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    Usar "keep watch over" en una oración

    keep watch over oraciones de ejemplo

    keep watch over

    1. Seeing you in this… it doesn’t matter We are going to keep watch over the lands of our country so how far my eye goes, I can see that you are here in your that they truly profit her children

    2. keep watch over the basement laboratory without entering or

    3. them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an 82

    4. up the house and arranged for someone to keep watch over

    5. Among priests, who keep watch over the intellect that is like a gate-

    6. the bar, but not too busy to keep watch over Aiden as

    7. here and keep watch over him though

    8. they found in riding out on the prairie to keep watch over their herds

    9. Hardly daring to move, Eilidh forced her eyes to keep watch over Liam, anxiously awaiting his signal

    10. They can keep watch over each other, help control those urges to eat and

    11. The first thing that Vickers had done when they’d arrived had been to plant her up here, and have her keep watch over the Hall

    12. In the epistle to Hebrews we are exhorted to: “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account

    13. “Obey your leaders, and submit to them; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account

    14.  "They keep watch over you [psukee]" New International Version

    15. “So Urtholan, I see you have a new protégé to keep watch over

    16. • "They keep watch over you (psukee)" New International Version

    17. • "They keep watch over you [psukee]" New International Version

    18. · "They keep watch over you (psukee)" New International Version

    19. "They keep watch over you [psukee]" New International Version

    20. “I know you thought you owed it to them, and I suppose it’s only right that someone keep watch over them

    21. At a distance and among people who were strangers to Bulstrode, what satisfaction could there be to Raffles's tormenting, self-magnifying vein in telling old scandalous stories about a Middlemarch banker? And what harm if he did talk? The chief point now was to keep watch over him as long as there was any danger of that intelligible raving, that unaccountable impulse to tell, which seemed to have acted towards Caleb Garth; and Bulstrode felt much anxiety lest some such impulse should come over him at the sight of Lydgate

    22. “I’ll keep watch over the necklace while you rest

    23. Each of you keep watch over your heart and confess your sins to yourself unceasingly

    24. Can you conceive that a man like that, on receiving that sum and in such a way, at the price of such shame, such disgrace, such utter degradation, could have been capable that very day of setting apart half that sum, that very day, and sewing it up in a little bag, and would have had the firmness of character to carry it about with him for a whole month afterwards, in spite of every temptation and his extreme need of it! Neither in drunken debauchery in taverns, nor when he was flying into the country, trying to get from God knows whom, the money so essential to him to remove the object of his affections from being tempted by his father, did he bring himself to touch that little bag! Why, if only to avoid abandoning his mistress to the rival of whom he was so jealous, he would have been certain to have opened that bag and to have stayed at home to keep watch over her, and to await the moment when she would say to him at last ‘I am yours,’ and to fly with her far from their fatal surroundings

    25. "Keep watch over her all to-day, and if you notice her coming to me, stop her at once, and tell her that I can't see her for a few days at least

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