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    Usar "manor" en una oración

    manor oraciones de ejemplo


    1. the far edge of what had once been North Euston Manor Farm, until he found a break

    2. ‘Can you imagine it? Me living in a manor house with staff!’ he chuckled, stooping to pick up another stone and throwing it with some power towards the same rock where it smashed

    3. Some miles to the south of London, nestling in the gently rolling, green swathed hills of the Surrey Downs, there stands an old country manor house, which boasts the thickest of stone walls, a small but nonetheless impressive little tower and ornate white painted wooden gables

    4. The manor house was beautifully appointed, inside and out, sporting a novelty coat of arms above the door and a beautiful wisteria that twisted and flowered around the porch and around the front bay windows

    5. The gardens at the manor were extensive and with so many important assignments and projects to see to, neither the television personality nor his faithful gardener had ever found the time to finish remodelling every nook and cranny in the place

    6. He rushed back to the country manor house and told his master and mistress immediately that the tomatoes came from their very own greenhouse

    7. Within an hour there arrived a facsimile copy of a receipt, which clearly showed that the tomatoes had been sold to him by the gardener at Watersmeat Manor

    8. He was to obtain the name of the fruit, to purchase some young trees and to plant them in the orchard at the manor without delay

    9. All that he wanted was to be recognised as one of the best working gardeners in Surrey, and, with a great deal of hard work, he achieved just that, producing some of the finest specimen fruits and vegetables from the country manor garden for many years to come

    10. Every Saturday morning he brought fresh flowers up to the manor house and created the most delicate or the most vibrant arrangements, depending on the patterns of the weather and the moods of his employers

    11. His newspaper column was rescinded in favour of “Old Ted’s Country Ways”, and before long he and his wife were forced to sell the country manor

    12. old country manor house, which boasts the thickest of stone walls,

    13. The manor house was beautifully appointed, inside and out,

    14. gardens at the manor house

    15. The gardens at the manor were extensive and with so many

    16. grew in the garden of the lovely country manor house

    17. He rushed back to the country manor house and told his

    18. sold to him by the gardener at Watersmeat Manor

    19. plant them in the orchard at the manor without delay

    20. She grew up in the manor home in front of the tenant-cropper cabin where Jorma lived

    21. It reminded me of a manor house from the Tudor period in England

    22. I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale, surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure, though mixed with my other afflicting thoughts, to think that this was all my own; that I was king and lord of all this country indefensibly, and had a right of possession; and if I could convey it, I might have it in inheritance as completely as any lord of a manor in England

    23. The farmers, too, besides paying the rent, were anciently, it was supposed, bound to perform a great number of services to the landlord, which were seldom either specified in the lease, or regulated by any precise rule, but by the use and wont of the manor or barony

    24. Cruzel and Kerrin, as he named her, walked through the gates of the Great Wizards Manor

    25. My driver followed him over to his place, a stone manor house

    26. “Casey, we should explain that Overton Manor is our resi-

    27. sages from here to Overton Manor, or from there out here

    28. fly back to its roost at Overton Manor where Sally would prob-

    29. Manor with the cage and had told Vernon

    30. I grew up at Overton Manor,

    31. of the house at Overton Manor, carried on a tradition of fine

    32. This time his trip was made in the light, which revealed a prosaic little side road with the occasional farmhouse or simple outbuildings, satellite operations for a larger manor located somewhere else

    33. Prologue - The Manor

    34. So, after extensive restaurant research, I settled on The Manor, in Clapham

    35. The Manor is a restaurant in line with what seems to be a new wave of restaurants sweeping the London food scene

    36. A once-luxurious manor owned by the Shinra Executive, the

    37. leaving Shinra Manor to wither and die in the long and sad

    38. disturbances from the supposedly-abandoned manor, and that he

    39. stories of how the manor was haunted

    40. manor by his estimations

    41. NavSea legal (OOL) had already staffed a three to four lawyer claims office at Blue Lake Manor, a six-acre, federally owned reservation in the city of Pascagoula which had a combination BO/BEQ as well as the O club and some office space

    42. She had a stainless steel rod surgically implanted in her broken leg at the hip (so that she could sit up in bed and a wheel chair) and spent two weeks in New London’s hospital, then her final two months in the Greentree Manor nursing home in Waterford

    43. and me that she was fading very fast, drop everything, and haul ass to Greentree Manor

    44. He and the rest of your father’s family were overjoyed to hear of your survival, and he has all of your family’s possessions from Shinosa Valley, collected and intact at his manor in Belinhome, my capital

    45. “We are within the city of Belinhome, capitol of Finitra, and this is the manor of retired Finitran army colonel Markhan Reginus Longstrider the Third, your paternal grandfather

    46. Awaiting us behind the manor are all of your surviving close relatives

    47. They had a much-needed rest on the summit of the hill overlooking the MacKays’ manor house, its fields and woods as well as the village to the west of the house

    48. Back at the manor house Maggie had problems of her own

    49. They said that this gentleman of the manor house is offering a reward to anybody who can find her

    50. He felt for the car-keys in his pocket and realized that he must be very careful, as the car might be guarded - if it was, in fact, still hidden close to the bridge over the burn on the road to the manor

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