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    intimate friend oraciones de ejemplo

    intimate friend

    1. The magistrate suddenly thought of an intimate friend who had been dead for some time, and he said to her, "I had a friend of such and such rank in Seoul; can you call his spirit back to me?"

    2. She told secrets that they had confided to each other as intimate friends, and many matters most definitely that only they two knew

    3. After all, they had been friends – intimate friends – for many years

    4. We had found each other in difficult times and an intimate friendship had grown between us

    5. I don’t believe Sir Richard had many intimate friends

    6. She had intimate friendships with no one

    7. can’t believe that your intimate friends are part of your life

    8. Although Susan had not shared an intimate friendship with any woman, even at collage, Julie had been the closest to her among the band’s followers

    9. “Yes, Martha and Peter were intimate friends

    10. I disclosed them one by one; since both were my closed intimate friends

    11. Against that was the fact that Tina Forster was an intimate friend and a person he respected and admired enormously

    12. That word 'comforter' is one who is called near, to be an intimate friend with you; so God's answer to our dilemma in life, is to bring and impart to us His own spirit, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God - not some force

    13. That there could be many facets of life which defy its normality of character I had only realized from that Satish-Sarala episode; how strange that men and women should visualize a comfort zone for the fulfillment of their sexual fantasies with total strangers rather than with their intimate friends, and that’s one of the many imponderables of life

    14. Achyut (infallible), or while we were together alone or with others, out of my feeling that you are my intimate friend and because of carelessness arising from my ignorance of your true magnificence

    15. gards him as an intimate friend

    16. The virtue will be his intimate friend, the perfection his confederate companion, the piety his provision, and doing the good for creatures absorbing his enterests and wishes

    17. The one of you should then be careful when choosing his intimate friend"

    18. God’s messenger (cpth) says: “Man adopts the faith of his close friend; therefore, each one of you should be careful when choosing his intimate friends

    19. The kiss ended as quickly as it began, the kind of kiss you give an intimate friend or an old lover you no longer sleep with but still adore

    20. Not perhaps unto seventy times seven--" here part of the wreckage of a clergyman called Hyslup, who for a short time was an intimate friend (chronologically he came somewhere between Lanks and Dwight, though she never could remember exactly where, and represented her sole excursion into the preserves of clerics), floated to the surface of her mind--"because he hadn't worked through as many as seventy-seven typists then, but I forgave him at least six of them

    21. Intimate friends in the first five minutes," said Conderley, remembering many things

    22. "He and I are intimate friends

    23. It appears that, unknown even to many of his most intimate friends, he has been suffering from a complication of diseases, the result of his high life, and they have at last affected his brain, as they were bound to do in time

    24. society not only agreeable, but sought after, and, when you have formed intimate friendships with clean,

    25. He was an intimate friend of

    26. I found most of my intimate friends and did not lack companionship

    27. I could not answer that one and we settled into an intimate friendship with sexual desire and sexual undertones but no sex

    28. Because of my looks, I never had an intimate friend and it was my mother I turned to for comfort and support

    29. She just called up some of her intimate friends and asked them how they could possibly have left her in the dark about this affair and heard the usual excuses of not wanting to upset her

    30. be more of a casual acquaintance instead of an intimate friend or

    31. All my intimate friends abhor me, and those whom I loved

    32. The evildoers will have no intimate friend, and no intercessor to be obeyed

    33. I know not indeed, precisely, how the affair came to pass; all I know is that the whole city is wondering at the occurrence, for no one could have expected a thing of the kind, seeing the great and intimate friendship that existed between them, so great, they say, that they were called 'The Two Friends

    34. Those are letters written by your father to an intimate friend in whose papers they were found

    35. "Somewhat; I know Lavoisier, and was the intimate friend of Cabanis

    36. "You know," said the abbe, "that I was the secretary and intimate friend of Cardinal Spada, the last of the princes of that name

    37. "Dantes? Did I know poor dear Edmond? Why, Edmond Dantes and myself were intimate friends!" exclaimed Caderousse, whose countenance flushed darkly as he caught the penetrating gaze of the abbe fixed on him, while the clear, calm eye of the questioner seemed to dilate with feverish scrutiny

    38. "I assure you he is my most intimate friend, and M

    39. Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, Beauchamp—as it sometimes, we may say often, happens—was his intimate friend

    40. "He is an intimate friend of mine

    41. idea had just struck him for a riddle turning on his successful achievement, that when the affair was over he would ask his wife and most intimate friends

    42. And he was not a deceiver; it was perfectly natural for him to express elevated sentiments while his whole faculties were taken up with what seemed then a solid and practical notion—the notion that the husband of Antonia Avellanos would be, naturally, the intimate friend of the Gould Concession

    43. Before his brother, as before everyone, Vronsky addressed Anna with a certain formality, treating her as he might a very intimate friend, but it was understood that his brother knew their real relations, and they talked about Anna’s going to Vronsky’s estate

    44. ‘Of course,’ he thought, ‘she would not be received at court, but intimate friends can and must look at it in the proper light

    45. He had formerly been an intimate friend of the deceased man; but circumstances, which he would prefer not to mention, had brought about a change in his sentiments

    46. He put this down to his own credit, unaware that Metrov, who had already discussed his theory over and over again with all his intimate friends, talked of it with special eagerness to every new person, and in general was eager to talk to anyone of any subject that interested him, even if

    47. He saw people of all sorts, old and young; some he knew a little, some intimate friends

    48. footman, who bowed to him as to an intimate friend, who

    49. ‘Oh, of course, countess,’ he said; ‘but I imagine such changes are a matter so private that no one, even the most intimate friend, would care to speak of them

    50. “Tell me, Scarlett, just between friends—between very old and very intimate friends— wouldn’t it have been wiser to wait until I got out of jail? Or are the charms of wedlock with old Frank Kennedy more alluring than illicit relations with me?”

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