Usar "malnutrition" en una oración
malnutrition oraciones de ejemplo
1. They will eat are malnutrition and under watered
2. Weak with self-imposed malnutrition and the physical pain that came from my descent into madness, my body finally gave up the struggle for normality
3. That sugar, in the last analysis, can cause serious malnutrition is proved by the fact that although like alcohol, it is a quick source of energy the effects do not last and as the body becomes more and more dependent on these ‘quick lifts’ it becomes less inclined to eat nourishing food
4. Yet Iraqis clearly still starved and still died of disease when malnutrition made them vulnerable
5. According to the World Health Organization, annually malnutrition plays a major role in the deaths of over 5 million children
6. The people that pass hunger, cold and social abandonment try that in the skin, as well as those that are disabled by lack of opportunities of personal development or the loss of its accomplishment potential by physical problems that are generated due to the malnutrition or fatality of the life
7. showed signs of extreme malnutrition
8. Nevertheless, Malnutrition and infectious diseases are also the primary health
9. Heavy drinking over the long term can also impair your liver's ability to activate vitamins, which contributes to the malnutrition often suffered by long term alcoholics
10. Malnutrition: Malnutrition lowers the BMR
11. He shown signs of severe malnutrition, and he has no reserves
12. Suffering from malnutrition, their long, dull coats and manes reflected hard, tough lives in the mountains
13. • Malnutrition (can cause a host of medical and mental health
14. After seven years of precarious survival on this tropical island she was skinny to the point of malnutrition and all her clothes had rotted away years ago, leaving her naked except for the steel necklace placed around her neck by the freaks after she had been kidnapped and brought here
15. She then eyed with sadness the thin bodies of the two children, which showed signs of malnutrition, and smiled gently to them
16. All of them looked emaciated and the children were also lethargic, probably because of severe malnutrition
17. Without the proper amount of sodium in our diet, the nutrients are unable to pass through the cellular membrane and we literally starve from malnutrition
18. This is also causing malnutrition in both humans and animals
19. died due to malnutrition
20. years, thousands of children died due to malnutrition
21. still die of malnutrition
22. It is a self-love of plastic surgery to pretend perpetual youth, not seeing in one's conspicuous cosmetic consumption, a lost donation to surgeons repairing the malformations of disease and birth defects due to malnutrition, embargo and war
23. Love is not obesity in a world of malnutrition
24. Our disposable entertainment favors are the malnutrition of the plundered and the poison of the exploited
25. Since true egalitarianism has not emerged with the rise of smart labor, which has eliminated most human jobs, class divisions have escalated and, to avoid mass militancy, the death of the lower classes has become necessary through overwork, addiction, malnutrition, famine, lack of health care, pandemics, drought, herd thinning displaced populations wandering aimless from their GovCorp land grabbed communities, unwilling collateral participation in wars of population reduction, and anything that can decrease the lower class' ever increasing numbers due to the decrease of actual jobs
26. Why are social, but not personal, abortions morally acceptable? Pro-life is against the killing of fetuses by undiscerning and dispassionate drones, mothers dying from malnutrition, wars contaminating the yet to be conceived, and all diseases, for all of these are social abortions against unwilling mothers and wanted children
27. "Thrombocytopenia, it could be caused by several different reasons, malnutrition or viral or bacterial infection, we will know more once we get the lab tests
28. One wonders just how many television reporters contribute to the elimination of malnutrition when the cameras aren’t there to videotape their efforts
29. from internal crises and terrorism add to the already grave situation of poverty and malnutrition
30. malnutrition and starvation numbered in the thousands every day
31. The food produced by this industrialized method became so empty of nutritional value that the organic farming movement as a counter-culture to the malnutrition caused by using chemical fertilizer in an attempt to bring back people to a healthier way farming and living
32. Or… he would starve for five years before he got paid and eventually die of malnutrition
33. This single, common, business practice alone is how most artificial shortages and world hunger, and starvation, and malnutrition is exported from the affluent western industrialized nations into 3rd world nations
34. What is carefully hidden is the fact that Breadfruit could easily have solved the malnutrition problems of all Industrialized England
35. It could easily have solved the malnutrition problems of all Industrialized England
36. We allow millions of healthy babies starve and die of malnutrition simply because their parents are poor
37. By giving in to the foolish whims of their children, parents give up their own parental control and responsibility; and the result is mass epidemics of malnutrition and mass epidemics of obesity
38. may have suffered from malnutrition too
39. The lack of food can lead to malnutrition for the baby which can cause numerous health problems
40. They could see the sprawling yellow clinker-brick complex of the AEG Kabelwerk factory just outside town, but they could not see the thousands of slave laborers that would soon be put to work there, manufacturing electric cables, laboring twelve hours a day, living in squalid camps nearby until they died of typhus or malnutrition
41. Deaths from illness and malnutrition had once been commonplace, but after the thievery school was created, only two POWs died, one from a burst appendix
42. Almost everyone had beriberi, and some men went blind from malnutrition
43. These were the cremated remains of sixty Australian POWs—one in every five prisoners—who had died in this camp in 1943 and 1944, succumbing to pneumonia, beriberi, malnutrition, colitis, or a combination of these
44. Tuberculosis, malaria, dysentery, malnutrition, anemia, eye ailments, and festering wounds were widespread
45. Others had gone blind from malnutrition
46. And there are indications; malnutrition, nervous excitability, and so
47. Common defects are due to parasites, disease, malnutrition and scars from fight injuries
48. Because of this, not enough nutrients get absorbed from the food we eat, and the entire body can experience malnutrition
49. Well, which’d you ruther be, dead or here? Under groun’ or in a house all made of gunny sacks? Which’d you ruther for your kids, dead now or dead in two years with what they call malnutrition? Know what we et all week? Biled nettles an’ fried dough! Know where we got the flour for the dough? Swep’ the floor of a boxcar
50. And there are indications; malnutrition, nervous excitability, and so on