Usar "lexicon" en una oración
lexicon oraciones de ejemplo
1. They are at war with us, but the Obama administration refuses to go to war with them, even to the extent of striking the word „terrorist" from the official lexicon
2. because it didn’t appear to be in the lexicon of their captain
3. In fact, there was nothing in his experiential lexicon to relate this sensation
4. Trust from Frank Booker was not in Sheena’s lexicon and it was proving hard for her to readjust to the fast-moving events of the past few days
5. Secularists and Atheists alike have long expunged Evil (in its purest sense) from its lexicon as a word commonly thought to convey a religious (read: superstitious) connotation consistent with irrational impulses or ideas rather than ―considered reasoning
6. The most important piece of news, without which the telling of the story would have become pointless and would have disappeared from the lexicon of storytelling, was this: that there had been a flood of monumental proportions at some time in the ancient past of the original storytellers
7. Events once “current” either made it to the ash heap or the lexicon of history
8. Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon
9. Can leopards change their spots? Is it a coincidence that today’s Democratic Party embodies so many of the original tenets of the Fabian Socialists?19 According to David Horowitz,20 “The Left has achieved success in transforming the lexicon of American politics
10. Students can exchange knowledge this way and will have a lexicon easily available
11. comes with an expanding lexicon of terms to assist the reader with learning the Omjadda language and to go deeper into the realm of the stories
12. I point at the Lexicon
13. Jabar often got his Lexicon out of a safe and I saw him making notes in it
14. ‘Do you know what also stands in the Lexicon? It will probably interest you
15. ‘Do you want to take information with you that has been gathered by such a horrible person? I should have destroyed the Lexicon a lot earlier already
16. It’s strange, but it seems as if the Lexicon is the straw that breaks the camel’s back
17. The word "home" is a weighted term in the Stallman lexicon
18. The term didn't take long to enter the national lexicon
19. psychopath, but the DSM dropped that term from its lexicon years
20. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old [First] Testament 40, The Ancien t Hebrew Lexicon of the
21. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old [First] Testament
22. With the help of the comprehensive lexicon HELOT, I was now reading and translating the
23. The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible
24. Lexicon of the Old Testament
25. But it is the best term that exists in the crude lexicon of language: so even though it is actually impossible to properly explain or describe, I use this term as a poor attempt to put into words what can never actually be explained
26. But because other even worse drugs have taken tobacco’s place in the lexicon of new drugs and new additives
27. Vine is one of, if not the best and most used and accepted Lexicon in use
28. They all have some, and no lexicon can be taken as law
29. Lexicon wrote later would give all eight English words as the meaning of the one Greek word
30. " "A Greek-English Lexicon Of the New Testament" Page 111
31. came to pass that the place was called Gehenna tou puros" A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament, Page 111
32. then applied what Thayer said in his lexicon about the valley of Gehenna to the
33. lexicon and find out if the translators and translation is correct
34. there can be no error in even the best lexicon or translations
35. They al have some, and no lexicon can be taken as law
36. A Lexicon wrote later would give al eight English
37. English lexicon of the New Testament, page 111
38. then applied what Thayer said in his lexicon about the valley of Gehenna that is on
39. So I go to the lexicon and find out if the translators and translation is
40. thankful that they left us one word in a lexicon to grasp at
41. the best lexicon or translations
42. They all have some, and no lexicon
43. Lexicon wrote later would give all eight English words as the
44. must not believe there can be no error in even the best lexicon or translations
45. A Lexicon wrote later would
46. It is a wonderful sensation to put wet mud on hot skin, Alyoshka stripping completely, but we were in no position to tell him otherwise, and after a good half hour at which point the mud had completely dried and cracked, we went, one more time, into the sea, weaving our way through hands and legs, step by step through a lexicon of flesh, the boy trying to preserve a cupped handful of sand but unable to stop it from finding its way through his fingers
47. then applied what was said in the lexicon about the valley of Gehenna to the origin
48. a lexicon to grasp at
49. Vine, page 149, New Testament; and like the men who have made translations of the Bible, their views sometime show up in their work, intentional or unintentional; and we must not believe there can be no error in even the best lexicon or translations
50. A Lexicon wrote later would give all eight English words as the meaning of the one Greek word