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    Usar "jewelled" en una oración

    jewelled oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Away from the hotel lights it was possible to see the jewelled points of stars in the sky

    2. A tall man, facing away, and his cloak is jewelled with emeralds, the same that have proved so powerful and strange in recent days

    3. I have found it necessary to ban the following items: golden hairpins, laced shoes, fur collars, silver-buckled belts, long trains, jewelled rings, gowns cut low in front, many-coloured vestments, Nuns adorning themselves as if they were brides, many-coloured ribbons

    4. And the grave jewelled courtier Memories

    5. They had completed their supper, but were still drinking, dipping pewter mugs or jewelled goblets into the broken heads of the wine-casks

    6. "Small pieces -- a jewelled cape in Copenhagen, the Empress' tiara in Cologne, plus other known items, have been sold to private buyers for several years

    7. There were anklets, armbands, rings, jewelled ointment boxes, and ivory bracelets, undisturbed or thrown hurriedly to the floor by the apprehended tombs raiders

    8. The anklets, armbands, rings, jewelled ointment boxes, and ivory bracelets, were finally all laid on the table spilling over the velvet cloth like water

    9. hair was held back by a jewelled headband

    10. ' The jewelled finger shook with rage

    11. She turned to the limp figure, standing behind her, and pointed to the sword that hung incongruously from the jewelled shoulder harness he wore over his royal robes

    12. with silks and all the bone and jewelled ornaments

    13. Varahi, holding jewelled vases filled with the five nectars,

    14. He is adorned with silks and jewelled ornaments

    15. Just occasionally, their lights would reflect off jewelled walls or golden outcrops and they would get a glimpse of the hidden majesty of the caverns

    16. It would not compare with the Jewelled Caverns of Devil’s Mouth but in the yellow light of Manfred’s staff, it was an impressive sight nonetheless

    17. But the meadow was bathed in a glory of sunshine, and the path was jewelled, and it was seldom that he gave her any sign

    18. (With sudden fervour) For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, the hand that rules

    19. Joseph placed a jewelled crucifix on his chest and wrapped Anthony’ s hands around it

    20. Godwyn had come for a ceremonial crosier, or shepherd’s crook, made of wood encased in gold, with an elaborately jewelled handle

    21. “It contains the jewelled cathedral ornaments, which are in the care of

    22. Merthin opened a leather bag and pulled out a jewelled

    23. Three of them bore the mark of the Rochester Watchmaking Company; one was by Mason, of Elmira; one was unmarked; and the small one, which was highly jewelled and ornamented, was from Tiffany, of New York

    24. "The urim and thummim was a name given to the jewelled plate which lay upon the breast of the high priest of the Jews

    25. Those were the impressions of the first half hour, sharpened by the contrast with Julia's white skin and silk and jewelled hair and with my memories of her as a child

    26. Baggins' waistcoat was more extensive (and had real gold buttons), Bilbo also noticed that Balm's beard was several inches longer, and his jewelled belt was of great magnificence

    27. One afternoon,—it was on one of those early days in April, already warm and fresh, the moment of the sun's great gayety, the gardens which surrounded the windows of Marius and Cosette felt the emotion of waking, the hawthorn was on the point of budding, a jewelled garniture of gillyflowers spread over the ancient walls, snapdragons yawned through the crevices of the stones, amid the grass there was a charming beginning of daisies, and buttercups, the white butterflies of the year were making their first appearance, the wind, that minstrel of the eternal wedding, was trying in the trees the first notes of that grand, auroral symphony which the old poets called the springtide,—Marius said to Cosette:—"We said that we would go back to take a look at our garden in the Rue Plumet

    28. And she had a goldsmith work a little kennel for him, all jewelled, and incrusted with gold and enamel inlaid; and wherever she went she carried the dog with her in memory of her friend, and as she watched it sadness and anguish and regrets melted out of her heart

    29. The starred and stately nights seemed haughty dames in jewelled velvets, nursing at home in lonely pride, the memory of their absent conquering Earls, the golden helmeted suns! For sleeping man, 'twas hard to choose between such winsome days and such seducing nights

    30. Black Letter tells me that Sir Martin Frobisher on his return from that voyage, when Queen Bess did gallantly wave her jewelled hand to him from a window of Greenwich Palace, as his bold ship sailed down the Thames; "when Sir Martin returned from that voyage," saith Black Letter, "on bended knees he presented to her highness a prodigious long horn of the Narwhale, which for a long period after hung in the castle at Windsor

    31. What then shall I liken the Sperm Whale to for fragrance, considering his magnitude? Must it not be to that famous elephant, with jewelled tusks, and redolent with myrrh, which was led out of an Indian town to do honour to Alexander the Great?

    32. “Yes, and when shall I see you again?” she added, with a sigh, carefully drawing the glove over her jewelled hand

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