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    lies oraciones de ejemplo


    1. appear on any maps until 1975 – it actually lies about 10 years to the

    2. John lies on his back resting with his eyes open, the sheets covering his body up to his waist

    3. The "other" John lies in a bed in the nursing home

    4. An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

    5. The dangers of meditation are largely the dangers of our virtues, and therein lies much of the difficulty

    6. A large black dog of undetermined breed lies dreaming in front of the bar, it’s front leg twitching as it sleeps

    7. The secret of writing good English lies in a good match between nouns and adjectives

    8. John lies on his back, still looking up into the face of the Buddha

    9. "But not filling the void with lies," Tahlmute said

    10. ‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter

    11. John lies on a single bed, holding his wedding band in one hand, studying it

    12. father of lies), and you do not resist his symptoms with strong faith,

    13. A shattered airplane wheel lies nearby, aircraft parts are everywhere, as are broken bottles of moonshine and flaming boxes

    14. She lies back against the sofa cushions and closes her eyes for a moment

    15. John lies on his mattress, staring at the ceiling

    16. "Lies!" He shouted, pinned Travis’s head down by the back of his neck and turned his pistol to Betsy

    17. The root of all diseases is sin, and it lies in a spiritual world,

    18. Half the planet's surface lies above fifteen thousand feet oxygen barometric

    19. With one hand resting lightly on my waist, he points out where The Laurels lies – oh yes, I can just see the roof of the hall from here

    20. Herein lies the problem in the religious world today

    21. He just lies there, crumpled in his bed and tears begin to fall on the sheets as he cries

    22. He jumps up and finds the defeated, miserable girl full of dangerous secrets and lies, still crying on the floor

    23. He lies on the grayish bed, and stares at the plate of food that inexplicably materialized on the table's glass surface a while ago

    24. I'm still not going to fall for it, Apollo thinks to himself as he lies back down on the bed, trying to stifle his appetite that's suddenly eating away at his determination

    25. something more magnificent and wonderful that lies sleeping

    26. This is your reality born out of the realisation that Rousseau and freedom and brotherhood are lies

    27. The hurricane wind lies quietly in these eyes now

    28. There before him lies the simple shape of grace,

    29. The power of the devil lies solely in manipulation, force, intimidation, lies, etc

    30. There is a time in any hack when you cry 'we're in' and the data lies open to your perusal

    31. Here lies the whole of it

    32. lies the most beautiful woman in the world

    33. She lies in ice,

    34. “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us

    35. She, the Lady Frances, lies mouldered in some lost pit,

    36. A sudden chill running down my spine, I wonder what lies ahead

    37. The choice is yours to make; but remember this, you were all chosen for the task that lies ahead

    38. and the stone lies on its side, the inscription worn away,

    39. lies have flowed around me,

    40. She lies in the shallow water of dead time,

    41. to the broken shell that lies gathering dust

    42. Through laughter and tears, and all that lies between them, I will stand by you

    43. glass lies shattered on an emerald cut sea of stone

    44. The chief function of this inverted posture in the battle against period pains lies in the reversal of the influence of gravity upon the internal organs

    45. "After all these years and all those lies

    46. So it is Yoga again to the rescue and your answer to this problem in the first instance lies in reading chapter two again and practicing the CORPSE POSTURE faithfully every day for at least ten minutes, and more if you have time

    47. Whether one is overtaken by the lies of whatever religion in which they are immersed, or if they have a valid mental illness, or if someone was abused by their father as a child -- it all comes down to the same thing

    48. Uttah just shook her head, 'He tells such lies

    49. ‘When will we know if it has made a difference?’ I asked, my hand resting on the pouch in my belt as though seeking reassurance of what lies within

    50. And then there are the more simplistic methods of catching people in their lies

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