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    Usar "jail sentence" en una oración

    jail sentence oraciones de ejemplo

    jail sentence

    1. the jail sentence of his ‘pawn broking’

    2. While I agree that her crime does not rise to the level of Enron, Worldcom and Adelphia, whose executive officers, in my opinion, should be swiftly prosecuted and given extensive jail sentences, Ms

    3. There is talk of 20 and 25 year jail sentences

    4. Schechter, for violating its rules and convicted him, with a fine and a jail sentence

    5. control it's people is to scare them in to subordination with the threat of jail sentences,

    6. Satyāgraha in South Africa involved publicly burning the registration (identity) card that every Indian was expected to carry and endure jail sentences

    7. In some places, any shoplifting offense may result in a jail sentence

    8. In other states, any act of statutory rape constitutes a felony, with serious and sometimes mandatory jail sentences resulting

    9. The case and conviction that got me a five year jail sentence

    10. � He will probably be offered a chance to work for us in exchange for a jail sentence

    11. � He had received in the afternoon the visit of two British counter-espionnage agents that were offering to save his life and get only a reduced jail sentence

    12. instead of a 72 had something to do with his jail sentence

    13. assault and battery charges, one of which resulted in an eight-month jail sentence of which Jamal served four

    14. Chase roared with laughter “a legal way out for me you crazy bitch? My LEGAL way out is a 210 years jail sentence and no parole” he snorted “can you make THAT go away?”

    15. Andre was shocked at the amount of the fine and jail sentence

    16. You do want your ten thousand dollars back, don"t you Mum?” David asked, trying his best to make me feel better when most of my family was now facing the prospect of lengthy jail sentences and stiff fines

    17. Attorney Anderson’s press conference announcing that all of those arrested would be charged only with harboring fugitives and, in return for guilty pleas, his office would request fines and suspended jail sentences, went a long way toward defusing what had the potential to be an explosive situation in Massachusetts

    18. Despite early suggestions from defense attorneys about fighting every arrest, in light of the government’s reasonableness it appeared that all of those arrested would escape jail sentences and would, at most, have to pay a not-too-significant fine

    19. 9 Efforts made by a protective committee to induce the Philippine government to buy the bonds or assume liability for the principal resulted only in a scandal and a jail sentence for the chairman of the committee in 1939

    20. † The specific malpractices banned after the 1929 crash were no longer resorted to—they involved the risk of jail sentences

    21. Between that, and the little video collection Creem had accumulated on his home computer, there was still the very real possibility of a jail sentence if they went to trial

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