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    Usar "insufficiently" en una oración

    insufficiently oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The committee also paid informants to spy on those who were antiwar, neutral, or even insufficiently pro war

    2. I wondered what dire threat hung over anyone insufficiently honoring a bearer of a gerege

    3. This concept is quite difficult to grasp and insufficiently covered here, but will be

    4. ” To Candace he said, “You seem to have forgotten that I was against having your aide come to the Station from the beginning, due to his insufficiently high security rating

    5. The present author is insufficiently prepared for an adequate discussion of the next stage in this topic –

    6. He was unfortunately still too young and insufficiently trained to use his mental powers to fly on anything but very short distances without growing excessively tired and had to keep swimming old fashioned style

    7. And it is, just like the brain, insufficiently explored

    8. Ingeborg felt suddenly that she herself was a thing of fal-lals--a showy thing, bedizened with a white collar and a hat she had till then considered neat, but that she now knew for a monstrous piece of frippery crushed on to insufficiently pinned-up hair

    9. other financial institutions) from or in countries that do not or insufficiently apply

    10. included in FATF Statements and countries that do not or insufficiently apply the

    11. However, if this NUU-VVU-Configuration is insufficiently developed and its creativity in low-frequency ranges of the two lower Centers is quite active and constant, then any of UU-VVU-copies that have identical frequency parameters can freely rezonationally connect with identical (in frequency) factor Axes of such “personality” and be perceived as natural manifestations of its own psychosomatics

    12. insufficiently armed, and being believed by him to have,

    13. ward» tells that these feelings are insufficiently deep

    14. `Loathsome hypocrites' may seem a hard saying, but it was a matter of common knowledge that the majority of the children attending the local elementary schools were insufficiently fed

    15. As we spoke, I felt just as I had when I’d met Greg: giddy to be with them, though being with them only underscored how insufficiently I’d prepared for my hike

    16. insufficiently grateful for her love

    17. ” Realising, after a moment, that this answer was insufficiently informative, he added: “By

    18. He thought the season insufficiently advanced

    19. The teacher, who looms in my memory like an airy-fairy praying mantis, pronounced my pants to be insufficiently flexible for the exercises we’d be doing

    20. They didn’t want to express a personal preference, as if doing so was insufficiently Buddhist

    21. The application of well-established standards of selection to the facts in this case would have led to the rejection of the issue as insufficiently protected

    22. ‘Or those insufficiently educated for their purpose

    23. ’ And really, during the awkward silence that ensued, that insufficiently patriotic person entered whom Anna Pavlovna had been waiting for and wished to convert, and she, smiling and shaking a finger at Hippolyte, invited Prince Vasili to the table and bringing him two candles and the manuscript begged him to begin

    24. Inflation expectations were insufficiently adaptive: investors should have looked more at the most recent year’s inflation than the past decade’s inflation when setting expectations:• It seems harsh and hindsighted to call this irrational, given that the inflation process was changing dramatically

    25. This reflation policy may have worked too well to bolster financial markets but insufficiently to support job markets—the collateral damage to public-sector finances has been substantial

    26. Many retail investor portfolios are insufficiently diversified, perhaps consisting of only a few stocks and having plenty of diversifiable, unrewarded risk

    27. [122] While offering as examples of art those that seem to me the best, I attach no special importance to my selection; for, besides being insufficiently informed in all branches of art, I belong to the class of people whose taste has, by false training, been perverted

    28. And we live as though there were no connection between the dying laundress, the prostitute of fourteen years, the toilsome manufacture of cigarettes by women, the strained, intolerable, insufficiently fed toil of old women and children around us; we live as though there were no connection between this and our own lives

    29. ” And really, during the awkward silence that ensued, that insufficiently patriotic person entered whom Anna Pávlovna had been waiting for and wished to convert, and she, smiling and shaking a finger at Hippolyte, invited Prince Vasíli to the table and bringing him two candles and the manuscript begged him to begin

    30. The room, however, will be insufficiently warmed or set in order; the soup which alone you feel you could eat will not have been cooked; nor will any medicine have been sent for

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