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    Usar "manorial" en una oración

    manorial oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The wet nurse who raised Him made Him terrible; His figure was seductive; the light shone in His eyes; His step was manorial, longtime sovereign

    2. It was like they were engulfed in the Serfdom of the Manorial system of the Middle-Ages and that their destiny was not their own

    3. The father abbot has received grievous testimony of heretical practices within his manorial domain of Sherborne

    4. The manorial court was held in the church after the service

    5. RALPH’S FIRST MANORIAL COURT was held the following Sunday

    6. Everywhere he saw the stewards’ accounts, according to which the serfs’ manorial labor had been diminished, and heard the touching thanks of deputations of serfs in their full-skirted blue coats

    7. He did not know that the brick buildings, built to plan, were being built by serfs whose manorial labor was thus increased, though lessened on paper

    8. He did not know that where the steward had shown him in the accounts that the serfs’ payments had been diminished by a third, their obligatory manorial work had been increased by a half

    9. Rushworth’s property on each side of the road,” without elation of heart; and it was a pleasure to increase with their approach to the capital freehold mansion, and ancient manorial residence of the family, with all its rights of court-leet and court-baron

    10. Now there were only forty men and women present, who had not had time to go to communion before, a few old peasant women, the church servants, and the manorial people of the Apýkhtins and his rich neighbours, the Chernýshevs

    11. It had been begun by the attorney of the rich village of Izlegóshcha with its three thousand inhabitants, and was won by the peasants in the County Court; but when, with the advice of lawyer Ilyá Mitrofánov, a manorial servant bought of Prince Saltykóv, Prince Chernýshev carried the case to the Government, he won it and besides, the Izlegóshcha peasants were punished by having six of them, who had insulted the surveyor, put in jail

    12. The old women went into the house, which was full of people,—women, children, both old and young,—all of them manorial servants, and prayed turning to the front corner

    13. When Tíkhonovna entered the room, there were there the cook, a white, ruddy-faced, fat, manorial woman, with the sleeves of her chintz dress rolled up, who with difficulty was moving a pot in the oven with an oven-fork; then a young, small coachman, who was learning to play the balaláyka; an old man with an unshaven, soft white beard, who was sitting on a bed place with his bare feet and, holding a skein of silk between his lips, was sewing on some fine, good material, and a shaggy-haired, swarthy young man, in a shirt and blue trousers, with a coarse face, who, chewing bread, was sitting on a bench at the oven and leaning his head on both his arms, which were steadied against his knees

    14. In the three remaining districts of the county there were fifteen large and thirty small schools among the clericals and manorial servants

    15. If the Commune, as it most generally does, selects a teacher from its own midst, a manorial servant, a soldier, or a church servant, the school is located at the house of that person, and the Commune looks only after the heating

    16. There happened to be such a clerk in a manorial estate

    17. The peasants were doing manorial labour

    18. There would have been enough for everybody, both for the master and for the peasants, but the master had placed over them a clerk, a manorial servant of his from another estate

    19. He began by driving the peasants to manorial labour more than the usual number of days

    20. The master heard about all these things, and to save himself from sin substituted tenant pay for the manorial labour

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