just in case he had missed that point, earning an appreciative glimmer of amusement from my beloved

    42. “In case you don’t remember, you’ve changed Andrew,” Daniel told him

    43. As if for confirmation, I climbed out of the van just in case it was a dream

    44. ’ Deris said, ducking behind Adamant quickly just in case Berndt decides to throw something else

    45. I compromise on taking a complete change of clothing for riding and a spare set incorporating a skirt in case I need it … enough knickers for the duration of the trip and more socks than I could ever need … I hope

    46. ‘She wanted you to have it, Lintze, I’ve kept it all these years … just in case

    47. "A little, I don't think I should get too wiped in case some wind comes up

    48. "In case we have to sail later

    49. In case that didn't work, my father stacked chairs in front of the door to prevent a possible escape attempt

    50. “In case you guys haven’t noticed,” Began Jerry, “quite a number of the female riders are suddenly afflicted with this mysterious disease

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    Sinónimos para "in case"

    supposing granting if in the event whether or not