Terry pretty well disappeared from public life, earning a meagre living from his pub until that went into liquidation too
living from his pub until that went into liquidation too
This decentralizes the debt, it explodes it in thousands of units, it facilitates its liquidation and it annuls the process highly concentrator that inhibits the possibility of its payment
During 2002, the crematoriums affairs were investigated, which led to the liquidation of the crematorium as well as criminal charges against the owner(s)
I had to do the legal work of the “reverse liquidation” of KIC into the big three subsidiaries
Soon after returning from the UP trip, I was given a “special assignment” to do, a reverse liquidation of the parent corporation, which required my taking the elevator to the 26th floor
A point of significance, rarely raised, was the liquidation of a group of people based on social class; in this case the aristocracy
In the Communist revolutions of the future, liquidation by class will become common
The company that put Ithaca on the international map was brought out of bankruptcy by new owners in 1987, but financial failure again led to liquidation in 1996
“Estate recovery and liquidation,” Nem said
The next news they got in late July was that the holiday company they had booked with had gone into liquidation
And you have been told how John applied this money toward the liquidation of the mortgage on the Capernaum property
Even then, he provided for the profitable liquidation of their property, as in the case of the Apostle Matthew
place of inanimate objects, or the nearest liquidation facility,
are some assets that can be sold in the event of liquidation and some assets that do not
recovery of assets may be as low as 20 percent in a liquidation, they are 95 - 100 percent
would theoretically receive upon liquidation
I didn't realize how serious they were about their liquidation sale until I heard that at the end of the day they killed all the employees
The only sure value a company has when it goes out of business is the value of its assets in liquidation, and even that value is likely to go to creditors or be absorbed in the liquidation process
oversees the liquidation of the debtors’
While it was Annie Besant, the English woman, who helped the Congress form, Sonia Gandhi, Dame de Italian, might help in its eventual liquidation, of course, with the helping hand from an uninspiring Rahul, her political heir apparent! If not the maturity of the Indian electorate, at least the public allergy for the Congress’ insensitivity to the national ethos could ensure that, and as and when it happens, it could be one of the many ironies of the chequered history of Hindustan
The liquidation then stars by sailing all inventories for cash
liquidation of goods, received a letter shortly after his death on that bus
In case a company goes in to liquidation by the orders of
• The account is styled as "The Liquidation Account of
losses without forcing/causing liquidation
in the event of a liquidation
trigger liquidation of the long position, the "blip" becomes a new Point 2
It would be necessary to make inquiries, to look into mortgages, and see if there were any occasion for a sale by auction or a liquidation
even a competitor didn't believe the numbers? I hadn't received any client liquidation requests in
Meir said that a peace plan proposed by King Hussein “would lead to the eventual liquidation of Israel
She noted that Israel was not even mentioned in the proposal and that, by her interpretation, the plan would lead to the eventual liquidation of Israel
So there's only one thing left to do and that is - go into liquidation
Liquidation, you understand, is not the same as failure
"But a liquidation can be managed without having recourse to the courts at all
Intuitively, you might expect that such a margin increase would be insignificant, but it can force liquidation and bring large-scale selling pressure into the market
I do not risk more on trades I really like—every trade within a trade class is a consistent percentage risk to the net liquidation value of the account (“net liq”)
2 billion! The parent company pulled the plug, and MG was forced into liquidation
The result is panic liquidation buying, often by the clearing firm, to cover a customer with insufficient funds
liquidation: the sale of an insolvent company’s assets to pay creditors
These situations may involve a liquidation or give rise to technical operations known as “arbitrage” or “hedging
Our concerns are with industry, company standing, management, interest coverage, capital structure, alternative sources of liquidity, liquidation value, and covenants
563) If you buy a security below liquidation value, you should not get hurt, even if liquidation is in the offing
The third type of bankruptcy, in which the investor seeks control, is a polar opposite of a liquidation, in that the hope is to achieve profit from seizing control of a going concern rather than reaping the proceeds of the sale of its parts
In the standard liquidation, senior creditors are paid off as best as the company’s assets will allow; sometimes, unsecured creditors are fortunate enough to receive a meaningful distribution too
It is beyond doubt that MCI’s reorganization plan provides creditors with a much greater chance of recovery than does liquidation, which would literally throw away billions of dollars of value
MCI’s going-concern value is estimated to be approximately $12 billion to $15 billion, while its liquidation value is only $4 billion
In the latter case drastic liquidation of inventories occurred in 1930 and 1931, proceeds from which were used to retire about 80% of the bond issue through purchases in the market
In 1931 liquidation of the company’s assets was begun, and a total of $17 per share in liquidating dividends on the preferred had been paid up to the end of 1933
(Assets then remaining for liquidation were negligible
As a result, Graham and Dodd went to balance sheets to determine liquidation values or, as a proxy for these, current assets minus all liabilities
If a company could be bought at a price well below its liquidation value, then it seemed unambiguously to be a bargain
If the earnings improvement produced a market value above liquidation value, all well and good
On the other hand, if such positive earnings developments failed to materialize and if this happened before the liquidation value of the firm was significantly damaged, then the company could be liquidated and the proceeds distributed to its shareholders
In either case, the shareholders who bought below liquidation value would earn a “satisfactory return” on their investment
Since then the practice of buying below liquidation value has been undermined by two factors
Second, and more importantly, opportunities to buy stocks at prices below liquidation value, which were abundant in the 1930s, have effectively disappeared in the long-term prosperity that has followed
Relatively few industries in recent times have become economically nonviable and hence candidates for liquidation
, an investment trust, has outstanding preferred stock entitled to $3 cumulative dividends and to $50 or $55 in liquidation, but its par value is $10
It has also a Class A stock entitled to $20 in liquidation plus 70% of the assets remaining and to 70% of the earnings paid out after preferred dividends, but the par value of this issue is $1
It is true that one company often sells out to another, usually at a price well above liquidating value, also that insolvency will at times result in the piecemeal sale of the assets; but the voluntary withdrawal from an unprofitable business, accompanied by the careful liquidation of the assets, is an infinitely more frequent happening among private than among publicly owned concerns
A company’s balance sheet does not convey exact information as to its value in liquidation, but it does supply clues or hints which may prove useful
The following schedule indicates fairly well the relative dependability of various types of assets in liquidation
The estimated values in liquidation as given for White Motor are somewhat lower in respect of inventories and somewhat higher as regards the fixed and miscellaneous assets than one might be inclined to adopt in other examples
In the typical case it may be said that the noncurrent assets are likely to realize enough to make up most of the shrinkage suffered in the liquidation of the current assets
There can be no sound economic reason for a stock’s selling continuously below its liquidation value
If the company is not worth more as a going concern than in liquidation, it should be liquidated
Stocks selling below liquidation value are in many cases too cheap and so offer an attractive medium for purchase
It will be noted that the amount actually received in liquidation proved identical with the current-asset value just before the liquidation began, and it was 2½ times the ruling market price at that time
(Note also the partial liquidation of Davis Coal and Coke Company, described in the footnote on p
The latter result was obtained through the liquidation of receivables and inventories, the proceeds of which paid off the 1929 bank loans and largely increased the cash resources
Complete liquidation means the loss of the job itself
The subject of liquidation must not be left without some reference to the employees’ vital interest therein
If, as will usually be the case, the directors are convinced that continuance is preferable to liquidation, the reasons leading to this conclusion should at the same time be supplied
Subsequently the company embarked on a policy of piecemeal liquidation which resulted in a series of payments on capital account
A statement of the arguments for and against liquidation was forwarded to the stockholders, and they were asked to vote on the question
The management again submitted the question of liquidation to the stockholders, and this time a winding up of the business was voted
It seems to hold most consistently in cases where liquidation or a sale to outside interests results ultimately in a cash distribution or its equivalent
736 on accompanying CD, for a phase of the liquidation of the United States Express Company illustrating this point and for the more recent example of Court-Livingston Corporation
, Second Preferred has a stated par of $25, but both issues carry a $6 dividend and they are entitled to $120 per share and $100 per share respectively in the event of liquidation
, follows the practice of deducting preferred stock at its value in case of involuntary liquidation, when computing the book value of the common
This is scarcely logical, because dissolution or liquidation is almost always a remote contingency and would take place under conditions quite different from those obtaining at the time of analysis
In the case of investment-trust issues, liquidation values of preferred issues are more relevant and should generally be used
6 For other examples of liquidation bringing stockholders more than the previous market price see the table on p
These securities were selling at considerably less than the amount realizable for them in liquidation, chiefly because of certain suits involving a substantial cash fund
For instance, during a decline, if the ticker is very active and the volume of sales large, voluntary or compulsory liquidation is indicated
Liquidations: Purchase of shares which were to receive one or more cash payments in liquidation of the company’s assets
The stock closed 1970 at 21½, indicating a possible gross profit here, if book value was realized in liquidation, of more than 30%
An analogous thing could be done by issuing separate certificates for the right to receive dividends (for a limited or unlimited period), or the right to share in the proceeds of sale or liquidation of the enterprise, or the right to vote the shares
Even during our liquidation period they performed superbly
Unless there are industrial buyers for their plant and equipment, which isn't likely given the specialized uses for which they were built, the assets aren't worth much even in liquidation
There are many reasons companies file for bankruptcy (some bankruptcies are the result of creditors' actions, not company initiative), only some of which portend the termination of the firm and the liquidation of its assets
In the event of liquidation, the assets will probably not be sufficient to pay off all the debt, so it may help to be standing in front of the line
The last stage is either liquidation or emergence from bankruptcy
As we quote him in our trading diaries, “One of the problems is that most, if not nearly all of the big leaders have undergone serious distribution and liquidation
The most meaningful protection for publicly issued preferred stock seems to be one requiring a two-thirds vote of the outstanding preferred class if the company is to issue a new preferred stock equal or senior to the existing issue as to dividends or liquidation