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    in return for oraciones de ejemplo

    in return for

    1. ‘She was only about seventeen; her mother had offended a small group of Welsh nationalists … the upshot was that they kidnapped the girl and stole her away to Wales, demanding all sorts of things in return for her safety

    2. Mister Cameron is blessed with the sort of fortune that, in fables and fairy stories at least, has only ever been granted to mere mortals in return for a lien on their soul

    3. The young man and his bride jetted off to their honeymoon paradise sponsored by a company that made coconut filled chocolate bars, and in return for a few more photographs, a short video and some encouraging words, they were given a wonderful time on golden beaches lapped by azure seas

    4. Peter goes on to explain that in return for me promising to honour and obey, Simon is promising to love and cherish me … more than a fair exchange, I reckon

    5. granted to mere mortals in return for a lien on their soul

    6. and to be just; and, in return for so important a service, they stipulate the paltry reward of four

    7. happy to donate a chapter in return for the publicity they will get

    8. That portion of his revenue which a rich man annually spends, is, in most cases, consumed by idle guests and menial servants, who leave nothing behind them in return for their consumption

    9. He is at all times, therefore, surrounded with a multitude of retainers and dependants, who, having no equivalent to give in return for their maintenance, but being fed entirely by his bounty, must obey him, for the same reason that soldiers must obey the prince who pays them

    10. It carries out that surplus part of the produce of their land and labour for which there is no demand among them, and brings back in return for it something else for which there is a demand

    11. Those goods, too, would not be all matters of mere luxury and expense, to be consumed by idle people, who produce nothing in return for their consumption

    12. Some privileges which had been granted them, not by treaty, but by the free grace of that crown, at the solicitation, indeed, it is probable, and in return for much greater favours, defence and protection from the crown of Great Britain, had been either infringed or revoked

    13. As they are the universal instruments of commerce, they are more readily received in return for all commodities than any other goods ; and, on account of their small bulk and great value, it costs less to transport them backward and forward from one place to another than almost any other sort of merchandize, and they lose less of their value by being so transported

    14. who gave away his cat in return for great wealth

    15. In return for the capital which they advanced, they obtained, indeed, an annuity of the public funds, in most cases, of more than equal value

    16. The Americans, it has been said, indeed, have no gold or silver money, the interior commerce of the country being carried on by a paper currency; and the gold and silver, which occasionally come among them, being all sent to Great Britain, in return for the commodities which they receive from us

    17. “They gave us all of this in return for making the Phoenix Project glamorous

    18. That was only one of a string of alleged corrupt practices, including handing out jobs and contracts in return for campaign contributions

    19. Now under the new regime they were forced to live within these strict parameters, and people accepted the loss of certain freedoms in return for an easy life

    20. Do you remember? She covered me when I was on the run after that cheque incident, in return for a large financial investment in her person

    21. Dunhill,” noted Sheriff Forgo, “But they could just as well file them in return for roughing up the boy

    22. It was not long in coming, “In return for this small favor to me, you will have my

    23. The Nationalists got their inflated pensions in return for they knew well how to take care of number one

    24. Many Poles were police informers, who had betrayed Jews to the Germans in return for a bottle of vodka or a sausage, and then took their property

    25. in return for my helping to save his cannery business

    26. In return for the Wyvern's generosity, he vowed to protect us when he assumed the role of Baron

    27. The banknotes he received in return for his dollars were of simple design and plainly printed, and Colling was told by the cashier that the bills had been provided courtesy of the Russians

    28. Cops would turn a blind eye to some illegal activities in return for a jug of beer or the odd carton which came their way

    29. Ask more in return for his little help

    30. Russia provided grain, oil and minerals in return for promises of favorable territorial concessions

    31. The Greenville Treaty, signed a year after the Battle of Fallen Timbers, provided $20,000 for Indian losses in return for turning over large parts of Ohio, and what would later become Chicago and Detroit

    32. Stephen Austin’s father received what was known as an “impresario grant” in return for supporting the Mexican

    33. Kang Son told me that he and the other Koryo captains had agreed to transport and feed all the soldiers in return for a monopoly on all trade between the Khanate of the Blue Sky and the two southern Khanates

    34. As we left just after noon, Ignace and Goa stood by the door to see us off, but only offered a “good-bye” in return for our best wishes for them and their children

    35. money, in return for which she was obliged to give him, and him only, her sexual

    36. The writer points out that He has nothing to offer to God in return for this

    37. “A promise of power to the Morel family in return for an empire

    38. 8 Then Adam wept before the Lord, and said, "O Lord because I transgressed a little, You have sorely plagued me in return for it, I ask You to deliver me out of his hands; or else have pity on me, and take my soul out of my body now in this strange land

    39. “I can’t give you all the misery that comes along with it in return for all the love you have showered on me” I told him, imploring him to understand

    40. And, what we demand in return for your son is a sum of eight lakh rupees

    41. before the Court, in return for which Roosevelt would clear pro-

    42. It gave its first presidential endorsement only in 1976, to Jimmy Carter, in return for his creating the federal Department of Education, a longstanding union goal

    43. 8 Then Adam wept before the Lord and said "O Lord because I transgressed a little You have sorely plagued me in return for it I ask You to deliver me out of his hands; or else have pity on me and take my soul out of my body now in this strange land

    44. Present here is an implied contract that in return for safety, the Jews will support the central state against all popular forces that may arise

    45. “May I propose an accord? My companions and I among the magic researchers of Xervia will undertake the reshaping and smoothing of the inner surface of the crater, as I suggested earlier, in return for your permission for us to use this as a place of study, at all times when it will not inconvenience you for us to do so, in perpetuity

    46. In return for that, I asked that I wouldn’t have to hurt Talia to fulfill the curse, that I could just pretend to rape her

    47. 57 On July 10, 2003, the Cornell Chronicle reported, in part, A program at Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management that builds commitment to community service among MBA students has a new name and the support of a new foundation…The Park Leadership Fellows Program…supports 60 exemplary MBA students yearly at the Johnson School, in return for their involvement in significant service projects that are of lasting value to the community and their participation in leading training

    48. At that point we appeal to everyone who has any power in Venak but who did not participate in crimes to give up the guilty, in return for our backing them as they assume the positions of the guilty who were in power, and join The Just Alliance

    49. “I thought He was your commander, and in return for your obedience He shared some of His power with you

    50. I'll send a couple of my bots over in return for

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