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    Usar "lean over" en una oración

    lean over oraciones de ejemplo

    lean over

    1. I lean over and kiss him

    2. I lean over the hedge and ask her how the weekend went

    3. Sometimes, I’d see him lean over the rail and dip his hand into a swell

    4. As Colling took a sip of warm tea from the glass that the waiter had brought, he noticed a man wearing a black leather jacket approach the table behind Elizabeth, and lean over to whisper something to the man and woman seated there

    5. I can feel it as I walk the cafeteria line with my tray, and see it in the huddled heads of a group of factionless as they lean over their oatmeal

    6. He looks up at me when I lean over him, his dark hair stuck to his forehead from the melted snow

    7. She thought it was a snake and she just give one awful screech and stood up and jumped clean over the wheels

    8. I lean over the couch and receive kisses on the cheek from them

    9. Lean over and touch the side of the tent -it’s

    10. and he had to lean over to hear her

    11. Jesse stared at the empty doorway before turning to lean over with her elbows on the desk

    12. 17 And the priests that bore the Ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan

    13. had to lean over until her ear was next to his mouth to hear him

    14. whispered, “Oh, Moshe!” Overcome once again, all he could do was lean over and lightly kiss

    15. He saw her looking at him, got to his feet and came to lean over her with his hands planted firmly on the arm-rests of her chair

    16. stare into when they lean over the rail of a ship is also stretching

    17. was when they would both lean over to look at the sketches for a

    18. The van stopped and Gianni got off, ran to the back, and pretended to lean over so he could

    19. You lean over, kiss her, and taste the blueberries, making you wish you’d ordered the same

    20. Lean over the pool and suck, but don‘t fall in

    21. Inside Gary saw a row of coat hangers, where clean overalls were hung, and dirties left on the shelf underneath

    22. There was one clean overall still on its hanger

    23. He’d then lean over and rub Philip’s back, thanking God or whoever was running the Universe, that life was still as it should be

    24. then he would lean over to Dan and lick her face

    25. So I sit in the driver"s seat and lean over to open the glove box as the copper stood at the boot watching me

    26. Intrigued by this, Nancy walked towards them and jumped clean over the reception desk, landing besides the two men

    27. Then, with the signal turning green, she resumed her run at Olympic sprint speed, deftly jumping clean over a parked car and heading for the entrance leading to the Nichigeki Plaza Cinema, all the while causing quite a commotion in her wake

    28. " I lean over the table and give him a quick kiss on the lips

    29. I lean over the edge of the couch

    30. I lean over Dierdra and give her a kiss on the cheek

    31. Tee and I lean over the hole, I shine

    32. fat to lean over and stretch to pick up the cigarette butt while

    33. lean over the barrel and read the expiration date printed on

    34. I used the stool to push myself up so I could lean over the bar and give her a brief hug before I left

    35. He watched Robert in the semi-darkness, lean over a ledge in a near wall

    36. He wished Annie was here with her smile, to lean over him and mop his brow

    37. Before he could lean over the table edge and satisfy his curiosity, Daniel snatched it from the floor and returned to his team

    38. lean over and kiss me but before he got there I started screaming and

    39. bed when I was still in bed he'd get clean over against the wall or

    40. “Like I said, keep it clean over there, Mr

    41. Lean over the basin or bath: this position will loosen the skin on the scalp and stimulate blood circulation

    42. Lean over here and I'll remove those precious family jewels of yours, that men are so proud of

    43. “Perhaps I can lean over your shoulder?”

    44. I had to lean over, and a long run of blood came out and I spat more and made it worse

    45. I turn to the drinking fountain and lean over it to slurp some water

    46. Miriam wanted to lean over for some ivy, but he would not let her

    47. We then plowed the waves of the Indian Ocean, vast liquid plains with an area of 550,000,000 hectares, whose waters are so transparent it makes you dizzy to lean over their surface

    48. When Easton went up to paint the pinnacle he had to stand on almost the very top rung of the ladder, to be exact, the third from the top, and lean over to steady himself by holding on to the pinnacle with his left hand while he used the brush with his right

    49. I lean over and kiss him on the cheek

    50. I mean if I ever sat behind myself in a movie or something, I'd probably lean over and tell myself to please shut up

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