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    Usar "irrelevance" en una oración

    irrelevance oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The bar codes were an irrelevance, made obsolete by gene marking and biometrics, but the simple fact of their visibility made them an essential part of the control

    2. The man is in overload and it will take him a few seconds to regain control, more than enough for Alex to get close, close enough to make running or fighting-back an irrelevance

    3. Others in his experience shit themselves and beg some unseen, disinterested God for help or mercy or some such irrelevance

    4. Why a body should be there is an irrelevance

    5. After a few subjective days the illusion of a body had mostly gone; only when asleep did he have the feeling of being whole, although without the sense of heft and effort of movement of his waking memories – they were fading as if now becoming an unhelpful irrelevance

    6. The existence of anything beyond their selves was banished in its utter irrelevance

    7. It seemed a stark irrelevance that the enemy was outnumbered by three to one

    8. The total irrelevance of that question nearly killed us all with laughter

    9. If not, why should the feeling of contentment insulate man from being ambitious? After all, isn’t the sense of contentment all about the realization of materialistic insignificance? Why, it signifies the irrelevance of the self itself? On the contrary, won’t ambition exemplify man’s craving for his social relevance through every conceivable means? Given the collective irrelevance of man in the universality of being, what is the individual significance existentialism advocates?

    10. What with his ego having been hurt and boggled by his future irrelevance, Vivek vowed to stop Gautam in his tracks

    11. Even at Kongwa it was all about a lot of Henrys who seemed an irrelevance

    12. � Anything short of that would condemn this Time Patrol to irrelevance

    13. well—to a state of irrelevance in the face of rote learning and

    14. Irrelevance of content - for example the business site that

    15. But so greatly was she chagrined in her soul that she should have to talk of boots at all instead of telling him, her Robert, her after all _hind_ Robert, with delight of Italy and of her discoveries in beautiful new feelings, that when she had gulped and cleared her throat and gulped again and opened her mouth she found herself not talking of boots nor yet of Berlin, but addressing him with something of the indignant irrelevance of a suffragette who because she has been forcibly fed demands the vote

    16. Ingram held her by the hand all the way down the Cathedral, and the piazza when they came out on to it with its crowds of vociferating men and bell-ringing tramcars and sellers of souvenirs seemed to Ingeborg nothing now but a noisy irrelevance

    17. That she should be being made love to, be engaged, as Wemyss insisted, within a week of her father's death, could not, she thought, be called anything worse than possibly and at the outside an irrelevance

    18. It was a conscientious irrelevance on the part of the ticket issuer to ask me whether I smoked or not and then consign me to a non-smoking coach

    19. The only question is will there be any motivation with the lack of crime? He will need to let people know of the real scourge, but it is such an irrelevance in this area he doesn’t expect that anyone will really be affected by it

    20. Horberry, one of the most strenuous and able asserters of this doctrine in the last century, admits (and it is a remarkable admission on the part of those who allow that men in ancient times stood in no less need of solemn warnings than to-day) that 'the Old Testament has nothing so clear and express upon this subject as the New;’ intending doubtless nothing so clear as he thought he found in the New;—but the following passage is cited in proof, even by many careful writers, and is used in popular discourse to this day without apparent suspicion of irrelevance

    21. It was striking of the children, at all events, to kiss me inveterately with a kind of wild irrelevance and never to fail—one or the other—of the precious question that had helped us through many a peril

    22. Reading Tweezers requires putting them into context, and like gaps that happen too often to have any relevance, high-frequency Tweezers equal irrelevance

    23. And then, with beautiful irrelevance, the boy at the top of the blue metal slide, so high he seemed almost in a mist, far away, the boy with the somehow familiar face, called out to him, waving and waving

    24. No sooner had he said these words than Sergey Modestovich felt their irrelevance to what had happened

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