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    Usar "just in time" en una oración

    just in time oraciones de ejemplo

    just in time

    1. the leaves of the tree rustling and he dropped from the branch just in time to

    2. Son woke just in time to roll out of the way as a sword swung past his

    3. She set the table and got everything out and on it just in time as he came in with a platter of steaks

    4. I was quite taken aback and shot upright just in time to catch myself reflected in two pairs of mirrored lenses before reeling into two pairs of maroon shorts and almost passing out

    5. They were just in time to meet the deadline for publication

    6. Interesting development here! I believe that we are just in time

    7. They drove up the hill that led to the big electric gates at the entrance to Seaview Park just in time to see a large removals lorry pulling out of the estate followed by a ranting, screaming harridan dragging behind her a couple of suitcases and an old and battered fishing rod

    8. Suddenly she heard the wiz of an arrow and raised the sword just in time to deflect an arrow meant for Tarak

    9. He is releasing the details to the estate agents on Wednesday, just in time to catch the Easter parade of eager house hunters

    10. Jock gets back in to the conservatory just in time to see Red Rose Amigo win by a short head at three to one

    11. Just in time the doctor realises that the engine is going to stall, dips the clutch and floors the accelerator

    12. Just in time, Jo whips my mug of coffee out of my hand as they throw their arms around me with shouts of delight

    13. Roman willed his head finally to turn, just in time to see the blood from the

    14. We were only just in time to save Marguerite as it was –

    15. just in time to unload at the hotel and set off for our first

    16. There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before see a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge

    17. There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, `Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!' She was close behind it when she turned to corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen: she found herself in a long, low hall, which was lit up by a row of lamps hanging from the roof

    18. thief’s arm just in time

    19. Tom Foolery's factory was only just saved from total destruction by disappearing into its hole in the ground just in time

    20. “Oh Limos just in time, can you please tear the apron into six strips

    21. "I have it," she said, "It was starting to corrupt the main data store so I think I got it just in time

    22. When she had finished this task, she stepped outside just in time to see Dick, the sixteen-year-old, turning off the road and coming toward her

    23. She returned to the living room just in time to hear the faint tapping sound on the door

    24. Upon the wallwalk it came, axe bared, and Barrin lifted his sword only just in time

    25. He placed the bike/box in his backpack just in time for departure

    26. ” Having just finished cleaning our rifles and making Charlie feel more at home we stood up just in time to receive the order to move onto our next objective

    27. ” We had also been told that when the first barrage finished at 11:20am then the whole of our front line should cheer and this would draw the surviving Turkish troops out onto their fire steps just in time for the second barrage at 11:30am to slaughter them

    28. T he alarm woke Pamela just in time to hear

    29. He was about to say, Hi Rosemary, but caught himself just in time

    30. “Come on in pal and dump your stuff in the front parlour your just in time to have a beer

    31. went aground on Copper Island, a sister island to Bering Island, but saw land just in time to avoid ramming the shore

    32. He’d be safe for now, and just in time

    33. I turned towards Stanley just in time to realise my mistake and that was he wasn’t dead he had raised his rifle and fired I pulled my trigger instinctively

    34. He turned back to the door, on his knees, just in time to see the guards standing in the doorway

    35. She was just in time to see the two enforcers entering an alley that advertised several shops and cafes

    36. Amaranthe located the speakers, a couple with linked arms, just in time to see the man give the woman a knowing look

    37. With that parting remark Terry was gone and they watched him through the lounge window as he ran to Sheena’s car, slamming the door closed just in time to stop a cat slipping in behind him

    38. “You’re just in time to help me with a decision

    39. Catching a movement from the corner of his eye, he glanced upwards, just in time to see a large rock bearing down on top of him

    40. Thesa looked up at the urgent shout, just in time to see a large stone dislodge itself from above him

    41. I got my job just in time, since, between the cost of the journey and the money that was stolen, I was left with nearly no money

    42. He braked just in time

    43. He seemed convinced that it would lead to the information needed to capture those responsible for the cocaine plaguing Limon Province, just in time to create a sensation in the press: R

    44. He rotated it right and caught a good bite of water just in time, missing the pilings by a mere hair’s breadth

    45. “We got out of there just in time

    46. LP said to Ingrid, “We got out of there just in time

    47. Cassa made it back to the main road just in time to catch the last bus to Saigon

    48. He stopped just in time to avoid going over the cliff face to Jacobs River

    49. They all looked toward the source of the disturbance just in time to see an avalanche of horns and heads rise over the hilltop

    50. Her gaze touched on the others in there just in time to see Alaric roll his eyes in a demeaning manner

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