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    insisted oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Left to himself, he probably would have come barefoot, and insisted you do the same

    2. “Would you hurry up!” Ackers insisted through the ear piece

    3. In counseling the close relatives and friends; one is usually spontaneous in giving as well as accepting the advice and to some extent can be insisted upon

    4. The one contractual proviso I insisted on was that we never did

    5. Once things were sorted, Stephen insisted that I moved in with him

    6. "Actually, it was me who insisted on calling this in to Europol and to you in particular

    7. She insisted that she wanted to see you … I tried to talk her out of it, but …’

    8. Ditton was terribly worried about Liz – said that he really needed her to go down to the station with him but that if she wasn’t up to it, he would understand, but she insisted that she was fit

    9. Emma and Liz insisted on clearing away all the dishes before they left so there is nothing to be done in here bar a small amount of tidying up

    10. Burn insisted on charging the capacitors in flight

    11. Seth didn't protest, he just insisted, to me anyway, that my whole life solely depended on Julia's well-being

    12. The connoisseurs insisted they could taste the difference in the meat so there was a steep price trade-off for genetically modified karga, but still left a huge advantage for the karga

    13. On hearing this, Iain had insisted that Kara stay inside

    14. hardly improved and she had insisted to get back to her

    15. Despite the fact Kara knew he was anxious to return to his new wife in Banswell, Berndt insisted on staying at Abery, dogging her every footstep as she battled to come to terms with the fact of JJ’s presence in the house

    16. One of the tasks on her to-do list while in London was to visit the warehouse where the things had been stored and decide if there was anything she wanted to keep for herself – something Berndt insisted she do

    17. ’ Kara replied with a smile, casting a glance at the heap of her belongings … her bulging bag and the basket carrying flowers and produce that Issa had insisted she take with her

    18. That was the one building I insisted that we leave the electricity on

    19. However, Fred had insisted on still having the

    20. I stand in my cabin … something comfortable he said … I suppose my pyjamas qualify … and no-one could accuse me of trying to be seductive in those … they must be the most impressive passion-killers I have ever seen! Maybe that is what Gilla had in mind when she insisted they were what I needed

    21. She had also insisted on a screen divider for the two teachers

    22. ’ He said insisted gently

    23. Two young men came to investigate and even through my apologies they insisted I join their little group for a drink to celebrate the finishing touches to their new sandwich and wine bar

    24. He explained that he was keeping a record of everything that was taking place; he insisted on accuracy in everything

    25. The dragons are powerful, but come on, not even they could… there is just no way this could be happening; no way at all,” she insisted

    26. Lady Beth started to knit a baby sweater, and the rest of the women insisted she teach them how

    27. Collin insisted the White and Jake flame Lady Maya to the next world

    28. The shepherds insisted I share their raki making me a little unsteady but glad to be with this whole gang of howling musicians

    29. She insisted that she would be fine

    30. Jake insisted that she be brought here to be properly instructed in the care of her egg

    31. She won’t tell me what it’s about, just insisted that we go to Dragons Hill

    32. Kate insisted that you see him first

    33. Ever since then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables for banquets and special occasions through old Ted’s niece, and all the while the unsuspecting Ted had been convinced that his niece was strangely obsessed by fresh fruit and vegetables

    34. They insisted he come alone as they had a matter of extreme importance to discuss with him

    35. We should always win,' Ish insisted

    36. He was also offered a promotion to the position of Head of Light Entertainment with the BBC, which would have been fabulous had someone on the board of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract forcing him to keep a whole twenty percent of the schedule for factual content

    37. She hasn’t been dependent on me financially for some years – she earns more than I do anyway – and when she pulled the plug on our marriage she insisted on being financially independent, seeing it as some sort of compensation for me if I didn’t have to maintain her

    38. He knew that she insisted he be very careful to make sure nothing could get from his condensate read-out chambers to any of the buses in her systems without going thru the filters she put on

    39. You know I had that bad dose of ‘flu recently? Well, it was stupid of me, but one day when I was running a pretty high temperature, I stubbornly insisted on climbing on the porch roof to fix a slate which had come out of position

    40. Both she and her step-father insisted on turning up the volume on the radio whenever the song was playing, and even shared Lucy’s MP3 player so that they could keep listening when all other services fell silent

    41. these, but the publisher insisted we keep a few copies 'Ok, so it has happened

    42. But he insisted a detail should accompany her and carry any provisions she needed

    43. After dinner, the kids went off to do their own thing and Gary insisted on helping with the washing up, saying that he was fully domesticated and proceeding to demonstrate that very effectively

    44. fainted away at the end of that dreadful day, she insisted that Karen

    45. “And she insisted you be by her side while on board the Sword?” Alexei nodded, “…hmm, she sees you as her protector?”

    46. Myra insisted that she needed to return to her people and bring about an end to this senseless war

    47. distinguished medical researcher at Yale, insisted that

    48. friend insisted that Lovell should put a pair of magnets

    49. Dane Tevid insisted that the finest room at the Inn be given to Tarak and Lady Rayne that night

    50. Tyu had insisted on helping him accomplish this after he shared his plan with her

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