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    ind oraciones de ejemplo


    1. What these guys ind is that they’re now seeing spurts or waves of growth

    2. You ind out he had a violent relationship with a former girlfriend

    3. Now, one year later, we ind that the rates of abuse perpetration actually increased among youth who didn’t participate, whereas perpetration did not increase among the male athletes whose coaches delivered the program

    4. I would tell Elisha that I was concerned about her and help her ind information about abusive relationships

    5. IND covering all transactions in the accounts covered by paragraph (b)

    6. intere stin g stuff takes place beh ind th e scene – you ’ve h eard of auto

    7. "I suppose Epsilons don't re a lly m ind be ing Epsilons," she sa id a loud

    8. We 'd m ind, of course

    9. But his m ind wa s elsewhere–with dea th, with his grief, a nd his rem orse; m echa nica ly, without consciousne ss of wha t he wa s doing, he be ga n to shoulde r his wa y through the crowd

    10. No stra in on the m ind or the m uscle s

    11. 5 B-25 flies over: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Russell Allen Phillips, television interview, CBS, La Porte, Ind

    12. ; Russell Allen Phillips, television interview, CBS, La Porte, Ind

    13. 16 Told that they were in Marshalls: Russell Allen Phillips, television interview, CBS, La Porte, Ind

    14. Ladies, beautiful is sacrifice than all the gold and gems of the Ind

    15. Common Stock Indexes by Alfred Cowles 3d and associates, Bloomington, Ind

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