Usar "marriage ceremony" en una oración
marriage ceremony oraciones de ejemplo
marriage ceremony
1. In case of a marriage ceremony the wedding
2. This closeness is usually expressed during the marriage ceremony by the exchanging of
3. In the marriage ceremony, there was only the sound of Sanskrit hymns and Vedic slokas of marriage; echoed around the ambience of marriage pandals
4. Then the marriage ceremony was solemnized in our house with grand and pomp celebration
5. It was my sheer luck that for the first time, I attained the marriage ceremony of my family
6. But there was no help come from his four uncles; even they refused to attain the marriage ceremony; acted as strangers
7. the ceremonial grounds where the marriage ceremony would take place
8. The marriage ceremony in the church was followed by a party held in the biggest inn of the town, a party that went on until after supper
9. The parental bond was formed at conception, but the bond between Selar and Voltak, Selar’s spouse, was created at the age of seven in a marriage ceremony when two families agreed to
10. and He will have a marriage ceremony sooner or later
11. Certainly, when a family is united, with a firm relationship based on love and respect among its members, and the deep emotional ties which the husband and wife commit to during the marriage ceremony, the structure of society will be firmly established and unassailable
12. That is, when the altar was readyfor the marriage ceremony, and the home
13. But Celia was glad to have room for speech after her uncle's suggestion of the marriage ceremony, and she said, though with as little eagerness of manner as if the question had turned on an invitation to dinner, "Do you mean that Dodo is going to be married directly, uncle?"
14. Kuragin was to put her into a troyka he would have ready and to drive her forty miles to the village of Kamenka, where an unfrocked priest was in readiness to perform a marriage ceremony over them
15. “Why, Jane, what would you have? I fear you will compel me to go through a private marriage ceremony, besides that performed at the altar
16. Kurágin was to put her into a troyka he would have ready and to drive her forty miles to the village of Kámenka, where an unfrocked priest was in readiness to perform a marriage ceremony over them