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    lacking in oraciones de ejemplo

    lacking in

    1. It also discusses how to make the best of a situation in which a congregation has no elders, thus lacking in leadership

    2. They have a nice house, nice car, matching furniture, nice kitchen, but are ultimately feeling that something is lacking in their life

    3. A leading question and lacking in foundation

    4. Her being raised by the Eloi was the best thing that could have happened; they gave balance to what was lacking in her makeup

    5. “And what exactly is lacking in my nose”, replied Archibald

    6. conscious and badly lacking in respect

    7. Whereas in other matters, those requiring finesse and subtle adaptations of the energy, Tetloan seemed lacking in the slightest hint of power

    8. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances

    9. To dream of emptiness suggests that there is something missing or lacking in your life

    10. Alternatively, a vacancy represents something that is missing or lacking in your life

    11. To dream that you are yearning for something or someone indicates that there is a void that is lacking in your waking life

    12. To an Englishman, the same presenter may seem unsure of his words and lacking in self-confidence

    13. At the time I didn’t see that the training was lacking in some areas

    14. Sorely lacking in our vaunted State Department under the aegis of Hillary Clinton

    15. Journalstic Integretity, n, Another set of being that, for the most part, is lacking in current America

    16. A quality sorely lacking in the present Democrat government, especially the executive branch

    17. Sadly lacking in the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2011

    18. The man has grit, courage, and integrity, all of which are sadly lacking in all too many current American politicians

    19. The concepts of virtue and honor are closely related to integrity which, sad to say, is sorely lacking inside the Beltway

    20. Medical supplies at the front were absolutely lacking in the Shafteresque confusion, save for the hospital pouches the surgeons had carried on their own shoulders

    21. A Perfect Being cannot ―cause‖ its own creation inasmuch as (the) subsequent effects of Creation imply an (existing) potential for movement or change and/or possessing a set of predicates or determinants otherwise lacking in a Perfect Being that is ―entirely without limit or incapable of any infallibility, whatsoever

    22. This argument does not necessarily apply, however, to ―lower‖ or evolving truths; that is to say, immeasurable ―truths‖ lacking infinite proportion; conditioned by circumstances or events that (oftentimes) require a reassessment of their former assumptions whose (ambiguous) validity lacks a critical center

    23. Something seemed to be lacking in the Godhead

    24. The biggest problem with positive affirmations is that belief is lacking in the words you are using

    25. stealing the work product of others to replace that which is lacking in your own back yard

    26. which has been sadly lacking lacking in the church in recent times

    27. lacking in understanding, “it is not simply a case that each creature must attempt to populate, they must understand their social and

    28. suffering fills up what is still lacking in regard to

    29. In an age lacking in union representation this meant, in reality, that the

    30. A flash of darkness, the pitch black velvet cape my father had worn on that momentous night, I remembered it like it was yesterday, recall how I thought the coat was still lacking in its vivaciousness in comparison to the blackness of my father’s eyes

    31. It was the giving, and the grand gesture of gratitude, that I find so lacking in modern souls

    32. His aide, apparently lacking in compassion, had done her job and left

    33. This displays a lacking in the overall commitment to parenting, and our failure in society

    34. He was a bit lacking in his spirituality before he left, but was much stronger in his devotion to Christianity when he came back, although he didn't know what truth is

    35. So it is wise to review your business operations and determine if you are lacking in these areas

    36. 23 Either a bullock or a lamb that has any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest you offer for a freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted

    37. 3 And said, O Lord God of Israel, why is this come to pass in Israel, that there should be today one tribe lacking in Israel?

    38. 23 Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer for a freewill

    39. Every one who shall violate now one of these small commandments and shall teach men so shall be called lacking in the Kingdom of Heaven; everyone who shall do and teach shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven

    40. BISHOP HIGBOLD: You are learned, yet lacking in sense

    41. I have been informed that King Aethelred, who was greatly lacking in popularity until recently, has been hailed by all Northumbrians for his wise and decisive actions in the days following the Lindisfarne disaster

    42. and after that he appeared to two of them on that day and while they were going to the village which was named Emmaus and whose distance from Jerusalem was sixty furlongs; And they were talking the one of them with the 41 other of all the things which had happened; And during the time of their talking and inquiring with one another Jesus came and reached them and walked with them; But their eyes were veiled that they should not know him; And he said to them What are these sayings which you address the one of you to the other as you walk and are sade One of them whose name was Cleopas answered and said to him Are you perchance alone a stranger to Jerusalem since you know not what was in it in these days? He said to them What was it? They said to him concerning Jesus he who was from Nazareth a man who was a prophet and powerful in speech and deeds before God and before all the people and the chief priests and the elders delivered him up to the sentence of death and crucified him; But we supposed that he was the one who was to deliver Israel; And since all these things happened there have passed three days; But certain women of us also informed us that they had come to the tomb and when they found not his body they came and told us that they had seen there the angels and they said concerning him that he was alive; And some of us also went to the tomb and found the matter as the women had said: only they saw him not; Then said Jesus to them you lacking in discernment and heavy in heart to believe! Was it not in all the sayings of the prophets that the Messiah was to suffer these things and to enter into his glory? And he began from Moses and from all the prophets and interpreted to them concerning himself from all the scriptures; And they drew near to the village where they were going and he was leading them to imagine that he was as if going to a distant region; And they pressed him and said to him Abide with us for the day has declined now into the darkness; And he went inside to abide with them; And when he sat with them he took bread and blessed and brake and gave to them; And straight away their eyes were opened and they knew him and he was taken away from them; And they said the one to the other Was not our heart heavy within us while he was speaking to us on the way and interpreting to us the scriptures?

    43. lacking in the human brain

    44. The light infantry were mostly irregular troops, mercenaries and foreign fighters, lacking in discipline but making up for this in their ferocity

    45. Swann stood by him, wondering if the man could be this lacking in stamina and self-control, or saw an advantage in putting on an act

    46. b) The physician workforce in the United States is woefully lacking in

    47. What is lacking in her ideal of perfection that would make her perfect?

    48. Before her campaign, she was a ‘nobody’ - completely lacking in power

    49. Still, this does leave the 360 a little lacking in terms of full potential

    50. Those who are lacking in Bhakti (devotion), lacking in faith, are ill-qualified to interpret the scriptures

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