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    Usar "in the nick of time" en una oración

    in the nick of time oraciones de ejemplo

    in the nick of time

    1. in the nick of time to avoid any more of a scandal than was

    2. The bartender looks totally dismayed, but Maggie appears in the nick of time to give him a hand

    3. when it pulled out of town, just in the nick of time

    4. He was grateful for the warnings given by those who preceded him and they made it through in the nick of time

    5. But Manda had grabbed her in the nick of time, pulling her back with a strength she didn’t even know she had

    6. The concoction was brewed just in the nick of time

    7. be rescued in the nick of time

    8. Calvin darted aside in the nick of time

    9. Bill was ready to pack it in and turn his back on Michael Toney--Madame CD‘s note came in the nick of time

    10. ‘Stop it! This is not some thriller movie where you go out on a limb and get rescued in the nick of time

    11. James dived desperately, just catching the bottle in the nick of time before it would have shattered on the concrete floor!

    12. That was just in the nick of time

    13. Their only hope was to hold out in the farmhouse for as long as possible and prey the cavalry arrived in the nick of time

    14. patrol car in the nick of time

    15. Luckily, I ducked in the nick of time

    16. the room in the nick of time

    17. Thankfully I worked in the nick of time

    18. Just in the nick of time too, he decided, because it would have shocked her

    19. CLOSE button in the nick of time

    20. I pulled him out of the water in the nick of time

    21. ‘You swung your foot at the bucket, boy, and Bob here pulled it out of the way in the nick of time

    22. The police arrived in the nick of time and had to shoot the man called Nikolai; he had a gun to James’s head and was about to pull the trigger

    23. The man was shot by the armed response team just in the nick of time

    24. He had found out later that the breeze he had felt was the babysitter running into the house to call ‘911’ and they had arrived just in the nick of time to catch her in the act of trying to murder him

    25. In the nick of time,

    26. Our friend bludgeoned him with a candelabrum in the nick of time and saved our lives

    27. We reached there in the nick of time

    28. not mistaken, a man raises his hand in the nick of time, preventing his

    29. Alvin caught little Clarence in the nick of time and quickly ran

    30. Daddy had come for her, and chased her down the road, and Mother had run him down just in the nick of time

    31. “It seems I got here just in the nick of time

    32. In the nick of time

    33. We barely made it to the hospital before she gave birth to our son! In fact I was afraid she was going to give birth on the railroad crossing, but fortunately it was a short train and so we were able to get the hospital just in the nick of time!!” In the background Joel heard the popping of champagne bottles and lots of cheers - as the rest of the Garland Roses celebrated with Janice and Keith on the safe arrival of the newest member of the Garland family

    34. Sometimes in the nick of time,

    35. deliverance arriving in the nick of time

    36. And sure enough, as he stood staring at the curl and she stood staring at his reflection, he had one; another one; in the nick of time

    37. “No, Claire! If he and his friend hadn’t stopped us, we could’ve made it out in the nick of time, before the herd came around to the front of the house

    38. He was a pal who had in the nick of time saved my reputation

    39. “Oh Peter, this money has come just in the nick of time” answered Liz tearfully

    40. 3] bien a punto, in the nick of time

    41. Spike and the dogs found you in the nick of time

    42. Konky opened his mouth to ask for extra cream before realizing, just in the nick of time, how inappropriate such a request would be considering the topic of their conversation

    43. You and Darren showed up just in the nick of time

    44. But confound them all now! They won't notice me, and I need a little fresh air, for you've come just in the nick of time--another two minutes and I should have come to blows! They are talking such a lot of wild stuff

    45. What you ask of my days those the strangest and sudden your talking recalls, Soldier alert I arrive after a long march cover'd with sweat and dust, In the nick of time I come, plunge in the fight, loudly shout in the rush of successful charge,

    46. "My dear fellow," said Debray, "you have come in the nick of time

    47. Just in the nick of time Mr Bloom touched his companion's boot but Stephen, apparently disregarding the warm pressure from an unexpected quarter, answered:

    48. Casaubon was looking absently before him; but the lady was quick-eyed, and threw a nod and a "How do you do?" in the nick of time

    49. They’ll make us believe that the team of experts solved the problem in the nick of time

    50. I can see now I called him in the nick of time

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