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    Usar "legislating" en una oración

    legislating oraciones de ejemplo


    1. legislating “abortion” as legal

    2. power of legislating is reserved to the Congress

    3. Congressman Tom DeLay noted, “the President of the United States is legislating by executive order

    4. Why be so restrained, these Justices seemed to hint in their militant dissents, when the Court might do the legislating itself and get it right the first time? But with the exception of the 1947 case of Everson v

    5. (By the way, you can see how this idea of legislating languages does not

    6. We are legislating the law

    7. that of legislating the basis for a new society, but since I wasn't a government, I couldn't actually change any laws

    8. This would introduce into the Legislature invidious comparisons, and, instead of legislating, we shall be sitting as judges upon character

    9. The advocates of the amendment also said that they were averse to legislating blindfold, to voting millions without knowing for what, or to surrendering up their judgments to Executive discretion, under an idea that the President would not borrow more than was necessary

    10. In construing the Constitution of the United States, when legislating on the enumerated powers of Congress, I lay down this rule of construction: that the only limitation to the power of Congress is either some positive or implied prohibition in the constitution itself, or the exercise of an honest and sober discretion

    11. " In truth, sir, there is not a scintilla of the spirit, nor a single word or letter of the constitution, that loses its power and sanction upon our conduct in legislating in this particular

    12. We meet here under a constitution expressly framed and devised for legislating on select subjects, which, on account of the generality of their nature, could not be confided to the several States

    13. This, to my understanding, is legislating retrospectively; it is ex post facto; and, like the Rambouillet decree, is not only prospective, but retroactive

    14. But legislating as we are for a confederated Republic, it is worse than idle not to regard the character, situation, and interest of the people, in the several sections of the Union; and I ask gentlemen who are so ardent in the war, whose bosoms seem to glow with patriotic fire, is it just and fair to abandon the internal taxes and impose so much of the burden of the war upon the people of the Northern and Eastern States, the majority of whom are known to be opposed to it; whose hearts and souls are not in the business; who are driven, and dragged, and forced into a war, in which they will go with you no further, nor any longer, than a patriotic obedience to the constitution and laws of the country requires; a war which they consider unwise, impolitic, inexpedient, and ruinous; a war which must annihilate their commerce; that commerce to which they owe their rapid progress in population, in the arts of civilized life, in knowledge, in literature, in all that adorns and makes society valuable and interesting? From this people, in such a war, you have little to expect

    15. We are legislating for such a country, and it is our business and duty to regard the circumstances, the interests, and feelings of the people of different parts of the Union

    16. rule of construction in construing the constitution, when legislating on enumerated powers, 300;

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    lawmaking legislating legislation