Usar "measure" en una oración
measure oraciones de ejemplo
1. No matter how hard you try to change it, unless you come up with a new way to measure time, you have 24 hours in your day, seven days in
2. Then, for good measure, he duct taped himself to the cherry picker
3. Back downstairs, Scar was watching Silence with a measure of disgust
4. Tahlmute stood up and preceded him back up toward the house, but went between the house roots and across his marshaling yard while doostEr stopped at the shop under the roots for his measure and level
5. described in chapter11 had the same measure of faith as we have today
6. It was Theo's turn to measure his thoughts
7. whom he presented and he realized full measure of his authority as a
8. tried to measure the time, but he no longer had any reference points in the world
9. As I stripped off my shirt I wondered how I could measure time accurately, how I could make the most of these small moments of freedom
10. Time and routine – we measure lives by the watch-hand and the regularity of our shift between states of activity
11. From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards
12. After he had driven his black beauty of a car out onto the lane and closed the back gate, she took a tin of something fishy out of the under sink cupboard , sat down in one of her rickety old kitchen chairs, the one next to the gently warming range, and poured herself a thick measure of her favourite Scotch
13. Was it really twenty years that he had sat on a mountain? Twenty years? He tried to measure the time, but he no longer had any reference points in the world below
14. Life itself upon, within and underneath the good, damp soil blew a fanfare to the heavens far beyond the measure of any single organism
15. the simple touch, a measure of affection that is lost in her time
16. is the hypocrisy of small measure bearing
17. For good measure, while you are on the potato cure, you should drink potato water, which is one of the very best alkalizing drinks and helps the system to eliminate the impurities which are to blame for your complaint
18. She represented the good and the bad: the politicians, street-players, gypsies, police, drug dealers, prostitutes and priests - all in equal measure - and in between, the cafe owners and their ten-piece bouzouki orchestras
19. London boasts at least seven Interweb billionaires amongst its fabled glitterati, but not one of them can begin to measure their fortune or their white-hot technological status against that of old Jimmy Cameron, the founder, chief executive and principle shareholder of NanoGoo International
20. The bird took its time, chattering and fluffing up its crest and giving me a no-nonsense inspection, cocking its head from side to side until it fell into consultation with the mirror - not forgetting some whistles and curses for good measure
21. Zacharias leaned over, 'You know, we measure the strength of the wind by the chaos it makes
22. The young man agreed to wait another week, gave the young girl a new sim card that was already prepared, and sneaked an eleventh kiss just for good measure
23. This requires a certain measure of respect, a measure that
24. 'Whatever,' I said, sitting on the pillow as a desperate measure
25. ’ I said, passing one end of the tape measure to him
26. nation to value beyond measure the freedoms and securities that
27. They would measure here and there, and then confer with each other, not realizing it was driving him crazy
28. was hooked up to electrodes to measure the electrical
29. That is the true measure of a man; at least by Ogatu female’s standards, it is
30. We left a skeleton staff at the office to cover phones but most people were able to get over there which is a measure of how popular Anna is … you should have seen Anna’s face as we walked into the room, Sally
31. be an invaluable safety measure in the short-term
32. Wolfgang spoke up, “We should say that our methods measure the minimum possible extent of the substrate we are in, we have mapped neurons used by souls from Earth as far as that extent
33. He doesn’t have a finite extent you can measure with any instrument, no matter how long it takes to learn to interpret it
34. To know whether you need to take this measure, try this: If your site is located at
35. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete,
36. He scoops up a full measure of yellow powder from a stainless steel bowl and carefully fills the first sachet
37. 15And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates
38. the measure of a man, that is, of the angel
39. He felt he had got the measure of the Reserve Defence Training
40. have been nice to think that that dart was a last desperate measure from a man
41. Ted pours a regular measure this time and, instead of gulping it down, he stares into the glass, savouring the colour and peaty aroma
42. He looked through the collection of tools, assembled in a separate crate, and taking out a tape measure went about taking more specific measurements than those he'd made cursorily the day before
43. I thought he was past the prescribed age and merely gauging his abilities against a standard measure
44. Pierce whom White Feathers relied upon in increasing measure
45. This would be a very desperate measure, of course
46. While Olivia and myself have tried to bring Chloe some measure of happiness, we were singularly unsuccessful
47. They were humble and thrilled in equal measure
48. 15The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure
49. one to measure her against
50. “Usually the hours in flight and number of compression cycles – take off and landing – are used to measure a plane’s age
1. The footsteps were slow and measured
2. I measured time in solid blocks of obscurity punctuated by the slide of battered tin across concrete
3. My existence was measured by the inevitable smallness of bread and soap, of the stray fist and the gentle word
4. Day, when all here are awake, is measured by blurs,
5. ’ She said, never having actually measured it
6. Distance is measured with the tap of white wood,
7. The keeper obviously knew his type and without a word, brought out an optic and looked in Yarin's eye, then a ruler and calmly measured the width of his belly
8. He took Yarin's cup and measured that, then went to his taps and began filling it with a thick, opaque, seed-leaf-green liquid
9. "They've turned the glass," she said about the big sandglass on the bridge that measured the shifts
10. As for Nikos, he showed a professional measured concern wrapped in amiable compassion
11. 'It covers every topic,' I said and measured the thickness with the fingers of my
12. proportionate and measured way
13. reservation, but for many years has only measured
14. have measured the body’s electrical activity under
15. radiation that can be accurately measured and mapped
16. The ratings were measured and
17. Daedelus went on, “We have measured the extent of the area involved in the entanglements that give our spirits new life in this heaven
18. She knew that sensation was caused by the small fraction of the sensors that were still destructive and let the measured quantum state revert to unknown
19. that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again
20. measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs
21. 17And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to
22. She walks at a measured pace, letting the rocket fuse reach its zenith
23. His movements are measured and concise
24. He understood that it would be necessary to be more measured in his approach
25. As each new hole was created, measured and left to begin the next one, Harry was there to fill it and fetch another pole for the next
26. Carol's voice is measured and even
27. Life is measured in seconds and right now Stevie wants more of them, a lot more, and for the first time since he urinated, he feels as though he might have a chance
28. When they had both recovered themselves, the old man patted him on the back, “Having all the bits measured, cut, stacked and hidden, ready to go was a brilliant stroke my boy, simply brilliant,” concluded White Feathers
29. His father measured from one corner of the addition toward the house proper and made a mark under the floorboards
30. Ken keeps a measured pace with his boss, watching the doctor all the while, waiting for a movement or a look, anything that might suggest a rush of blood to the head
31. “For the subject’s IQ to be measured correctly Mr
32. She’d actually measured performance by holes in the sole of shoes
33. measured so is my covenant with
34. 17The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144
35. said, speaking slowly and in a measured, careful voice
36. The real value of all the different component parts of price, it must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labour which they can, each of them, purchase or command
37. His cape rippled out behind him as he walked, and Emily could tell by the sluggish movement of his incredibly long legs, that he was patiently forcing himself into a slow, measured pace in order to match that of the children
38. The newest article we saw said they had measured the density of the boulders as being too dense to be a starship because it would have to be filled in with loose rock and snow
39. But his breath was so slow and measured, that even up close, it would be unperceivable
40. The sounds of wood thrusting upon hide shields, deliberate steps and the measured praises of a watchful officer – the same one who had been at the execution, in fact – all had confirmed that she had moved in the right direction
41. They’d measured the distance to see who had urinated the furthest
42. Musical talents and interpersonal skills are not measured by IQ tests – which only measure verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical domains – but IQ is routinely thought of as a statement of overall intelligence
43. Woollen or linen cloth are not the regulating commodities by which the real value of all other commodities must be finally measured and determined ; corn is
44. The real value of every other commodity is finally measured and detemnined by the proportion which its average money price bears to the average money price of corn
45. Wisdom of words are invaribly measured by who is speaking them
46. For strength evaluation of hardened concrete by nondestructive methods calibration charts are used, which related by measured indirect evaluation to the compressive strength of concrete
47. There are others who will preserve the integrity of the continuum … but perhaps in not such a measured way
48. I measured the little girl’s little feet, and, in the course of making the shoes, returned to measure them two more times
49. Delivery of these unwelcome words likewise measured
50. ‘Is he with us currently?’ Heigener asked in a measured tone that was meant to sound like earnestness
1. could not put measures on God’s forgiveness
2. Therefore it is important for the home owner to learn the proper measures that can be taken to prevent termites from entering your home
3. measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly
4. function when it has no elders, and what are measures such congregations can take to assure that it will eventually have a scriptural eldership in place? The church without elders-What is it to do?
5. He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs
6. There is nothing wrong with flirting at bars and nightclubs, provided some safety measures are
7. measures the electrical activity of the brain, has been
8. Although the above measures are the only real solution to protecting your site, by
9. measures discussed here will keep hackers away? A backup is not only the
10. Bunty never did anything by half measures, Sarah
11. a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened
12. 6And he said, An hundred measures of oil
13. He picks up a set of kitchen measures and selects the one marked up as tablespoon sized
14. which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened
15. Several of the tenants extremely shaken by the event – as though screaming would help! Decided that strong measures required – announced a midnight feast, and hauled them all into the common room for tea and cake, babes and all
16. Maggie plants her hands on her desk, leans forward and measures her words
17. Labour measures the value, not only of that part of price which resolves itself into labour, but of that which resolves itself into rent, and of that which resolves itself into profit
18. Apart from checking the term and conditions, there are a few simple measures
19. “In these times of war, the king supports harsh measures
20. When other animals saw him hanging out with his mouth wide open and those beady eyes staring and glaring out in their direction, that was a clear sign that Horrifying Hippo was feeling threatened and would take any measures necessary to defend himself
21. Among the Tartars, as among all other nations of shepherds, who are generally ignorant of the use of money, cattle are the instruments of commerce and the measures of value
22. Irregular circumstances call for irregular measures
23. Durability of concrete in the terms of influence of aggressive environment is provided by application of concrete with a high density, by use initial components with the proper chemical composition and application at a necessity the special measures of concrete's defense (application of isolating materials, admixtures etc
24. The security measures were obvious: silver concave rectangles atop tall white poles, seeming to follow his movement across the visitors’ parking bay
25. ‘Protection measures have been prepared for such a threat
26. They are more disposed to examine, and more capable of seeing through, the interested complaints of faction and sedition; and they are, upon that account, less apt to be misled into any wanton or unnecessary opposition to the measures of government
27. Zardino was particularly proud if his security measures
28. Once inside the base, Raiya and Roidon were left with Zardino, who no longer trusted his own existing security measures
29. Pelham, the interest of the public debt was reduced, or at least measures were taken for reducing it, from four to three per cent
30. They accused my government of sponsoring a terrorist attack,’ he said, sounding both indignant and solemn in careful measures
31. Owing to the unaccountable delay in road-making during the dry days and the subsequent employment of improper measures in repairing washouts and ruts with brushwood and sand, to withstand the periodic downpours, even the light mortars could not be brought to the front before July 9th, and not one of the siege guns was landed
32. There exist extraordinary quantitative standards or measures that exceed the potential capacity of average minds to absorb
33. These draconian measures, however unpleasant, are sometimes required in order to get the nation back on track
34. Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets
35. Although I don‘t object to salary/benefits reductions in principle, (such measures are sometimes necessary in order to keep a company solvent), I nevertheless object to workers being paid $1 an hour, let‘s assume for argument sake, for a pair of sneakers selling for $100 on the American Market
36. A society that measures its economic output in terms of per capita GDP, a useless indicator in many respects, without regard to its components (people), may ultimately discover its social costs equally prohibitive
37. Although tax cuts promote investment, production and (economic) growth, not to mention spending, that fuels all of the above; and while such measures should be vigorously pursued whenever possible, the underlying crisis concerning most (critically minded) Americans is (correctly) understood as Moral rather than Economic; especially among social conservatives, the illegitimate offsprings of an Establishment Party who will not be easily swayed by the prospect of a few additional dollars in their wallets
38. It is arguable that the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts was the (final) straw that broke the (proverbial) camel‘s back although I‘m not so certain considering that a greater proportion of Republicans rather than Democrats supported these measures
39. substance; that is to say, accumulated more or less property or wealth than some other individual, has achieved more or less (material) success than that other individual although that individual‘s success on balance, in the absence of underlying measures, remains problematical
40. President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction
41. All these measures, taken together, could have at least somewhat reduced the human toll
42. They are (otherwise) free to choose single or (promiscuous) lifestyles or employ precautionary measures against pregnancy…although conservative theologians would properly disagree
43. What may appear ―timely‖ within our limited perceptions of time and space is ‖timeless‖ to One who lies beyond the boundaries of ―arbitrary‖ measures
44. The overriding concern for all interested parties should be the dismal track record of our inner city schools in recent years and the practical measures needed to improve it
45. Academic standards are not necessarily established because they are considered achievable but because they represent objective performance measures perceived worthy of achievement, notwithstanding (the) student‘s ability to achieve them
46. Such examples exceeding the scope of this letter, should properly inform and caution the sensibilities of thoughtful individuals wary of the potential (long-term) effects such draconian measures might otherwise impose on the American People
47. The price inelasticity of tobacco products, however, excludes the likelihood that prohibitatory pricing measures will either condition or limit consumption; which is what most of our politicians are relying on! Were our political leaders genuinely committed to eliminating this (proven) toxin from the marketplace, cigarettes and other tobacco products, like other potentially harmful drugs, would have been de-legalized years ago
48. Such measures are not easily reconciled by one who considers himself a Free Market Conservative
49. We will look at industrial espionage a bit later on in which a lot of counter technical (bugging) measures and agent running takes place
50. In light of this erratic (economic) climate, and at a time some of the smaller (tobacco) companies are contemplating bankruptcy, many sober-minded individuals must question the severity of certain measures that are being taken by N
1. her, taking in the rise of her breasts and measuring the beauty of her long and supple
2. I unfolded it slowly, measuring each crease between my fingers, aching for the comfort of words and yet totally afraid of what I might read
3. He feasted on her, taking in the rise of her breasts and measuring the beauty of her long and supple limbs as if he were admiring a fabulous Pieta
4. He busied himself loosening her boots, lifting one foot at a time to draw them off, all the time casting glances at her face as if measuring and assessing her state of mind
5. Measurable: By measuring a goal one can stay on course and monitor progress
6. ’ He said, fingering the stone gently as though measuring something
7. Just because it spews the numbers we expect doesn’t mean it’s measuring what we think it is
8. response, a highly sensitive method of measuring
9. In fact, the measuring
10. technology, which was limited to measuring only the
11. If anyone had noticed, the only oddity that might have met their eyes was the notebook and measuring tape they kept with them on these forays
12. ’ Billy said, surveying the room as though seeing it freshly, measuring it in terms of pots of paint and man hours wielding a paintbrush
13. Before them laid a pond as smooth as glass, measuring about eighty feet across, and in its mirrored surface the full moon was being reflected
14. 15The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure
15. glanced quickly towards the door, as if measuring the
16. one of them, out in the cold air, cutting lumber, measuring beams, having jokes
17. For some reason the United States is different from the rest of the world and measuring temperature and in lots of other areas (we use inches, feet, and yards while the rest of the world uses the metric system)
18. You are afraid that you are not measuring up
19. To dream that you are being denied something suggests that you are not measuring up to the expectation of others
20. Learning a skill in isolation is not only non-productive, but also non-motivating; so making the connection between math problems and everyday situations is essential – making change, figuring out how much allowance needs to be saved to purchase a toy truck, or measuring a patio to decide where to place a new outdoor rug
21. Near the pathway where we walked, white flowers, with blossoms measuring as wide as a man"s hand, grew in abundance
22. Sebastian considered, carefully measuring his words
23. If you can interfere with its thinking processes you might distract it into not measuring its replies so precisely
24. 3 For objects further than 100 light years apart, this method becomes obsolete and cosmologists then revert to measuring the properties of light emitted by stars and galaxies to determine the distances to these objects
25. The same argument would apply for a case in which you had an elastic measuring tape and wanted to measure the distance between two objects
26. If you measured the distance, not knowing that the measuring tape was elastic, or that a force was applied to the tape while you are measuring, you would get an incorrect answer
27. This is also the first time that scientists discovered such a large body of water in the deep mantle of the earth through the analysis of more than 600,000 seismographs measuring seismic waveforms as they propogated through the planet
28. In the New Testament God explains to us how much he loves us and that even though we are not measuring up to his requirements, he gave his life on the cross to pay for our sins, so that his requirements could be met, and we can return to the relationship that he intended us to have with him
29. ' She could see that Aoife was measuring her tolerance in anticipation of being left to the devises of a baby-sitter
30. Another consideration in measuring stimp rate is the turf on which you are playing golf
31. Not as simple as it sounds, the process included measuring, having plywood cut, painting (so it looked good on the outside too), and screwing the individual panels to the frame
32. Dazed, he staggered to his feet and stood there, looking me up and down, measuring me, sizing me up, trying to decide if his life was worth it, if he wanted any more of this
33. These events happened some years apart, but General Neethling’s forensic people traced the arc of the bullets by measuring their angle of penetration and duly arrested the law breakers who were found guilty by the court of a variety of offences
34. Addendum to the above: The greatest human failing is our (own) self-centered tendency of measuring our (own) self-worth by
35. The elven doctor turned her arm to expose her elbow and produced a syringe and bottle from the black bag he carried, measuring out the proper sedation antagonist and injecting it straight into her vein
36. In April of 1991, a major earthquake measuring 7
37. Something had changed; they looked like a couple of gunslingers, carefully measuring each other as if there was going to be blood soon
38. “I told you he had a drinking problem,” I said and noticed Eileen was looking at Steve with a cold, hard measuring stare, as if deciding whether he should fillet him first or leave the bones on for that extra flavor before she boiled him
39. How careful can you check in a room measuring five feet by four feet? No note – nothing
40. He had already paced around the edges of the floor and had even walked over the shadows of the horns, seemingly measuring their length for reasons Amonas could not even hope to infer
41. ” Gratefully, her measuring method wasn’t questioned, the subject of shoes was dropped, and conversation shifted to trail conditions
42. James fixed his stare on Ethan, as if he was measuring him up:
43. She paused for a moment, as if measuring everything about Ethan with a casual glance from head to toe:
44. The older measuring man had watched him out of the corner of his eye
45. Loran learned and had taken over much of the strenuous work involved in the measuring, leaving the older engineer free to do the planning for the next layer of the platform
46. One insect suspected a malfunction and tapped an instrument panel, another fiddled with measuring equipment on a nearby table
47. ” Is it possible that what appears to us as random is only because we lack the fineness of measuring ability to see the regularity embedded within these chance occurrences? Fractal geometry seems to give us a glimpse of an underlying order while we at the “macro level” see only a chaotic condition
48. If only they could develop a measuring tool fine enough to bring into our three-dimensional world some indication of this Presence, they might be able to extrapolate a source that they could attune their understanding toward
49. But what if chance were already a known, that only seems to be unknowable because it eludes even the sharpest of our present measuring tools? From the little that I know of the study of fractal geometry, it is largely the observance of turbulence within fluid dynamics
50. His eyes shift over my face, and he squints, as if weighing and measuring me