Usar "leaving" en una oración
leaving oraciones de ejemplo
1. I’m telling you, the thought of leaving this earth without leaving this information for my children was terrifying to me
2. "But you're leaving her up in that house with them now," Jorma pointed out
3. Soon they were both snoring in naps, leaving Jorma to watch the lake alone
4. Always be sure you have a snack handy or that you eat before leaving the house so you are not tempted by the fast food restaurants while you are out
5. She had a light knit-wrap with her, but she hung that on the rail, leaving only her thin jersey covering her long and elegant body
6. But in the long term insects develop resistance to the super-tomatoes, leaving farmers scrambling to find ever newer strains of protective bacteria
7. The higher energy sources provide to the plants a quick pick me up, Higher energy food sources are easier to be absorbed then lower energy sources which require more energy to assimilate leaving the plant in a minus situation which in turn causes stress etc
8. And with that Ackers marched on ahead, leaving Nancy and Johnny to watch him walk alone up the hall to his office
9. It stands for 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
10. They suck the sugars from the plant, leaving a great deal of this nectar behind on the leaves of the plants being attacked
11. The driver chats about the weather for a few minutes then concentrates on the driving, leaving me to my thoughts
12. If you are leaving all your money to charity and nothing for your family, then emphasise the reason for doing so
13. cause damage to the lawn by leaving yellow or brown patches (roots of lawns are eaten)
14. "I don't blame her for leaving," Elond said, "and I don't blame you for being afraid of them
15. The buzzards return to Hinckley, Ohio after leaving for the Winter
16. We can re-arrange our lives, leaving out the non-essential activities
17. That’s odd, they don’t say why they are leaving … I’m sure they said they were intending to be in the area for at least five years when they took the place
18. He learned that an overdose was a very real danger and that it erased the brain, leaving the body a vegetable till it died
19. For soul it is no great tragedy in leaving the body
20. me in leaving this note is no greater than that which you must make when reading it
21. The wider wheels are smaller, only six feet in diameter instead of eight, leaving the backbone a foot closer to the ground
22. Leaving the old man and heading off down
23. I could have gone for a walk but that would have meant leaving the phone …
24. Eva leaving didn’t help the machine imagining either, given that a broken heart
25. ‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter
26. Last dark would be fine, but the girls would all be leaving with dawn if they were here now
27. "I'd rather not lie awake thinking of some giant rock about to fall on us, leaving us a winter Nightday that's decades long
28. Parking the car tidily beside Stephen’s rather more upmarket vehicle, and carefully leaving plenty of space for him to get into his driver’s door if he wants to, I haul my aching legs out of the car and start to walk across to the front door
29. When I was leaving
30. CLERIC 3, leaving the mosque, spies him, begins waving his hands frantically and shouting angrily in Arabic to Bolt
31. I go in and shake hands with the man standing behind the desk while at the same time I am uncomfortably aware that he is scanning what I am wearing, leaving me with the disconcerting impression that he knows what colour my knickers are
32. Leaving the car parked in a visitor’s space, I stroll along a path bordered by rather nicely kept shrubs towards the entrance to the offices
33. Before leaving her room the Countess took one precaution
34. picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light
35. ’ Tonya said, leaving me with the impression she will probably hunt me down for this express purpose
36. Tom managed to catch a glimpse of her leaving the car park
37. They scolded each other about how long it had been since they'd actually talked instead of just leaving quick notes for each other
38. Leaving the terminal building they found the taxi stand and walked to the top of the queue
39. In doing this, in leaving the cameras on constant surveillance, Smith also
40. Peter says it best in 1 Peter 2:21-22 - “ For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth
41. My ever-present tears had dried on my cheeks by the time that I woke fully from my reverie, leaving my face covered with brittle tracks of tight skin
42. The nicotine rush faded almost as quickly as it had hit me, leaving me feeling slightly nauseous but suddenly very aware of something new and wonderful
43. He closed the door leaving just enough light so that I could see to strip off my old clothes and put on the new
44. After welcoming me, he began to complain about “a woman who left Janus three years ago, without even explaining the reasons for leaving; she left because she couldn't find a boyfriend, but neither away from Janus did she find a boyfriend; maybe it's her karma, maybe its her idiosyncrasy
45. This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn't hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security
46. I tell her all about the day yesterday … leaving out some of the details with regard to Nick … and mention that I’m going for lunch with a couple of the residents today
47. The fate of this planet and its billions of innocents had really come down to a power struggle between Moamar and the Haadij hadn't it? And Moamar had won, leaving the Haadij weakened
48. He was glad they were not showing each other their personifications, he was able to continue the mission and not just duck out, leaving Enrico to plant this motor alone
49. That's the main reason I believe leaving is a mistake
50. It transpired that during my week of foul, self-centred temper and depression, Menachem had been leaving notes