Usar "long-lived" en una oración
long-lived oraciones de ejemplo
1. Though long-lived and well-respected, the Jonat family ruled with force, and their wars in the wake of the disaster of the Prophets’ rule caused more than half of the continent to fall under Aeresan control
2. would be as long-lived and as wide-ranging as
3. “Long-lived types really know how to hold a grudge
4. her However, in long-lived plants, such as trees, permanent atoms are
5. And to date, aggravated for the long-lived prison suffered under the Witch Zarnia's hands, there were no indications that this situation would have gotten better in any way
6. rebelliousness will not be long-lived unless it becomes a means of counteracting the
7. The frightening reality, which had dawned upon the international gnostic elite, was that if they were to be exceptionally long-lived or possibly even immortal, the preservation of a pleasant and habitual environment on Earth was of crucial importance
8. The Lhasa Apso is a healthy breed and is long-lived,
9. worked in the Xia Dynasty, one of the early long-lived dynasties that have been characteristic of China’s recorded history
10. Although jet fuel produces water vapor as it burns, more than 90 percent of the ice in long-lived
11. when long-lived-in habits of thought begin to take unto themselves a
12. All of the symbols are referring to long-lived institutions
13. (;ranting that the soul is long-lived, and has known and done much in a former state, still she is not on that account immortal; and her entrance into the human fore) may be a sort of disease which is the beginning of dissolution (ajpch< h[n aujth oJleqron), and may at last, after the toils of life are over, end in that which is called death (kai< teleutw~ta> ge eJn tw kaloumi>nw qana>tw ajpollu>oito)
14. Where the humming-bird shimmers, where the neck of the long-lived
15. And this is the dissolution:--In plants that grow in the earth, as well as in animals that move on the earth's surface, fertility and sterility of soul and body occur when the circumferences of the circles of each are completed, which in short-lived existences pass over a short space, and in long-lived ones over a long space
16. It was depressing to realize that old hatreds were so long-lived
17. But he came of a long-lived family, he had not a single gray hair, no one would have taken him for forty, and he remembered Varenka’s saying that it was only in Russia that men of fifty thought themselves old, and that in
18. long-lived family on his mother's side
19. These were very important investment themes—the associated crowds were big and long-lived
20. By assembling the diverse perspectives of these experienced and able contributors and editors, we hope to make this sixth edition of Security Analysis a rich, varied, and highly informed tapestry of investment thinking that will be a worthy and long-lived successor to the five preceding editions
21. “charges for the impairment of long-lived assets,” and
22. Now, however, because the networks had an estimated usable life of up to 25 years, Global Crossing began treating them as depreciable, long-lived capital assets
23. • Long-lived risky assets reflect both secular and cyclical growth prospects, neither of which is easy to predict
24. Before turning to shorter term growth prospects and their impact on asset returns, I stress how important long-term growth is to long-lived assets such as equities
25. The relation between long-lived real and nominal assets was mildly positive most of the 20th century, especially in the 1970s when both bond and stock valuations suffered from high inflation, and in the 1980s when both benefited from the decline in inflation
26. one should not expect large cyclical patterns in the returns of forward-looking, long-lived assets which should “see through” many cycles [1]
27. Companies with long-lived oil reserves in countries with low political risk should be the go-to names for investors looking to pump up their profits
28. • Companies with long-lived oil reserves in countries with low political risk should be the go-to investments for those looking to pump up their profits
29. Until becoming acquainted with these facts, I was unwilling to believe in the frequent early death of hybrid embryos; for hybrids, when once born, are generally healthy and long-lived, as we see in the case of the common mule
30. Of course their modesty was not fated to be long-lived, but for a moment they were abashed