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    Usar "in itself" en una oración

    in itself oraciones de ejemplo

    in itself

    1. The fjord that leads to the tunnel is a wonderland in itself, great grey cliffs, leaping waterfalls and deep blue water

    2. Each sheath or vehicle through which the soul expresses itself (on physical, emotional and mental levels) carries latent within itself certain inherent potencies, but the soul, which is the source of them all, has them in their purest and most sublimated form

    3. While they discussed, doostEr was looking around and saw that getting the rockasaur into here would be a rigging job in itself

    4. whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so

    5. The way of things just is what it is, and that is happiness in itself

    6. That in itself was a tiny taste of home

    7. That in itself constitutes that we should gain the wisdom of God and learn to hear that Spirit so that when/if the moment should come we can give answer

    8. We could uncover some simple task that in itself could be a major stumbling block to reaching success, something such as a special license, insurance or legislation

    9. That in itself can include promises – for those who don’t want to include Gotte in their vows

    10. This in itself was a major revelation; it explained the pairings of dragon and rider

    11. The boat was a weapon in itself

    12. Becoming aware of this is in itself quite empowering

    13. in itself, with storms at sea and huge waves

    14. This included all the times they were having sex, that in itself was almost ten percent of their waking time he thought

    15. That, in itself, is disconcerting

    16. Mike was slow to respond to her entrance, but then again making his way around the crowded kitchen, was a feat in itself

    17. Actually half of a half inch thick slice all the way thru the egg, a feast in itself

    18. It tried to lose them, leading them over uncharted stormy seas and strangely colored oceans until at last it broke free and became a starship, complete and complex in itself

    19. The airplane was of value in itself

    20. And the mountain itself, a sprawling city surrounding the Great Red Wall

    21. Now we have two conflicting interests coming to us on this case, that in itself is not terribly unusual

    22. It was, in itself, a city

    23. When it passed there was a gaping hole in Lock Core a mile wide, the mountain itself had melted into a crater the size of the Brother Moon, and at its center stood a boy

    24. It is interesting to realize that every creation in our universe grows in itself the germ of its own destruction

    25. this in itself will affect your spouse; and you may

    26. And as you can imagine, even if they were willing to weigh in, just finding a bathroom and a scale big enough and that wouldn’t go “crunch” when they stepped up on it would be a harrying challenge in itself!

    27. That in itself was a humiliation for our mighty deities, Marduk and Bel

    28. With all its imperfections, however, we may perhaps say of it what was said of the laws of Solon, that though not the best in itself, it is the best which the interest, prejudices, and temper of the times, would admit of

    29. [156] Another way to think about creating order in consciousness is, it is a process of bringing the interior life, the life of the mind, into harmony, both within itself and with the world outside

    30. Jodie turned over in bed, which was quite a feat in itself

    31. That in itself is a blessing and a curse I'm afraid

    32. The Indian system of medicine, which is called Ayurveda, is a wonder in itself

    33. It flowed north, which in itself was unusual for rivers

    34. He was, of course, young and that in itself was a very great deal, but besides his youth, he had other qualities

    35. It is not the end in itself

    36. The Lyndau file was an entire academic press publication in itself – if not released under a popular science press publisher

    37. But the healthful state of the human body, it would seem, contains in itself some unknown principle of preservation, capable either of preventing or of correcting, in many respects, the bad effects even of a very faulty regimen

    38. The office of judge is in itself so very honourable, that men are willing to accept of it, though accompanied with very small emoluments

    39. They drove the Turks back about four hundred yards which was an achievement in itself and gained their mates some respite they are now dug in and like us waiting to attack again tomorrow and that’s it really

    40. What is phenomenal about this code is that the 187-letter ELS contains in itself 13 other codes, at different intervals and directions, making use of the original 187-letter code only

    41. When I first saw her I thought the light in the room was casting colour onto her but it was her skin itself that was a kind of yellow colour like she had jaundice

    42. The British empire would thus afford, within itself, an immense internal market for every part of the produce of all its different provinces

    43. We went over the top climbing the ladders which was a herculean task in itself weighed down like we were with equipment

    44. Mind you nothing could dampen my spirit just knowing that Gorge and Tommy were alive was a tonic in itself and I knew that they would fight tooth and nail to clear my name and have me freed

    45. Diversity is a good thing in itself, in that it recognizes the differences every individual brings to the schoolroom, the workplace, and every other social setting

    46. That in itself would have been enough to wreak havoc;

    47. ” Which in itself, he noted silently, was terribly risky

    48. The true extent of Gerrid's neural disruption had not been mapped; the scanning process in itself ran the risk of damage – and generally would be used for someone on the point of death

    49. It (MR) advances the proposition that no single value (or moral) is exceptional in itself; that is to say, (conventional) moral or ethical assumptions do not properly reflect objective or universal truths, and concludes with (N) rejecting moral authority altogether

    50. In some ways, this mode of travel was an adventure in itself

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