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    Usar "legation" en una oración

    legation oraciones de ejemplo


    1. 1841, he accepted an appointment to serve as secretaryto the Spanish legation at the Hague

    2. secretary ofthe Chilean legation at Rome, Italy

    3. The opinion of Warburton in the Divine Legation is earnestly maintained by the learned French Jew, Grand-Rabbi Stein, in his work on Judaism in 1859

    4. "And the other Montero, the 'my trusted brother' of the proclamations, the guerrillero—haven't I written that he was taking the guests' overcoats and changing plates in Paris at our Legation in the intervals of spying on our refugees there, in the time of Rojas? He will wash out that sacred truth in blood

    5. "How about the Greek Legation?"

    6. I know the intentions of Montero's brother, Pedrito, the guerrillero, whom I exposed in Paris, some years ago, in a cafe frequented by South American students, where he tried to pass himself off for a Secretary of Legation

    7. He seemed fairly safe from being found out, because the students, all of the Blanco families, did not, as you may imagine, frequent the Legation

    8. Whether only a servant or some inferior official in the Costaguana Legation in Paris, he had rushed back to his country directly he heard that his brother had emerged from the obscurity of his frontier commandancia

    9. It could never have entered his head that Pedrito Montero, lackey or inferior scribe, lodged in the garrets of the various Parisian hotels where the Costaguana Legation used to shelter its diplomatic dignity, had been devouring the lighter sort of historical works in the French language, such, for instance as the books of Imbert de Saint Amand upon the Second Empire

    10. I simply walked out of the Legation one day after lunch, changed my money at Cook's, and asked about sailings to Alexandria just to fox Sammy, then went down to the port in a bus, found a sailor who spoke American, lay up with him till his ship sailed, and popped back to Constantinople, and that was that

    11. The employees of the British Legation always arrived at their posts with the same question: where are the damn trains? He assured them that the government was doing its best, but the fact was that they would have to wait until next year even for a line between Tokyo and Yokohama, a distance representing a short afternoon walk

    12. He had met Mori, who used to come to the Legation often as a translator on behalf of Minister Ito

    13. ‘Heard from the British Legation in Tokyo that you’ve got a bit of a reputation at cards

    14. Soon after these instructions were dispatched, it was found that the British Government, anticipating from early proceedings of Congress, at their last session, the state of our laws, which has had the effect of placing the two belligerent powers on a footing of equal restrictions, and, relying on the conciliatory disposition of the United States, had transmitted to their legation here provisional instructions, not only to offer satisfaction for the attack on the frigate Chesapeake, and to make known the determination of His Britannic Majesty to send an Envoy Extraordinary, with powers to conclude a treaty on all the points between the two countries; but, moreover, to signify his willingness, in the mean time, to withdraw his Orders in Council, in the persuasion that the intercourse with Great Britain would be renewed on the part of the United States

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    legateship legation foreign mission