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    Usar "in good spirits" en una oración

    in good spirits oraciones de ejemplo

    in good spirits

    1. In Virgenia's Jools and Robbie were in good spirits and seemed to think I should accept Mercouri's apology, make amends and forget it - after all he was just a bit drunk

    2. Duncan was pale, but appeared to be in good spirits, Rayne was aiding him

    3. reassured him that his comment was taken in good spirits

    4. That a little more plenty than ordinary may render some workmen idle, cannot be well doubted; but that it should have this effect upon the greater part, or that men in general should work better when they are ill fed, than when they are well fed, when they are disheartened than when they are in good spirits, when they are frequently sick than when they are generally in good health, seems not very probable

    5. Jack was in good spirits as he walked into town

    6. The men in the mess tent were in good spirits

    7. He was in good spirits sitting up in bed and greeted them with a smile

    8. Sven was immediately placed in good spirits

    9. He will be in good spirits at work, more

    10. She was in good spirits and so was I in the morning

    11. When they arrived home they were in good spirits

    12. They ate in good spirits

    13. Luckily Mike was almost always in good spirits and enjoyed the "guessing game"

    14. Siri had intended to readopt his strategy of a predawn start and midday siesta, but both he and the co-pilot were in good spirits, and optimistic about their chances of completing the anticipated one hundred miles or so to Khartoum

    15. Passersby were smiling and in good spirits

    16. All employees questioned by police said he seemed very much in good spirits after the ceremony and said the same concerning the party afterward

    17. We exited the cafeteria satiated and in good spirits

    18. The manager appeared to be in good spirits

    19. They had brought over the fritter and drink stands from the Street of the Turks and the people were in good spirits as they bore the tedium of waiting and the scorching sun

    20. They were in good spirits

    21. Fifteen minutes passed before I ever saw his face, but when he arrived he seemed in good spirits as opposed to the last time we spoke

    22. "Our Captain is in good spirits , "

    23. Robin had thought it a bit of an odd question when he rang, to be asked what he’d had for breakfast, but otherwise Marian seemed to be in good spirits, and he promised to ring her again later

    24. So they were in good spirits when they set off after a hearty University breakfast

    25. He was in good spirits and had the whole evening planned out

    26. in good spirits when an accounting firm inquired about an inter-office move

    27. The change, combined with their love-making hours before, had cheered them considerably, and despite the short sleep they were fresh and in good spirits

    28. They were in good spirits and shared a warm meal and a story from Kris

    29. “And I haven’t been there once” he said obliquely, in good spirits

    30. Poor Pinocchio was making a pretense of being in good spirits, but in reality he was beginning to feel discouraged; his strength was failing, he was gasping and panting for breath

    31. He wanted Levin to be in good spirits

    32. But it was not that Levin was not in good spirits; he was ill at ease

    33. ‘You’re all in good spirits

    34. But I’m glad you’re in good spirits, and are hunting bears, and working, and interested

    35. Sergey Ivanovitch, too, was in good spirits, and at tea his brother drew him on to explain his views of the future of the Eastern question, and he

    36. That evening Lord Marchmain was in good spirits; the room had a Hogarthian aspect, with the dinner-table set for the four of us by the grotesque, chinoiserie chimney-piece, and the old man propped among his pillows, sipping champagne, tasting, praising, and failing to eat, the succession of dishes which had been prepared for his homecoming

    37. He had not been in good spirits about trade that morning, and the slight bitterness in his lips grew intense as he listened

    38. We both seem in good spirits

    39. Before dawn he had slept for a few hours, and refreshed, vigorous, and in good spirits, he mounted his horse and rode out into the field in that happy mood in which possible and everything succeeds

    40. She seemed in good spirits, but definitely not quite right

    41. Footage from that day’s work reveals her to be in good spirits

    42. Captain Morgan was in good spirits

    43. “Was she in good spirits?”

    44. He seemed always in good spirits, and held his own in the jests and repartee that flew about

    45. "You're all in good spirits

    46. Ferdishenko was the only person present in good spirits

    47. Evgenie Pavlovitch did the same, and he alone seemed in good spirits

    48. But all this, of course, would have been perfectly ordinary had there been no other and more weighty reasons to disturb the equanimity of Andrey Antonovitch, who had till then been in good spirits

    49. 'You are in good spirits to-day

    50. In this singing, with its cries and clanging of scythes, such a definite feeling of joy, cheerfulness, and energy was expressed, that, without noticing how it infected me, I continued my way toward the house in a better mood, and reached home smiling, and quite in good spirits

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