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    Usar "in good order" en una oración

    in good order oraciones de ejemplo

    in good order

    1. Government, it has been said, by taking the management of the turnpikes into its own hands, and by employing the soldiers, who would work for a very small addition to their pay, could keep the roads in good order, at a much less expense than it can be done by trustees, who have no other workmen to employ, but such as derive their whole subsistence from their wages

    2. In France, however, the great post-roads, the roads which make the communication between the principal towns of the kingdom, are in general kept in good order; and, in some provinces, are even a good deal superior to the greater part of the turnpike roads of England

    3. It now looked like we as well as the Manchester’s were in danger of being isolated without any support and so the only option was to withdraw in good order so that instead of gaining eight miles we had gained about one if we were lucky

    4. Pouring in heavy volleys from their carbines, the cavalry then surged forward, the enemy's right flank falling back in good order before the Rough Riders, who were now enfiladed by Rubin's mountain artillery, and the infantry supports entrenched along the ridge

    5. The whole bunch of us landed in good order

    6. Still we all ran out of the camp in good order

    7. Still, it was done and would need little extra work to keep it in good order

    8. In the gathering predawn light, the flotilla once again moved in good order toward what—only Youssaf knew—lay ahead

    9. With the whips and shouts, the newly reanimated drovers on their flanks, the herd was soon on the road again and in good order

    10. They marched in good order over the rise that was the top of the dune where the palm trees

    11. up the rear, sent Naaman forward to assure Moshe that everything was in good order

    12. drovers on their flanks, the herd was soon on the road again and in good order

    13. The next few weeks dragged by and Lorna thought that the time to depart was never going to arrive Two days before she was due to leave, Lorna drilled Sally in looking after the house and gave her a few hundred Rand with a promise of more on her return, provided that her house and garden were in good order

    14. 2 Christ therefore was sent out from God and the Apostles from Christ; and both these things were done in good order according to the will of God

    15. Mike looked over all the accounts and saw they were all in good order

    16. Arbanus demurred, pointing out the Bossonians re-forming in good order before the Aquilonian knights, who had sat their steeds motionless during the melee

    17. She assures me that the Citroën is in good order and that no one else, except me, has put his or her hands on it

    18. It was in need of a good clean but was still in good order, and he began to examine it more closely

    19. The spare wheels seemed to be in good order and looked as if they were correctly centred

    20. The triumphant pack of American submarines, now nearly out of torpedoes, then retired in good order towards the Philippines to rearm and then take watch positions

    21. � She felt relief when her electronics and weapons proved to be in good order: Doug Wilson had done a good job of cleaning them

    22. His company being part of the force ordered out, Ujiro ran down the steps of the ramparts with his comrades and lined up in good order with his unit

    23. Their picking completed after two hours of work and with their bags bulging with raspberries, the seven French women and girls and one man retreated in good order towards Ville-Marie, the tall girl with long black hair providing tail cover

    24. There also had to be someone to keep the Mound of the Creation Star in good order and count and store and trade the grain gifts there

    25. Think of those stages you have passed through: from semen to a clot, from a clot to a lump of flesh, from a lump of flesh to bones have been arranged in good order and consistency

    26. It is honest to give value for your wages; and the "bravos" of ancient Venice who kept their stilettos in good order and never failed to deliver the stab bargained for with their employers, considered themselves an honest body of professional men, no doubt

    27. All things considered, the patrol had come away in good order and Groundsel, the second in command, had done well

    28. This strategic retreat in good order was not lost on a woman present or observed by a man

    29. They marched in good order, jaunty for all their rags, their torn red odds and ends of rope and strips of rawhide

    30. A few days’ rest should put him in good order

    31. That was not necessary and they came through to the other side in good order, and then the creeks were over

    32. His youth, which was packing up for departure long before its time, beat a retreat in good order, bursting with

    33. Tears poured down Susan's cheeks, then down Ruth Bentley's, followed in good order by tears from Father and, at last, when it had sunk in, Skip

    34. when he invaded the Ukraine; that from a military point of view the campaign was lost by irresolution during the critical battle, and from a political point of view by the burning of Moscow; and that if the army had returned in time it might have retired in good order

    35. The whole army left the fortress in good order, the people forming an escort

    36. His estate turned out to be in good order at his death, and he left a very considerable fortune as well

    37. They walked intentionally in good order and almost in silence

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