She knew what longitude it was on by the fact that they could only make contact from dawn in Zhlindu til eighteen hours later, that would be sunset where he was
A probe in a polar orbit at that longitude soon found it
In the GPS window, his longitude and latitude showed, followed by the names Indian Creek N and Morgan Run S, apparently the closest north-south points of
The sacred River Ganges spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31)
north latitude and 30° west longitude in the Atlantic Ocean
It lies about 15° west longitude and 40° south latitude and is a long way from anywhere else in the
We see a combination of coordinates that is similar to your longitude and latitude,’ Bellona says
eastern longitude, and it is on 540 -3820 meters from the sea level
Longitude and latitude
" From memory, he gave La Salle the latitude and longitude
Be men, and I assure you that the lines of longitude and latitude will not measure the respect given to you
Mayfair decoded the latitude and longitude of the rendezvous point, consulted the map, and made a minor course correction
She selected a position, wrote down the latitude and longitude, got the code book out of the safe, and translated the numbers into letters
The elongations can be recognized in an ephemeris as the points where Mercury’s daily travel in longitude equals the sun’s daily travel in longitude
The exact times, strength of all the hurricanes, exact coordinates in latitude and longitude, exact timetables, and all other detailed information have been, given to Bears News meteorologist, Chester Nichols, and you John
You are between 40 and 41 degrees North latitude and between 56 and 57 degrees West longitude
74 ° 46' 54'' of longitude west of the city of
David told him what had happened and gave his exact location, reading out the latitude and longitude from a piece of paper stuck to the wall above his head
At the same moment the large stern fishing trawler TRITON arrived at its destination of latitude N 480 55’ 21’’ and longitude W 70 1’ 53’’ in the Atlantic Ocean off the western European coast
To his helmsman he said, “Ian, duly record the latitude and longitude
We only know with certainty the location of the origin, which was latitude N 480 55’ 21’’ and longitude W 70 1’ 53’’
As the ARK struggled west in the howling and violent storm it was approaching longitude W 70 1’ 53’’
longitude and the parallels of latitude, which are referred as
along it are at 0° longitude
The planet was circled by an armada of Global Positioning System satellites that transmitted to GPS receivers as small as transistor radios, giving latitude and longitude to an accuracy of 10 feet
You're familiar with some of them, such as the thermometer, which gives the temperature inside the Nautilus; the barometer, which measures the heaviness of the outside air and forecasts changes in the weather; the humidistat, which indicates the degree of dryness in the atmosphere; the storm glass, whose mixture decomposes to foretell the arrival of tempests; the compass, which steers my course; the sextant, which takes the sun's altitude and tells me my latitude; chronometers, which allow me to calculate my longitude; and finally, spyglasses for both day and night, enabling me to scrutinize every point of the horizon once the Nautilus has risen to the surface of the waves
There the captain fixed his position and used a chronometer to calculate his longitude, which he double–checked against his previous observations of hour angles
"We're in longitude 137° 15' west of the meridian of Paris, and latitude 30° 7' north, in other words, about 300 miles from the shores of Japan
Then my eyes focused on a huge world map displayed on the table, and I put my finger on the very spot where our just–determined longitude and latitude intersected
On November 26, at three o'clock in the morning, the Nautiluscleared the Tropic of Cancer at longitude 172°
longitude 139° 32' west, I spotted Martin Point on Nuku Hiva, chief member of this island group that belongs to France
Meanwhile, continuously swept along by the Nautilus, where we lived in near isolation, we raised the Tuamotu Islands on December 11, that old "dangerous group" associated with the French global navigator Commander Bougainville; it stretches from Ducie Island to Lazareff Island over an area of 500 leagues from the east–southeast to the west–northwest, between latitude 13° 30' and 23° 50' south, and between longitude 125° 30' and 151° 30' west
After touching the Tropic of Capricorn at longitude 135°, it headed west–northwest, going back up the whole intertropical zone
This group is chiefly made up of nine large islands and forms a 120–league strip from the north–northwest to the south–southeast, lying between latitude 2° and 15° south, and between longitude 164° and 168°
We were facing the island of Vanikoro proper, to which Captain Dumont d'Urville had given the name "Island of the Search"; we lay right in front of the little harbor of Vana, located in latitude 16° 4' south and longitude 164° 32' east
There he heard about Dillon's findings, and he further learned that a certain James Hobbs, chief officer on the Union out of Calcutta, had put to shore on an island located in latitude 8° 18' south and longitude 156° 30' east, and had noted the natives of those waterways making use of iron bars and red fabrics
It's located between latitude 0° 19' and 10° 2' south, and between longitude 128° 23' and 146° 15'
Wessel, located in longitude 135° and latitude 10° north, the
On January 13, arriving in the Timor Sea, Captain Nemo raised the island of that name at longitude 122°
Our position fix placed us in latitude 45° 37' south and longitude 37° 53' west
In 1819 the Russian Bellinghausen lay on the 69th parallel, and in 1821 on the 66th at longitude 111° west
In 1829 the Englishman Forster, commander of the Chanticleer, laid claim to the Antarctic continent in latitude 63° 26' and longitude 66° 26'
Lastly, on January 12, 1842, with his ships, the Erebus and the Terror, the Englishman Sir James Clark Ross found Victoria Land in latitude 70° 56' and longitude 171° 7' east; on the 23rd of that same month, he reached the 74th parallel, a position denoting the Farthest South attained until then; on the 27th he lay at 76° 8'; on the 28th at 77° 32'; on February 2 at 78° 4'; and late in 1842 he returned to 71° but couldn't get beyond it
This Land of Fire forms a huge cluster of islands over thirty leagues long and eighty leagues wide, extending between latitude 53° and 56° south, and between longitude 67° 50' and 77° 15' west
I just entered the edge of it, if my latitude and longitude calculations are correct
He would be obliged if Professor Challenger would give the latitude and the longitude of the country in which prehistoric animals were to be found
To have changed your longitude extensively and placed yourselves in a moral solitude in order to have small explosions, to find conversation difficult and to hand a glass of water without looking, can hardly be regarded as satisfactory fulfilment even to the toughest minds
This is either based on degrees of latitude and longitude or a special grid developed by the mapping authority
Most areas in the world may be placed in latitude and longitude, described chemically in their earth, sky and water, rooted and fuzzed over with identified flora and people with known fauna, and there’s an end to it
and longitude 50
Though the gregarious sperm whales have their regular seasons for particular grounds, yet in general you cannot conclude that the herds which haunted such and such a latitude or longitude this year, say, will turn out to be identically the same with those that were found there the preceding season; though there are peculiar and unquestionable instances where the contrary of this has proved true
But you must be a thorough whaleman, to see these sights; and not only that, but if you wish to return to such a sight again, you must be sure and take the exact intersecting latitude and longitude of your first stand-point, else so chance-like are such observations of the hills, that your precise, previous stand-point would require a laborious re-discovery; like the Soloma Islands, which still remain incognita, though once high-ruffed Mendanna trod them and old Figuera chronicled them
And now that at the proper time and place, after so long and wide a preliminary cruise, Ahab,—all other whaling waters swept—seemed to have chased his foe into an ocean-fold, to slay him the more securely there; now, that he found himself hard by the very latitude and longitude where his tormenting wound had been inflicted; now that a vessel had been spoken which on the very day preceding had actually encountered Moby Dick;—and now that all his successive meetings with various ships contrastingly concurred to show the demoniac indifference with which the white whale tore his hunters, whether sinning or sinned against; now it was that there lurked a something in the old man's eyes, which it was hardly sufferable for feeble souls to see
And as the mighty iron Leviathan of the modern railway is so familiarly known in its every pace, that, with watches in their hands, men time his rate as doctors that of a baby's pulse; and lightly say of it, the up train or the down train will reach such or such a spot, at such or such an hour; even so, almost, there are occasions when these Nantucketers time that other Leviathan of the deep, according to the observed humor of his speed; and say to themselves, so many hours hence this whale will have gone two hundred miles, will have about reached this or that degree of latitude or longitude
That the memorialist states that, for the purpose of laying a foundation for the establishment of a first meridian for the United States of America, at the seat of Government, he has made calculations to determine the longitude of the Capitol, in the City of Washington, from Greenwich Observatory, in England; and that he submits the same, together with the data and elements on which his calculations are made, to the consideration and patronage of the National Legislature
They reckoned their longitude east, from Heria or Junonia, one of these islands supposed to be the present Island of Teneriffe
It would perhaps have been fortunate for the science of geography and navigation, that all nations had agreed upon a first meridian, from which all geographers and navigators might have calculated longitude; but as this has not been done, and in all probability never will take place, the committee are of opinion that, situated as we are in this Western hemisphere, more than three thousand miles from any fixed or known meridian, it would be proper, in a national point of view, to establish a first meridian for ourselves; and that measures should be taken for the eventual establishment of such a meridian in the United States
This difficulty is also increased, by the circumstance that, in Louisiana, our newly-acquired territory, longitude has heretofore been reckoned from Paris the capital of the French Empire
The exact longitude of any place in the United States being ascertained from the meridian of the observatory at Greenwich, in England, a meridian with which we have been conversant, it would not be difficult to adapt all our maps, charts, and astronomical tables, to the meridian of such a place
Lambert has calculated the longitude of the Capitol in the City of Washington, from the Royal observatory at Greenwich, by one of the most approved methods now in use for that purpose, viz: an occultation of a known fixed star by the moon
By these calculations it appears, that the longitude of the Capitol, in the city of Washington, as reduced according to the true figure of the earth, (being that of an oblate spheroid,) is 76° 53´ 6"
Indeed, in order to be certain of a correct result, it may be proper that more than one of the various methods of ascertaining longitude should be used; that calculations should be made from observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, of solar eclipses, of the angular distances between the sun and moon, or the moon and a fixed star, or other methods, as well as from observations on occultations of fixed stars
The committee are, therefore, of opinion that, in order to lay a foundation for the establishment of a first meridian in this Western hemisphere, the President of the United States should be authorized to cause the longitude of the city of Washington, from the observatory at Greenwich, in England, to be ascertained with the greatest possible degree of accuracy; and that he also be authorized, for that purpose, to procure the necessary astronomical instruments
Resolved, That it is expedient to make provision, by law, authorizing the President of the United States to cause the longitude of the city of Washington from the observatory at Greenwich, in England, to be ascertained with the greatest degree of accuracy; and also authorizing him, for that purpose, to procure the necessary astronomical instruments
Pitkin observed that the object of the committee was to have a first meridian established for the United States, from which computations of longitude might be generally made, that maps, charts, and nautical tables, might not, as heretofore, be calculated from the observatory at Greenwich, or from the varying points of Philadelphia, New York, Washington, or Charleston
As the longitude must be taken very exactly, various instruments would be necessary for the purpose of making astronomical observations
" "Difference of longitude does not seem very materially to affect the Floral Calendar within the United States
It embraces, in its present form, and without any extension, to the Gulf of Mexico, (as is proposed in the bill referred to us,) nearly six and a half degrees of geographical longitude, and four entire degrees of latitude, and affords an area of twice the surface of the State of Pennsylvania
Your committee are strongly impressed with the propriety and expediency of dividing the said Territory, so as to form of the same two States, whenever the population, within the limits of each section, shall render it just and proper; and they respectfully submit to the Senate the following divisional line, between the western and eastern sections of the said Territory, viz: up the Mobile river, to the point nearest its source, which falls on the eleventh degree of west longitude from the city of Washington; thence a course due north until the line intersects the waters of Bear Creek; thence down the said creek to its confluence with the Tennessee River; thence down the said river to the northern boundary line of the said Territory
If Horace thought that man almost impiously daring who first adventured upon the open sea, what shall we say of the hardihood of the attempt to visit THE POLE?—the pole, which it is impossible to contemplate without awe—which, in all probability, has never been visited by any living being—where the dreary solitude has never been broken by human voice—where the sound of war has never been heard, and darkness and cold exert an almost undisputed dominion! What must be the emotions of that man who first stands upon the point of the earth's axis! Who, no longer partaking of the revolution, in circles of latitude, slowly revolves on the axis of his own body, once in twenty-four hours—to whom the sun does not rise or set, but, moving in a course very oblique to the horizon, makes scarcely a perceptible progress in twenty-four hours, and at the end of three months, when he has attained his noon, is only 23° 28′, on the arc of a vertical circle, above the horizon—to whom longitude is extinct, and who can move in no possible direction but south—to whom the stars are a blank, and to whom the polar star, could he see it, would appear in the zenith
The latitude and longitude of Deerfield, from which those on the map were marked, were obtained by taking a mean of the observations given by Gen
The latitude and longitude are probably not perfectly accurate
Latitude of Deerfield, 42° 32′ 32″, longitude 72° 41′
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, on the 25th instant, being in the latitude 29° north, longitude 29° 30´ west, we fell in with, and, after an action of one hour and a half, captured His Britannic Majesty's ship Macedonian, commanded by Captain John Carden, and mounting forty-nine carriage guns, (the odd gun shifting
We had left the Delaware on the 13th; the 16th had a heavy gale, in which we lost our jib-boom and two men; half-past eleven on the night of the 17th, in latitude 37 degrees north, and longitude 65 degrees west, we saw several sail, two of them appearing very large; we stood for them for some time, then shortened sail, and steered the remainder of the night the course we had perceived them on
Longitude, notice of F
—, — —, longitude of the City Hall, xxxvii, 400
, suggested the determination of longitude by means of, xlii, 399
, in south latitude 13° 6´, and west longitude 38°, about ten leagues distant from the coast of Brazil, I fell in with, and captured, His Britannic Majesty's frigate Java, of 49 guns, and upwards of four hundred men, commanded by Captain Lambert, a very distinguished officer