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    in tandem oraciones de ejemplo

    in tandem

    1. Brynjolf wondered to himself what could possibly have happened, to have such unexplained disappearances in tandem

    2. Two wheeled out the bed with the lady in it, the other pushed the life support stand in tandem with the bed

    3. The other one was north of the river and looked as though it had been hastily thrown up to stop our advance in tandem with the other one

    4. These recent discoveries on aging in tandem with the

    5. In tandem, the girls both said, “She wants RED hair! She wants RED hair!” and it was done

    6. far again as you’ve already travelled, but this time in tandem

    7. ) Taste always works in tandem with the sense of smell for a

    8. It would appear that the two could run in tandem without either one really interfering with the other - as a matter of fact, Film Production activities gave good cover while investigating

    9. But one fate-filled day, while both were riding a motorcycle in tandem, a truck hit them square, and both were killed simultaneously

    10. But in tandem with the credit card debt of this country it has put us in a bind that will take many years to get out of

    11. Working suspended, in tandem, they transfused Zeke where he was

    12. In fact, when used in tandem with

    13. ” In a short while both cars were clear of the road and parked in tandem on the footpath

    14. Even that didn’t limit games since each station could play in tandem with any other station

    15. Once they were in tandem, he created a holographic parachute which erupted right from the clothes on her back

    16. The sound becomes overwhelming as the alien vehicles pass in tandem with the power of a flying freight train

    17. The modern house probably has 50,000 MIPS available, if you connected all the chips in tandem

    18. Once the gate is functional, I intend to send a Losira agent there to install a Losira computer system and tie it in tandem to the Yonada computer system, well, what’s left of it after it was stripped, and then have her download a copy of herself into that system

    19. Later that evening, back at the same restaurant, I started to run over the events at the other embassies we had reluctantly dragged ourselves to in the hope that someone, somewhere would wave a magic wand and whisk us across their country in tandem-condition comfort thus solving the Rubics Cube of Iran

    20. “Perhaps, but I already created the character profile while in tandem with the

    21. Technology in tandem with being able to remain lucid while dreaming

    22. holodecks that are connected in tandem

    23. As though infatuation itself was enamored to feel the pulse of their love in tandem, it induced Raja Rao into reverie to review his feelings

    24. ‘The irony of it all is that, in spite of censure by the moralists, life tends to evolve in tandem with the ever changing human condition

    25. The elements attacking her, working in tandem with the eagle

    26. Working in tandem, both men found the items they were looking for, and offered them to Kathy to take

    27. “Charlotte is a defense lawyer and works in tandem with the state, as well as having her own flourishing law practice

    28. Position the patient in tandem stance with one foot forward in front of the other and a table nearby for support

    29. Stand in tandem stance

    30. “Reportedly, this Nevermore truly is a miracle drug, as it also prevents Parkinson’s disease, works in tandem with heart medications to stop arrhythmias, and has a host of other beneficial side effects

    31. As if in tandem, the unopened credit card application further dampened his mood

    32. reactor is sometimes used in tandem with a pH controller

    33. Vince moved his arms to the left and right and Cliff moved in the air in tandem with Vince's arms

    34. site, and the other three worked smoothly in tandem

    35. was not in tandem with the beauty of the time in present but was messed up with a time that was

    36. Allow me to explain how the four levels (steps) work in tandem by telling you a story

    37. When Kurt turned toward the sound of the laughter he saw only an oil portrait of Victor, unique in that the eyes were actually moving in tandem with Kurt’s movements

    38. Kurt and Brian, in tandem, jogged to their cars

    39. ‘Let him go his way and I, mine,’ I thought, but after a short time, perhaps a couple of blocks, I began to match my pace to his, conscious of keeping him in my sights, slotting in behind him, the two of us, unknown to him, moving down the boulevard in tandem, he on the right of it and I on the left

    40. Her black hair moved in tandem with her shadow

    41. There was a pause, hot and lonely in the middle of nowhere, and then the two guys answered by brushing aside their coats, in tandem, casually, right-handed, both thereby showing black semi-automatic pistols, in pancake holsters, mounted on their belts

    42. The Elliotts nodded in tandem but said nothing, watching

    43. We are about to leave when I see my parents, holding hands as always, stepping up to the mike in tandem

    44. The two of us fired questions at her in tandem

    45. Likewise, with my new list, executing these precepts in tandem—and then systematizing and amplifying the whole thing with regular mindfulness practice—elevated them from platitudes to powerful tools

    46. The yields move in tandem most of the time, but the real opportunities come when they move in opposite directions—that is, when the spread expands, it is time to buy; when it compresses, to sell

    47. Thus, a positive BOP moving down in tandem with an eroding price could not be interpreted bearishly

    48. This risk can be reduced or even eliminated by diversification-owning enough securities that do not move in tandem with one another

    49. One must share my opinion that oil will move higher to consider DBE, and that for the most part, all five energy commodities will move in tandem over time

    50. We’ll focus on option spreads and combinations because they allow us to use options in tandem with an existing position in the underlying stock, resulting in a superior position that might provide protection or generate income in the form of option premium collected, or in tandem with other options to generate premium while limiting risk or using the math of option trading such as differential erosion of option values to our advantage or to make money if there’s a big move in the underlying stock regardless of the direction of that move

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