Ask every famous married couple if they’re truly content
married couple if they’re truly content
Madeleine rang out above them, the newly married couple
It was a known fact that once married, the fun and games gradually dry up and married couples make love less and less often
They were polished to a high shine and added to the rustic surroundings, creating the perfect mood for a newly married couple
Much later, the married couples bore children
up on love and left them with nothing as a married couple
The large dining tables were carried out of the farmhouses and covered in white cloths in a U-shape around one of the fires with the married couple seated at its head
Setting the receiver in its place I realised we had become a career orientated married couple, it suited me though, since he did not want children anytime soon and what else was I supposed to do?
Whenever or wherever there is a true opportunity for reconciliation between parents and/or married couples – every effort should be made
He explained that the school provided his housing, and that he normally shared the place with a married couple and two other teachers
Even during the so-called swinging sixties, it was considered rather shocking for an unmarried couple to live together
But what do I hear? Prattle about the nature of trees? It could at least have been an argument! The married couple, fleeing not only their enemies but the troubles that threaten to destroy their marriage, the sexy slave girl, tempting the man to infidelity
“Most married couples have insurance policies and, from what I can tell, everybody that knew Terry fought with him on a regular basis
Lifestyle/situational: What is the lifestyle of majority of your clients? Do they tend to be stay-at-home mothers, single parents, co-habiting couples, pet owners, married couples, homeowners, parents, urbanites, etc
But among every race, even humans, it sometimes happens that a happily married couple will together share their bed with another, or even another couple, by mutual and respectful consent, for the sake of enjoying a novel experience
There was Gemma and Karl the married couple with the four children, who were all sitting on the floor watching the TV
In the morning William and I had our first breakfast as a married couple
We made love for the second time as a married couple
will play the Morgans, a married couple from Poughkeepsie, NY
A married couple reviewing their day, Charly thought
My dad’s a minister and has counseled hundreds of married couples and conducted hundreds of weddings
I met several married couples who seemed very happy with each other – but I didn’t talk to the men alone to hear their attitudes toward marriage or uncover any philandering
There are busy students reading their texts, young lovers laughing and holding hands, a married couple with a little girl, two young hippie boys with their dog, and me
bull dyke, working as a social worker, can fairly advise married couples on
‘You said they were a boring old married couple
He initially declined to interfere because they were a married couple and would have to sort out their differences themselves
"Every married couple thinks about having a child, Lily
The happy couple went to their living quarters and made their first joint decision as a married couple, Pon told his mother and the rest of the family what they intended to do
When they reached the deity for darshan, the pujari too invoked the blessings of the Lord as he would for a married couple
Married couples will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single
What every married couple soon finds out is that, although marriage is
married couple's romantic relationship
SAD claimed in its recruitment publicity how hard it worked to keep married couples together
the other, even the newly married couple gaining insights of their
It is in the best interest of Stellar Interstellar that the two of you go to the Space Force Academy and for security reasons that you go as a married couple
I pass on to you a financial insight for married couples that my mother-in-law shared with Kim and me, which blessed us greatly
The law does not apply to married couples
If anything, the closeness of Miriam of Magdala to Yeshua and the intimate times they spent together, while normal for a married couple, grated on many of the male disciples and also helped deflect the spotlight away from Nancy, who was too happy to let things go as they were
that a married couple did, even fall in love
Finally at age 50, in 1996, while with wife #3 in Oregon, I went out with another married couple into the woods one early evening to cut dead trees for firewood with them and I had this thing for the friends wife, who’s body rang my chimes
Most married couples own most of their assets, such as the family home, automobiles, investments and accounts in joint tenancy
The typical assets in an estate owned by a married couple do not need to be guarded for the surviving spouse, in every instance
By the same token, Medicaid rules have been revised so that if one half of a married couple requires nursing home care, the other spouse doesn’t have to sell the house and live on the street
“Just problems that married couples have,” Janet said
On two to three occasions, the tourists were asked about us whether we were lovers or married couple
And we accepted gladly that we were married couple
During all the visits in foreign lands with Suraj I felt that we were newly married couple and we went for honeymoon
Young would-be lovers flirt, married couples squabble, parents and grandparents hug or yell at their children…in all a very normal human society
He had never been in the situation before where a married couple were having a full-blown domestic whilst the wife was sitting astride him, stark naked and fumbling around beneath his robes
Another blessing for Francis was his clinical and pastoral compassion for young married couples
The bright and sunny afternoon stood in stark contrast with the stormy inner feelings of this young married couple
Later the roles of the married couple reversed but the three always remained good friends, many other people becoming part of the enlarging circle of friends over the years
encouraging married couples in their churches to
The married couple and Clare all seemed at a loss
They followed 222 married couples through the first 3 years together and found that the ones who went into the relationship idealising their partners ended up happier together than those who went in with a clearer picture of their other half’s limitations
The register of contracts will allow married couples to register their preferred marriage agreement, that is, in community of property, out of community of property and then also whether, with, or without accruement
because "well, it was going to be a bunch of married couples there and we didn't want
Janice had been with him most of his priestly life, for so long in fact that they were like a married couple
Their marriage was more like a companionable and close friendship, rather than a deep, loving relationship of a married couple
credit is $400 and for married couples filing joint returns the
married couples filing jointly, the threshold amount is $150,000
that married couples don't cheat each other to have sex with anyone else
God says, “Al’lah invites us to the house of peace…”, rather than inviting us to the parting and sowing of discord between married couples as instructed by magicians
Here: “…Yet, they learn from them both…”: refers to the devils of humankind and jinn-kind, and “…the means to sow discord between husband and wife…”: refers to the ways that they seduce them and make them fall into sin, sowing division between married couples and destroying families, and causing misery for children
Desserts consisted of Torta di Ricotta Italian Cheesecake and Ciambelline Dolci con la Glassa; Sweet Cookie Rings with Lemon Frosting that symbolized the eternal binding love of the circled golden wedding bands that newly married couples wore
Night was the time, wasn't it, she tremblingly said to herself, when people did their deeds of darkness? It must be, or all the married couples, who after all, having been blessed by the Church, were free to choose their own time, wouldn't be up and about and fully dressed for everyone to see, till late in the evening
addition, a Chilean source testified that a married couple by the name of Novak were taken to
“That’s why all these married couples are soooo happy, and such interesting people too
Besides, I couldn't think of any long-married couples who were still in love as an example
You're the happiest married couple I know
married couples without children would be given travel incentive of two
Georgia and her son, Jeremiah, were listed as being a married couple because they looked the same age and had the same last name
It has to be because we are alone and this time together is so much like being a married couple in love
Such a nice young married couple
They were four married couples
for legally married couple
Sex is a big part of marriage because it is another way for a married couple to connect and when things don’t go right in this department it does start affecting the rest of your marriage
I mean every day and in just the littlest ways you have to remind each other that you exist as more than just parents, as more than a married couple, you need to remind each other that you chose to be together and the reasons why
the family from the Midwest, the newly married couple: a black man and a Jewish girl; all of them raised their hands so fast in unison: it was shocking
This is what happens to married couples
The idea of ownership: owning a wife; owning a trophy sex-symbol: using a wife as a slave: just so there the guaranteed ritual of the lowest, most base self-gratification can be repeated every night or week: eventually and inevitably becomes so banal and disgusting and revealing: nearly all married couples stop having sex and get separate beds simply because they know each other to well
He started noticing that even when married couples came on a daily basis to the
He noticed that a married couple rarely carried on their flirtations on an equal
The wild, sexual desire subsided to the normal levels of a married couple and Robbie displayed an unprecedented tenderness towards
married couple and the sharing of a life, children and experiences
became like a married couple
I asked her if she could tell the couples dating from the married couples
The married couples are silent and glum
Which is one reason why most civilized married couples end up being unfaithful to each other… and why many of them end up in divorce
Give married couples enough time together: and they can iron any difficulties out
Modern work, tool-oriented societies make damn sure that married couples do not have that free time and energy
do you have any idea of the slowly realizing subconscious; as it absorbs and becomes aware-of its own frustration-hopelessness-anger-rage-hate-fear-terror?… what this kind of cuckolding cultural normality produces and reflectively creates… in each infant-soul: when most married couples practiced unfaithfulness and bigamy… as they did in Rome for hundreds of years?
I only knew two guys who bickered like a married couple, but it couldn't be
How often should a married couple (17 years) make love? Berenice and I normally manage once a week,
Kana glanced down looking embarrassed, as she too caught Ellanara’s drift of thought, in reference to her and Loric being together as a married couple
They stil look like a newly married couple in their early twenties
closed their eyes as Brandela recited an ancient Elven blessing on the newly married couple
As I interact and talk with other married couples, I notice that very often the turning point in a marriage is when a couple hits rock bottom
During modern times, certain laws were made which allowed married couples to separate or divorce, thereby triggering the growth of more single parents