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    Usar "leave behind" en una oración

    leave behind oraciones de ejemplo

    leave behind

    1. and leave behind what you choose to leave behind

    2. It was while she was cleaning her teeth in the bathroom, her mind busy with mentally sorting out what they could take and what they would have to leave behind, that she had heard the doors to the sitting room clatter

    3. Allcock found it more than difficult to leave behind her own favorite holiday traditions when she moved from Aberdeen to marry Samuel

    4. 14Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing—

    5. As Tenes had instructed, I made sure to leave behind my sling, as well

    6. All of the things he had had to leave behind in the name of the oath he swore to the Legion and the Emperor

    7. The dream may also be calling attention to the impression you leave behind and what others may think of you

    8. legacy, the gift they leave behind for others to emulate or

    9. When the parish happened to be situated in a great city, it divided all the inhabitants into two parties; and when that city happened, either to constitute itself a little republic, or to be the head and capital of a little republic, as in the case with many of the considerable cities in Switzerland and Holland, every paltry dispute of this kind, over and above exasperating the animosity of all their other factions, threatened to leave behind it, both a new schism in the church, and a new faction in the state

    10. Because Grandma and Grandpa will leave behind more than just their kin, their possessions, and that gravestone called Grandpa’s chicken coop… they will leave behind the glue that will hold this family together — the values and the lessons that we all grew up learning — that love is superior, that family is mighty, and that without a doubt, we were put here, not for ourselves, but for each other

    11. Poor Becky had to leave behind all of her friends and give up on plans to go back to school

    12. Perhaps, his brother was unlucky enough to have a wife and children that he had needed to leave behind

    13. All they accomplished though was leave behind large pockmarks on the walls, splintered doors and spent bullet casings

    14. Perhaps this was because she always seemed to preserve that attitude of delighted surprise towards life which most of us leave behind in childhood--an attitude which not only made Rosemary herself seem young, but flung a pleasing illusion of youth over the consciousness of every one who talked to her

    15. Hopkins would leave behind in this forest a magnificent find, perhaps a tool for discovering more of the chemistry of

    16. Ravi was finally about to leave behind the house he detested, but also leave behind the city he grew up in and previous life he would never get back

    17. knowing Him so that we can leave behind all that is

    18. we are forced to leave behind all that we have

    19. follow Him means you will leave behind not just the

    20. The only questions are how soon will it be dead, and what progeny, if any, will it leave behind? The excuse the Court offers to keep the Constitution “living” is to claim it is applying such tests as “evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society

    21. Exotic exhaust is what our ships leave behind

    22. You leave behind what is not your own

    23. what is the mind that you leave behind, provided you leave it

    24. Though it is sad to leave behind a foundation carrying his name and going in a number of directions in which he had no interest and probably would not have supported during his lifetime, Triad has moved on to honor and support the traditions his life represented

    25. trying to get food to the ones that we had to leave behind

    26. leave behind, who would then have to face the consequences of

    27. shrew might leave behind, but there weren’t any

    28. would still leave behind some kind of obvious indication that I

    29. He tried to impress everyone with his… Well, I don't know, but it's as though he wanted to leave behind smart-aleck quotations wherever he went or whatever he wrote

    30. As they did so, they seemed to leave behind cracks

    31. What legacy should we collectively leave behind?

    32. And they will flee to fetch their Lord, will overlook and leave behind the object of thy Destiny: enchanted, indestructible

    33. We leave behind a world that was, for one within another realm beyond thy mortal memories

    34. But what of these I leave behind? What chance have they to change their thoughts?”

    35. It would require a depth of faith in one’s perfected sense of Self, to leave behind all doubt and fear that it—the map—might be a fake

    36. But before doing so, they thought they’d leave behind this time capsule memento, a memorial or eulogy of sorts, to their home world

    37. `Probably picking up the slack that you leave behind

    38. was a part of what 1 had to leave behind when 1, a driven, ambitious, first-

    39. As they came closer, the sheer beauty of their movements made him weep for all of the nature he would leave behind, all the moments like this that he would never again experience

    40. She mingled with African Americans as she traveled into the segregated South to leave behind this youngest child at a boarding school

    41. “They would eradicate any group or individual that knows about time travel or that could oppose them and would leave behind an occupation force in order to ensure that your society could never become a threat to the Imperium

    42. “The detailed plans for our rescue operation are still being put together, but what I can tell you is that we will leave behind one operational scoutship, the BRITANNIA, plus the TEEN TEAM, which is still under repair

    43. His new goal in life, the legacy he would one day leave behind, would be to create online quizzes that would ultimately rattle and insult anyone who dared to waste the precious gift of time by taking them

    44. “Those are the spacetime distortions that you either left or will leave behind you around the Mediterranean between the 15th century B

    45. I needed to leave behind

    46. What a legacy to leave behind… In a

    47. Despite knowing that, he could feel an avalanche of emotions inside now began to start encompassing his mind, the same panicked feelings he tried to leave behind after hanging up with Mindy earlier

    48. Perhaps the trade she would be giving up for a loving man wasn't worth the life she would most certainly have to leave behind

    49. Secondly, the mind thinks of people, loved ones, relatives and friends they would have to leave behind

    50. What would he leave behind? Who would care? Not Sue, that’s for sure

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