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    Usar "lackey" en una oración

    lackey oraciones de ejemplo



    1. “Hold on, there!” the lackey waved at them, “I only said he wasn't here

    2. Reia countered, “That wasn't necessary! We're just a trying to do our duties as well as the next of them that has the honor to serve!” She positioned herself carefully between the lackey and Jista and kept up a running monologue about the privileges of service, how they'd risen to this lofty level of responsibility

    3. Pim slowly advanced the holo, but instead of a next page there was the hurried closing of the folder as the scene panned quickly to the exasperated face of the lackey

    4. Mim and Yula were taking turns leaping back and forth at the frozen holo of Husim's lackey, swatting at his head as they passed

    5. Reia recounted how when she was brushed aside by the most frustrated and exasperated lackey, she inadvertently strew all the things from the top of the sideboard that broke her fall

    6. So I cock an eye at the lackey; he's picking up pieces with his back to me, Jista is done with the desk

    7. Reia offered, “The lackey even said that the brick-a-brack I dislodged were the Captain's valued trophies from his travels thus far on his quest

    8. The janitor stood in his uniform at the rear, and the lackey

    9. Now he was as masked and guarded as every other lackey with an agenda

    10. He meant to come across as serious and truthful, yet not just another lackey or one of their goons to be simply expected to obey unquestioningly

    11. And instead of at least trying to think of a way to get out of there without having to become a lackey for the French, he was contemplating ending the war singlehandedly

    12. “And now that you’re an Erudite lackey, you can’t call me ‘Stiff

    13. But then I remember that Caleb is still there, because he was a well-known lackey of Jeanine Matthews, and the factionless will never exonerate him

    14. He arrogantly admitted being a part of the revolt, called the Mongols vultures feeding on the corpse of Mexica-Tolteca culture and denounced his own father as a lackey of the Mongols and a traitor to his mother’s people

    15. Lackey says he has a top-notch professional

    16. “Good,” Dolmar replied, strolling up to him as if he were the squire and Simon the lackey

    17. to rise above being a lackey in the future

    18. bis father calls him "lady-help" and "a woman's lackey" (Roche 1958, pp

    19. It was still a bedroom, a modest one and from the state of the accoutrements, I was sure it held some lackey not the Lord or the Emperor’s son

    20. a sort of lackey of the other two and it is Dupree that will be

    21. She was kind of Dionus’s lackey,

    22. lackey suitor of doña María, known to himas Isabel, is the

    23. “Thank you, lackey,” I answered

    24. ” What he actually meant by that was that he had failed as the paid political lackey of the Czech govt to do what he had been secretly bribed to do… check… stop Hitler from taking over Czechoslovakia… and because of that, the cheques he was receiving from the dirty corrupt Czech govt and its secret agents in England would not be forthcoming anymore

    25. „Better to be lackey than unlucky,' Roy punned with much show of aplomb

    26. And then, what shall we say of Gasabal, the squire of Galaor, who was so silent that in order to indicate to us the greatness of his marvellous taciturnity his name is only once mentioned in the whole of that history, as long as it is truthful? From all I have said thou wilt gather, Sancho, that there must be a difference between master and man, between lord and lackey, between knight and squire: so that from this day forward in our intercourse we must observe more respect and take less liberties, for in whatever way I may be provoked with you it will be bad for the pitcher

    27. For what greater nonsense can there be in connection with what we are now discussing than for an infant to appear in swaddling clothes in the first scene of the first act, and in the second a grown-up bearded man? Or what greater absurdity can there be than putting before us an old man as a swashbuckler, a young man as a poltroon, a lackey using fine language, a page giving sage advice, a king plying as a porter, a princess who is a kitchen-maid? And then what shall I say of their attention to the time in which the action they represent may or can take place, save that I have seen a play where the first act began in Europe, the second in Asia, the third finished in Africa, and no doubt, had it been in four acts, the fourth would have ended in America, and so it would have been laid in all four quarters of the globe? And if truth to life is the main thing the drama should keep in view, how is it possible for any average understanding to be satisfied when the action is supposed to pass in the time of King Pepin or Charlemagne, and the principal personage in it they represent to be the Emperor Heraclius who entered Jerusalem with the cross and won the Holy Sepulchre, like Godfrey of Bouillon, there being years innumerable between the one and the other?

    28. The saviour, the former hero, was flying like a mangy, unkempt sheep-dog at his lackey, and the lackey was jeering at him! And I shall never forgive you for the tears I could not help shedding before you just now, like some silly woman put to shame! And for what I am confessing to you now, I shall never forgive you either! Yes--you must answer for it all because you turned up like this, because I am a blackguard, because I am the nastiest, stupidest, absurdest and most envious of all the worms on earth, who are not a bit better than I am, but, the devil knows why, are never put to confusion; while I shall always be insulted by every louse, that is my doom! And what is it to me that you don't understand a word of this! And what do I care, what do I care about you, and whether you go to ruin there or not? Do you understand? How I shall hate you now after saying this, for having been here and listening

    29. However the lackey promised him that it

    30. "Now," said Holmes, when the rejoicing lackey had disappeared, "having secured the future, we can afford to be more lenient with the past

    31. On the general policy it continues to call Montero a gran' bestia, and stigmatize his brother, the guerrillero, for a combination of lackey and spy

    32. It could never have entered his head that Pedrito Montero, lackey or inferior scribe, lodged in the garrets of the various Parisian hotels where the Costaguana Legation used to shelter its diplomatic dignity, had been devouring the lighter sort of historical works in the French language, such, for instance as the books of Imbert de Saint Amand upon the Second Empire

    33. Two of those hit, killing the target, but the other experienced lackey recovered his equilibrium and centered his gun on her

    34. Oldest wing-walker: On 30 May 2012, Thomas Lackey (UK, b

    35. Who are you? You are a bishop; that is to say, a prince of the church, one of those gilded men with heraldic bearings and revenues, who have vast prebends,—the bishopric of D—— fifteen thousand francs settled income, ten thousand in perquisites; total, twenty-five thousand francs,—who have kitchens, who have liveries, who make good cheer, who eat moor-hens on Friday, who strut about, a lackey before, a lackey behind, in a gala coach, and who have palaces, and who roll in their carriages in the name of Jesus Christ who went barefoot! You are a prelate,—revenues, palace, horses, servants, good table, all the sensualities of life; you have this like the rest, and like the rest, you enjoy it; it is well; but this says either too much or too little; this does not enlighten me upon the intrinsic and essential value of the man who comes with the probable intention of bringing wisdom to me

    36. On the white margin he wrote a line or two, folded it without sealing, and then intrusted this scrap of paper to a child who seemed to serve him in the capacity both of scullion and lackey

    37. The executioner, le taule; the forest, le sabri; fear, flight, taf; the lackey, le larbin; the mineral, the prefect, the minister, pharos; the devil, le rabouin

    38. A lackey, wearing the imperial livery, entered and announced that her Majesty deigned to order to her presence the daughter of Captain Mironoff!

    39. A lackey in the Imperial livery entered the room, announcing that the

    40. But the lackey declared that the Tzarina wanted Marya Ivánofna to come alone, and in the dress she should happen to be wearing

    41. " ' Don't you dare sit with gentlemanly boys, you are a child of low origin and no better than a lackey

    42. " Well, I see through you once and for all from this minute," cried Tatyana Pavlovna, jumping up from her seat, and so suddenly, that I was utterly unprepared for it; " yes, you were not only a lackey then, you are a lackey now ; you've the soul of a lackey ! Why should not Andrey Petrovitch have apprenticed you to a shoemaker ? it would have been an act of charity to have taught you a trade ! Who would have expected more than that of him ? Your father, Makar Ivanovitch, asked—in fact, he insisted—that you, his children, should not be brought up to be above your station

    43. Strange to say, I always had, perhaps from my earliest childhood, one characteristic : if I were ill-treated, absolutely wronged and insulted to the last degree, I always showed at once an irresistible desire to submit passively to the insult, and even to accept more than my assailant wanted to inflict upon me, as though I would say : " All right, you have humiliated me, so I will humiliate myself even more; look, and enjoy it! " Touchard beat me and tried to show I was a lackey, and not the son of a senator, and so I promptly took up the role of a lackey

    44. I knew that my schoolfellows used to laugh at me and despise me for it, I knew it perfectly well, but that was just what gratified me : " Since they want me to be a lackey, well, I am a lackey then; if I'm to be a cad, well, I will be a cad

    45. " To clear my character is impossible," floated through my mind, " to begin a new life is impossible too, and so I must submit, become a lackey, a dog, an insect, an informer, a real informer, while I secretly prepare myself, and one day suddenly blow it all up into the air, annihilate everything and every one, guilty and innocent alike, so that the}' will all know that this was the man they had all called a thief

    46. Touchard responded by shrugging his shoulders, which meant, of course, " it's not without reason that I treat him as a lackey

    47. Show yourself to me just this once, come to me if only in a dream, just that I may tell you how I love you, may hug you and kiss your blue eyes, and tell you that I'm not ashamed of you now, and tell you that I loved you even then, and that my heart was aching then, though I simply sat like a lackey

    48. I shouted so violently at the lackey that he started and stepped back • I told him he must go back at once and " his master must bring the money himself "—in fact, my request was, of course, incoherent and incomprehensible to the man

    49. Almost at that moment the same lackey reappeared with the same notes in his hand

    50. At the entrance a carriage was waiting for them, and while they were getting the prince in, I ran up, and in spite of the lackey, who pushed me back I rushed at Biiring again

    1. Sespian could not imagine killing anyone in cold blood, whether they were Hollowcrest’s lackeys or not, but

    2. Now that Jenny had truly and officially graduated, we scurried back to the apartment for more packing, and were converted from proud parents to pack mule lackeys

    3. That and a few of Jules well-placed Magnum shots seemed to have put them effectively out of the fight, and only the lycans and werewolves remained alongside Falconi’s head-honcho demon lackeys

    4. “We were running from Erudite, and the only chance of escape we had required me to tell your poorly armed lackeys my name

    5. The voice continues, “We have heard that you are not loyal to Evelyn Johnson and her factionless lackeys

    6. this time it was the Usher approaching with his lackeys

    7. If this was an example of an American Communist, it was not surprising the Party suffered disastrously at the hands of the capitalists and their political lackeys in Washington

    8. "Ha! You believe the propaganda of the Capitalist Press! The lackeys of the Imperialists with their machinations against the workers, the ordinary people," he cried angrily

    9. ‘In nineteen sixty-six, the year of her divorce, she was tried and found guilty of being the instigator and providing funds to enable her lackeys to carry out attacks on homes in North and West Wales

    10. They are Chinese soldiers and they are coming to help us throw out the French and their lackeys

    11. ‘’No, you’re just the lackeys of the Taliban and can’t even control your own country

    12. Peering through the ripped metal, she monitors the lackeys in front of her

    13. One-by-one she repeats her collection process with the Gooch's lackeys, leaving the fallen Senator and chauffeur

    14. He’s one of the President’s favourite lackeys, which is how he came to be ‘given’ our farm, and why he now has a plum job here

    15. And he only lets his closest lackeys anywhere near, unless you’re Grulla the chambermaid or one of the two pageboys who carry him his bathwater

    16. lackeys trying to catch the poor and the addicted and the dumb taking without

    17. noble concept, when in actuality they are nothing more than slaves and lackeys of

    18. with lackeys and minions

    19. all of the politically correct crap caused by the Jews and their lackeys

    20. Even the starving Nations of Africa have mostly refused to accept genetically altered corn, wheat, and other staples from the American corrupt government charity organizations who are just lackeys and pushers of the genetically altered seeds they cannot get rid of because no sane person will eat it or put it into their bodies

    21. He surrounded himself with an entourage of lackeys and sycophants who never dared to disagree with him, and if any of then did, he went into fits of rage like the spoiled child he was

    22. The history informs us, then, that before they reached the country house or castle, the duke went on in advance and instructed all his servants how they were to treat Don Quixote; and so the instant he came up to the castle gates with the duchess, two lackeys or equerries, clad in what they call morning gowns of fine crimson satin reaching to their feet, hastened out, and catching Don Quixote in their arms before he saw or heard them, said to him, "Your highness should go and take my lady the duchess off her horse

    23. And his lackeys

    24. And his lackeyslackeys

    25. “As opposed to what? A country run by old white billionaires and their paid lackeys in Washington?”

    26. Imperiously, The One raises his hand, and his hooded lackeys on the stage push us forward, at least as far as the ropes around our necks will allow

    27. ‘Don’t you understand that either we are officers serving our Tsar and our country, rejoicing in the successes and grieving at the misfortunes of our common cause, or we are merely lackeys who care nothing for their master’s business

    28. Lavrushka was one of those coarse, bare-faced lackeys who have seen all sorts of things, consider it necessary to do everything in a mean and cunning way, are ready to render any sort of service to their master, and are keen at guessing their master’s baser impulses, especially those prompted by vanity and pettiness

    29. They will follow up such and such a man or woman for whole days; they will do sentry duty for hours at a time on the corners of the streets, under alley-way doors at night, in cold and rain; they will bribe errand-porters, they will make the drivers of hackney-coaches and lackeys

    30. The son of a father to whom history will accord certain attenuating circumstances, but also as worthy of esteem as that father had been of blame; possessing all private virtues and many public virtues; careful of his health, of his fortune, of his person, of his affairs, knowing the value of a minute and not always the value of a year; sober, serene, peaceable, patient; a good man and a good prince; sleeping with his wife, and having in his palace lackeys charged with the duty of showing the conjugal bed to the bourgeois, an ostentation of the regular sleeping-apartment which had become useful after the former illegitimate displays of the elder branch; knowing

    31. Caesar is stabbed by the senators; Christ is cuffed by lackeys

    32. It was all drug goons who functioned as lackeys, bodyguards, unquestioning assassins, whatever the boss wanted, hooked to their giant televisions or chattering away on their cell phones, or even up to their waists in the pools

    33. Gathering Mona and Quinn to me, I blasted the lackeys one after another, feeling the strength leave me in the instant that it hit them

    34. Of lackeys in her pathway grouped,

    35. I had been into that restaurant, in the Morskaya, before, during my disgraceful period of degradation and depravity, and so the imjjression of those rooms, of those lackeys lookuig at me, and recognizing me as a familiar visitor, and finally the impression made on me by the mysterious company of Lambert's friends, amongst whom I found myself so suddenly, and to whom I seemed already to belong, and above all an obscure feeling that of my own freewill I was going into something abominable, and that I should certainly end up by doing something horrid— all this seemed to go through me in a flash

    36. I was kept waiting in the hall where there were several lackeys in livery

    37. To my amazement the two lackeys who were left in the hall had the impertinence to sit down

    38. But, as it was, he was a stranger in the crowd, and, making his way in his cap along Blacksmith Bridge, he went to the end, without looking into the shops, opened the door, and came out from it in a cinnamon-coloured half-dress coat, which was tight (though at that time they wore wide coats), and in loose black trousers (though they wore tight trousers), and in a flowery atlas waistcoat, which not one of the gentlemen, who were in Chevalier's special room, would have allowed their lackeys to wear, and bought a number of other a things; on the other hand, Kuntz marvelled at the young man's slender waist, the like of which, as he explained to everybody, he had never seen

    39. To-day, however—it is wonderful to relate—everything in this house disgusted him; the porter, the broad stairway, the flowers, the lackeys, the table decorations, and even Missy herself, who, just now, seemed to him unattractive and unnatural

    40. Nekhludoff tore himself loose, and, without bowing or saying anything, gloomily passed through the reception-room, the parlor and by the lackeys, who sprang to their feet in the ante-chamber, to the street

    41. Gorbunov that it was the gentlemanly state of his life that had become more agonising to him, that he was “ashamed to look in the eyes of his lackeys” and that he wanted to go away

    42. ) Why do kindly men and women, who can have no manner of interest in war, go into ecstasies over the exploits of a man like Skobelev? Why do men who are under no obligation to do it, and who receive no pay for it, like Marshals of Nobility in Russia, devote months to the service which demands such unremitting labor, wearying to the minds as well as to the body,—the enlistment of recruits? Why do all emperors and kings wear a military dress, why do they have drills and parades and military rewards? Why are monuments built to generals and conquerors? Why do wealthy and independent men regard it as an honor to occupy the position of lackeys to kings, to flatter them and feign a belief in their special superiority? Why do men who have long since ceased to believe in the medieval superstitions of the Church still constantly and solemnly pretend to do so, and thus support a sacrilegious and demoralizing institution? Why is the ignorance of the people so zealously preserved, not only by the government, but by men of the higher classes? Why do they so energetically denounce every attempt to overthrow popular superstition and to promote popular education? Why do historians, novelists, and poets, who can derive no benefit in exchange for their flattery, paint in such glowing colors the emperors, kings, and generals of bygone times? Why do the so-called scientists devote their lives to formulate theories that violence committed on the people by power is legitimate violence—is right?

    43. Because I was trying to do more than I had strength for, I have landed myself in this degrading and senseless position: I wish to live simply and to work with my hands, but in these surroundings, with lackeys and porters, it seems a kind of affectation

    44. “Don’t you understand that either we are officers serving our Tsar and our country, rejoicing in the successes and grieving at the misfortunes of our common cause, or we are merely lackeys who care nothing for their master’s business

    45. One thing she cannot fail to know,—that five or six elderly and respectable, often sick, lackeys and maids have had no sleep, and have been put to trouble on her account

    46. Lavrúshka was one of those coarse, bare-faced lackeys who have seen all sorts of things, consider it necessary to do everything in a mean and cunning way, are ready to render any sort of service to their master, and are keen at guessing their master’s baser impulses, especially those prompted by vanity and pettiness

    47. Golyadkin distinctly heard the two lackeys snigger

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