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    Usar "jaguar" en una oración

    jaguar oraciones de ejemplo


    1. As for ambitions, Ken wants to buy a pub on foreign soil when his boss retires, while Davie dreams of being able to return to his beloved Ibrox in a British Racing Green Jaguar XJ6

    2. On the River Orinoco, this country of wetlands, cloud forests and the world’s highest waterfal s (Angel Fal s) is rich with wildlife: river dolphin, anaconda, armadil o, jaguar, porcupine, red howler monkey, tapir, anteater, sloth, manatee, coastal crocodile, giant river otter, anteater, giant river otter and spectacled bear

    3. His men had taken a new Jaguar XJ and stripped the engine out to lighten it

    4. Jonathan Naybor rode in sartorial elegance on top of the horse drawn Jaguar

    5. Jaguar, with his black briefcase, going to the professor and telling

    6. She plays a jaguar, raking her six-foot scratching tree

    7. "You haven't got a Jaguar for sale?" he checked, tapping the newspaper with a long, grimy finger, looking directly at me for the first time with an earnest bovine expression that made me shudder

    8. A short while later we were sitting in the Jaguar admiring the polished wooden dashboard

    9. The only sign that a few moments ago, a gleaming Jaguar had stood in the front yard was the cloud of dust now gently settling onto the ground

    10. Suddenly I realised that the police probably knew nothing about matchstick-man, or the missing Jaguar, and that's just how I wanted it to stay because maybe then I'd be able to get the car back before Uncle Hobart found out it was missing

    11. Mia and the Jaguar

    12. Even though the old man didn"t approve of some of the things Frank was involved in – and left the Jaguar and money to me – he knew I wasn"t going to be interested in taking over for him

    13. His attention had switched to my Jaguar

    14. Maybe they had been searching for a Jaguar with Ontario license plates

    15. Reilly"s or put my Jaguar back on the road while it still had the home plates on it - better to error on the side of prudence

    16. I packed all my stuff in the trunk of the powerful Jaguar and then slowly drove away from the Maple Leaf Hotel

    17. As I started up the Jaguar again, I wondered if Cooper"s phone call had been an independent action or was Kemp pulling Cooper"s strings? Probably best to assume the later

    18. Before I entered the house, I locked the Jaguar in the garage and checked the entire area to make certain that no one was there to give me a nasty surprise

    19. After finishing my quick visual check of the area surrounding the house, I unlocked the garage door and backed out the Jaguar

    20. “Hi Papa - how are you doing? How long have you been here?” Here was sitting on the trunk of the Jaguar

    21. At the entrance to Tooley Street however, a red Jaguar rolled down the tarmac towards the venue

    22. Outside, Vic and his gang had already leapt into the Jaguar and drove off at high speed to avoid the filth, it was a close call indeed

    23. Peter said, "Now that's what I like to hear! Here's a Jaguar for you to drive

    24. A little while later, the two guys with the Lincoln and the Pinto saw the guy with the Jaguar crying on the golden sidewalk, so they went to see what was the matter

    25. “Look,” she said, keeping her eyes on the man and woman standing by a silver Jaguar across the parking lot

    26. The Rootes Group, Nuffield, Standard, Rover, Jaguar and other smaller marques were being throttled by Union demands

    27. Charles came out just as he parked his black jaguar

    28. The design had been created and developed by an independent designer, who had originally been trained by and worked under, the famous motorcar designer, Ian Callum - and as with the magnificent all-new XJ Jaguar, no expense had been spared to create the ultimate

    29. Ten minutes later, her sleek, white Jaguar XJ-S picked him up three blocks west of the Pacific Semiramis

    30. Out in the yard, clutching the keys to her white Jaguar, she stared at the car

    31. In shifter form he was a cougar, one of the most dangerous of the North American cat species and related to the jaguar: large, lethal, and beautiful even as his tawny chest sprouted crimson

    32. Knowing that there could still be danger therein I made certain to move stealthily like a jaguar strolling through a forest floor

    33. Jeff looked over his red Jaguar in disbelief

    34. Without thinking, I went into jaguar mode, leaping onto the

    35. He sold everything, even the tame jaguar that teased passersby from the courtyard of his house, and he bought an eternal ticket on a train that never stopped traveling

    36. ” he repeated he seemed to be very pleased to have learnt my name, the only word in the real language that he knew, I pointed in a circle and putting my hands at the side of my head made the sign for sleep he shook his head from side to side and again I was baffled, seeing this he went to the two corpses and made the signs for digging, ah! Hide the bodies of course, if they were discovered we would not get a quarter of the way to Tollan, he was very calm, so I left the thinking to him, my head was going around and around in a daze, I still couldn’t believe that I had survived capture, so I followed and did as he wanted, we dug a deep grave in the sandy bottom of the gully deep enough to stop any animals uncovering our secret until we were long gone on our journey, he rolled the first body in and began to push the second warrior into the hole, I was horrified and rushed to stop him, the headdresses alone, even without their weapons were worth a fortune, I was not about to bury such trophies so I jumped into the hole and stripped what I thought I could comfortably carry, I then stripped the second body, the spoils made quite a nice pile, two Quetzal feathered headdresses, two Jaguar skin cloaks, one obsidian knife and two swords tipped along the edges with obsidian and inlaid with lapis lazuli, sandals and leggings of fine deer skin, a spear, two bows with nine arrows in each finely decorated quiver, the bearded one looked at me and slowly shook his head from side to side, then went back to the task of burying the Mixteca, after putting the second warrior in the hole he continued filling in the grave, I laid one of the cloaks out and began to bundle up the treasures, I offered one of the swords to the hairy one but instead he chose a small obsidian knife and put it in the cord he wore around his waist, I completed the bundle and with no small effort hoisted it onto my back, I then helped to wipe away any signs of what had happened here, we spent the rest of the day under a heap of brush further down the gully, the hairy one went to sleep as soon as he lay down, I was far too excited to sleep, I had to know more about my bearded companion, awed by his fighting skills, but impressed more by his quiet demeanour and air of confidence, what wonderful good fortune, finding this white warrior was indeed the work of the gods, I was wondering what the people would think of my new friend when I got back to Tollan, with that thought I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep suddenly I came instantly awake, the hairy one had a hand over my mouth, voices came down the gully, I listened, then relaxed, this was not a search party, they were discussing the ball game they had just come from and were making their way home, as the enemy moved on the voices faded away, the hairy one took his hand from my mouth and I put my finger to my mouth, he understood and relaxed, it was quite late in the afternoon and we only had a short time to wait before continuing our journey to the west and home, the bundle on my back got heavier and heavier with each step and we still had two hard nights travel before we were on Toltec land

    37. As he waited, he noticed an olive-colored Jaguar slowly pass through the gates and pull into a parking space nearby

    38. jaguar that he’d managed to pick up cheap from a police auction

    39. big hole in the bottom of the nice flash Jaguar

    40. shiny Jaguar and engaged the tunnel entrance

    41. walking and was standing at the gate to a driveway that housed a Jaguar E-type

    42. Who else could afford to drive a Jaguar? Surely not his under-

    43. ‘’Well…until I learned that my jaguar XK-120, which was being shipped from California to Germany, was stolen while stored at a railway station, awaiting loading on a rail car

    44. Hish is the jaguar, who roams the earth and sees everything under

    45. whenever we passed a Mercedes, a Jaguar or another expensive car in the street we were

    46. He joined me in the shopping centre, we checked that the owner of the Jaguar had sat

    47. hut to where the Jaguar was

    48. He stuffed it in his pocket and followed the lawyer out of the building to a late-model, dark-green Jaguar, parked in a Visitor’s stall, the balance of the lot nearly empty

    49. TWENTY-TWO MILES NORTH of Las Vegas the Jaguar exited I-15 and headed north on Highway 93

    50. Then he scrambled back in the Jaguar and fish-tailed it in the direction he’d come

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