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    1. Landau said approximately the following words in this respect: “…the one who can imagine that an electron is simultaneously a particle and a wave should be taken to the mental clinic”

    2. No form can he set on his sensations as he strolls, one blazing afternoon, along the Parisian boulevard and skips out of the way of the royal landau which, looking indescribably ramshackle, rattles along the pitted roadway, saluted by citizens of both sexes cheaply dressed in bowler hats and continental costumes; though a shepherd in kilt, cap, and gaiters very nearly drives his herd of goats between the royal wheels; and all the time the Acropolis surges into the air, raises itself above the town, like a large immobile wave with the yellow columns of the Parthenon firmly planted upon it

    3. He offered a seat in his landau to Madame Danglars, that she might be under the care of his wife

    4. Danglars' door just at the same time that Villefort's landau, after having deposited him and his wife at the Faubourg St

    5. Gould in the landau, with his fine, old, clean-shaven face of a uniform tint as if modelled in yellow wax, shaded by a soft felt hat, the dark eyes looking out fixedly

    6. The Porvenir of the day after next would no doubt relate the event, but its editor, leaning his side against the landau, seemed to look at nothing

    7. On the ancient pavement, laid out in patterns, sunk into ruts and holes, the portly Ignacio, mindful of the springs of the Parisian-built landau, had pulled up to a walk, and Decoud in his corner contemplated moodily the inner aspect of the gate

    8. Monygham, after busying himself with a little medicament box of polished wood on the seat of the landau, turned to old Giorgio and thrust into his big, trembling hand one of the glass-stoppered bottles out of the case

    9. From the dark body of the landau Mrs

    10. The two women embraced; while from the other side of the landau Father Corbelan's emissary, with his ragged beard all streaked with grey, and high, bronzed cheek-bones, stared, sitting upright in the saddle

    11. And the landau rolled slowly out of the light

    12. He packed up his modest trunk with speed, with fury, with enthusiasm, and saw it carried out past the old porter at the gate of the Casa Gould with delight, with intoxication; then, as the hour approached, sitting alone in the great landau behind the white mules, a little sideways, his drawn-in face positively venomous with the effort of self-control, and holding a pair of new gloves in his left hand, he drove to the harbour

    13. After the doctor had shut the door of the landau, she leaned over to him

    14. He remained in the street, looking after the landau rolling away slowly behind the white mules

    15. Lidia Ivanovna and Landau, they all say he’s crazy, and I should prefer not to agree with everybody, but this time I can’t help it

    16. ‘Ah, so that’s it, that’s it!’ said Princess Myakaya gleefully, ‘they’re going to ask Landau what he’s to say

    17. ‘What! you don’t know Jules Landau, le fameux Jules Landau, le clairvoyant? He’s crazy too, but on him your sister’s fate depends

    18. Landau, do you see, was a commis in a shop in Paris, and he went to a doctor’s; and in the doctor’s waiting room he fell asleep, and in his sleep he began giving advice to all the patients

    19. Yury Meledinsky—you know, the invalid?—heard of this Landau, and had him to see her husband

    20. He’s not Landau any more now, but Count Bezzubov

    21. That’s neither here nor there, though; but Lidia—I’m very fond of her, but she has a screw loose somewhere—has lost her heart to this Landau now, and

    22. nothing is settled now in her house or Alexey Alexandrovitch’s without him, and so your sister’s fate is now in the hands of Landau, alias Count Bezzubov

    23. Landau looked round hurriedly, came up, and smiling, laid his moist, lifeless hand in Stepan Arkadyevitch’s outstretched hand and immediately walked away and fell to gazing at the portraits again

    24. ‘The change is not in his external position,’ Countess Lidia Ivanovna said sternly, following with eyes of love the figure of Alexey Alexandrovitch as he got up and crossed over to Landau; ‘his heart is changed, a new heart has been vouchsafed him, and I fear you don’t fully apprehend the change that has taken place in him

    25. Landau was sitting at the window, leaning on his elbow and the back of his chair, his head drooping

    26. ‘Oh, I shall understand,’ said Landau, with the same smile, and he closed his eyes

    27. But he was reassured at once by seeing that the words ‘he’s asleep’ referred not to him, but to Landau

    28. " In our day, these noisy heaps of creatures are accustomed to have themselves driven in some ancient cuckoo carriage, whose imperial they load down, or they overwhelm a hired landau, with its top thrown back, with their tumultuous groups

    29. They were cornered, trying to escape public derision, when the landau drawn by the golden chestnuts opened a path through the crowd

    30. The previous month, Fermina Daza had spoken about him, in an offhand way and with no sign of interest, one afternoon when she did not want to pass by the house of the Marquis de Casalduero because the landau with the golden horses was stopped in front of the door

    31. He was on the pier where the French ocean liner was docked when she arrived with her husband and child in the landau drawn by the golden horses, and he saw them emerge as he had so often seen them at public ceremonies: perfect

    32. Among the carriages was a closed landau, which he knew to be the Korchagins’

    33. Among the carriages he recognized the covered landau of the Korchagins

    34. Livingstone Wade surveyed the landau into which he stepped with scant favor; and the look which he gave to the ragged darky who held the reins was only equaled by the one he bestowed on the two battered equines who were to serve as their means of locomotion

    35. He stepped into the landau, which Richards had ordered round again, with a sensation of relief, heightened by that gentleman’s statement that he shouldn’t be able to see them again until morning

    36. Hastings had his foot on the step of the landau, but he wheeled

    37. Richards, watching the erect old figure disappearing in the landau toward the station, and the athletic young one striding off in the direction of the Star mine, hated them with an equal intensity

    38. Beside Carrington’s trap stood the landau of yesterday

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