Usar "insane asylum" en una oración
insane asylum oraciones de ejemplo
insane asylum
1. insane asylum where people never come back in any sense of the phrase
2. “William, is it true that you have come to us from another time or have you escaped from an insane asylum?”
3. closed what they called “insane Asylums,” leaving out on the streets
4. F flat insane asylum
5. Diggs spent the last ten years of his life in an insane asylum
6. "I want out of this insane asylum!"
7. fits - and his insane asylum clan, I have found a thread extant with the
8. be locked away in an insane asylum
9. DuMond house turned into an insane asylum
10. Their father was a crazy man, locked up in an insane asylum
11. The constable looked at me as if he thought I really should be in an insane asylum
12. All of the earliest, most sacred Greek plays are filled with nothing but pure torture, suffering and human corruption so horrible; that if any modern human committed such filthy crimes the characters in these Greek plays were supposed to have committed; they would be placed into insane asylums or be executed as insane psychopaths, and be regarded as worse than all the modern Ted Bundys of the World, and all the serial rapists, and all the murderers put together
13. And let’s not forget the Bedlams, the Madhouses, the insane asylums of England in Dickens’s time… These places of torture and dehumanization were overflowing with poor deranged crazed brutalized humans
14. This is the insane asylum where I was raised
15. ” His company sends him to an insane asylum
16. Carroll had the impression of madness, a bedlam: what this place reminded him of, give or take some modern ac-couterments, was a print he’d once seen of a Massachusetts insane asylum in the late 1800s
17. Petersburg that, since the young man is, no doubt, out of his mind, no severe measures are to be used against him, but he is to be sent to an insane asylum, where his mental health is to be investigated and he is to be cured
18. He is sent there in the hope that he will stay there, just as happened ten years before with another young man, who in Tver refused to do military service and who was tortured in an insane asylum until he gave in
19. Some of these men are sent to insane asylums, others are enlisted as scribes and are transferred to service in Siberia, others are made to serve in the forestry department, others are locked up in prisons, and others are fined