Usar "influenced" en una oración
influenced oraciones de ejemplo
1. You are being influenced, and that negativity can drain your energy
2. ” Growing up in Puerto Rico/Miami, Lopez was heavily influenced by the fact that his mother grew her own fruits and vegetables and always used animal manure as fertilizer This organically based philosophy toward gardening techniques laid the foundation of Lopez beliefs and in 1972 he founded Astra’s Garden, based on something of a religion that subscribes to living in harmony with the environment: not polluting; treating all living plant life with respect; and, basically just listening to what the earth is telling us
3. This nation, however, is not merely influenced by Satan
4. influencing and influenced by this world of wonder
5. Hew Len suggests that our minds can only be influenced by two things: memories or
6. expressions and on their star-crossed gaze, and influenced by the
7. But what was she striving for? He didn’t know enough yet and maybe more important, he didn’t understand how that influenced the differences between Ava and Tdeshi
8. He also had to admit that the girl’s beauty had definitely influenced his judgement
9. It is cal ed ‘the beating heat of the Amazon’ with its rainforests and jungles, and is influenced by many cultures
10. Haiti is strongly influenced by Voodoo and the witchdoctors control people with fear and false spiritual power
11. Lang's Making of Religion was heavily influenced by the 18th century idea of the "noble savage": in it, he maintained the existence of high spiritual ideas among so-called "savage" races, drawing parallels with the contemporary interest in occult phenomena in England
12. Such slight observations, however, upon the prices either of corn or of other commodities, would not probably have misled so many intelligent authors, had they not been influenced at the same time by the popular notion, that as the quantity of silver naturally increases in every country with the increase of wealth, so its value diminishes as its quantity increases
13. It, too, seemed heavily influenced by
14. In fact, you are influenced by the message in ways the deliverer never intended
15. One has to experience a situation of great vulnerability in his life to realize that the daily reality is largely influenced by energy
16. may be subjective and influenced by the fact
17. I think that such phenomena have influenced the
18. said that Byzantine Empire was influenced by the
19. The ordinary state of debt and credit between any two places is not always entirely regulated by the ordinary course of their dealings with one another, but is often influenced by that of the dealings of either with many other places
20. by bills upon Holland, the ordinary state of debt and credit between England and Holland will not be regulated entirely by the ordinary course of the dealings of those two countries with one another, but will be influenced by that of the dealings in England with those other places
21. To dream that someone is getting vaccinated indicates that you are being influenced by the beliefs and wishes of others
22. The colony assemblies, though, like the house of commons in England, they are not always a very equal representation of the people, yet they approach more nearly to that character ; and as the executive power either has not the means to corrupt them, or, on account of the support which it receives from the mother country, is not under the necessity of doing so, they are, perhaps, in general more influenced by the inclinations of their constituents
23. The values of concrete strength are greatly influenced by the features of tester machines, conditions of test, and form of specimens
24. destruction first hand, he influenced the
25. background as he influenced Victor’s
26. It is, however, a project altogether unfit for a nation of shopkeepers, but extremely fit for a nation whose government is influenced by shopkeepers
27. He knew her staunchness on this was influenced by her native American heritage; the importance of preserving the natural environment was the core of the Cree belief system
28. The teachers of each little sect, finding themselves almost alone, would be obliged to respect those of almost every other sect; and the concessions which they would mutually find in both convenient and agreeable to make one to another, might in time, probably reduce the doctrine of the greater part of them to that pure and rational religion, free from every mixture of absurdity, imposture, or fanaticism, such as wise men have, in all ages of the world, wished to see established ; but such as positive law has, perhaps, never yet established, and probably never will establish in any country ; because, with regard to religion, positive law always has been, and probably always will be, more or less influenced by popular superstition and enthusiasm
29. Our views, influenced by various social philosophies, doctrines and beliefs over millennia and even by the media, may need to be measured against the information about these subjects contained within the Bible
30. It also causes seasonal weather patterns that are influenced by the sun’s warming of the Earth and the Earth’s rotation on its axis, in relation to the sun
31. and one that actually influenced the duration of the Civil War
32. be influenced in any direction by the translation of epi
33. At this time, the city of Honolulu was a modern city with laws similar to those of England and the United States and a culture that was influenced
34. But whether he would allow himself to be influenced by the undertow of Shelagh's alarm, concern, panic or jealousy, was something he would have to make an instant decision on, now
35. ‘I really do believe you have become influenced by the vagaries of human sentiment
36. There is a suspicion that he influenced their decision
37. greatly influenced all others to lay down their arms
38. Lincoln’s vision of forgiveness also influenced the lives of three significant leaders who had joined with the Confederates during
39. Next we’ll look briefly at three books that influenced me
40. Muhammad Ali often spoke of how he was influenced by Jack
41. Regarding Mr Roosevelt there is much evidence that he woke up to the nature of the beast in the end and even more suspicion of a communist spy inside his personal advisors who may have influenced him in the beginning
42. I thought that it was a great idea, she would have influenced me for sure
43. Cursed the old lady liberal in three languages as only a real policeman can! We greatly respected his efforts and could see the Dog Unit influenced him properly through the years
44. It remains a mystery to me how the mind is oftentimes influenced by initial impressions
45. Arrogance, the off-spring of Low Esteem, is (fortunately) balanced, however, by the professional demeanor of other (exceptional) athletes with little or nothing to prove, whose quiet tenor, and business like attitude, free of pretentious designs and excessive self-regard; that is to say, individuals who are comfortable with themselves and in themselves, who feel that they have nothing to prove and are (generally) less likely to be influenced by money and glamour; speaks volumes about the fundamental character of an emotional secure individual
46. Nevertheless, race unquestionably influenced their decision although I believe there was something more to it than that; a feeling, perhaps, that workingmen and woman were somehow being marginalized; that is to say, their religious, moral and social values were being discredited
47. These differences must necessarily circumscribe or limit, whether influenced by natural designs, circumstance or purposeful intent, the decisions that (we) make or don‘t make, or are unable to make, for that matter; for example, a below-average student seeking enrollment at an Ivy League College or a modest wage earner looking to buy a home in a pricey neighborhood
48. Many of us, however, are oftentimes influenced by (uncertain) material standards that (otherwise) inform our judgment
49. The Stock Market reacts irrationally at times although ―irrational‖ (investor) behavior, influenced by (seemingly) plausible signs, (oftentimes) represent illogical adjustments or illogical responses operating under illogical assumptions whose illogical designs are seemingly logical
50. A society intoxicated by the dynamics of words rather than influenced by their factual substance (and meaning) is easily governed!