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    Usar "memories" en una oración

    memories oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Those memories of the day he learned she had been an electric ghost were still painful for both of them

    2. memories of fun and laughter can’t!

    3. My earliest memories of my father were of him being away a lot on a case in Anchorage

    4. The information, the memories, the behavior patterns were transmitted and read into her empty brain

    5. Any one woman in flesh sitting with him now would be better than all the might-have-beens in the centuries of memories in his mind

    6. Critical thinking, problem solving and logical interpretation develop their abilities and skill rather than memories

    7. ‘No … but as I said, I haven’t had anything to do with her for a couple of years … why would anyone shoot her?’ I said, scouring my memories for any inkling which might give a clue

    8. She still had the memories of the work it took to achieve reincarnation in flesh

    9. Reminding her sister, who also carried those memories, of that plan and its intended result, was not a diplomatic thing to do right now

    10. She is the master at that, I only have her memories of it, she is living it and advancing it even now

    11. A fact he remembered about his past, long after the actual memories of that time were gone

    12. A little at a time he had revealed to her the painful memories

    13. remembered as a young boy the occasional visit to the farm, memories filled with

    14. memories, some of them even quite pleasant, but it was definitely time to rid herself

    15. It had been so long that he didn't think of it at first, but this matched his memories of the news from back then, as well as his memory worked over that distance of time

    16. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all

    17. Clever user interface, you already always knew it, you explore the memories of knowing the facts, seeing the pictures, hearing the sounds

    18. Saya's talk of her missing father had stirred up a bunch of emotions that Leonora did not want to deal with, from thoughts of her long-lost mother to memories of her father, whom she hadn't visited in months and felt guilty about

    19. I lay on the mattress in my underground cell and let the drifting memories of London and Usman fade to black

    20. An inner voice seemed to say to me that all those memories were history

    21. I could visualise the blocks in the walls and the ventilation grill in the door based only on memories of things from another time, from another world

    22. Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

    23. During the week before Remembrance Day which actually falls on a Sunday this year, I talk with all of the folks at one time or another about what it meant for them – with the exception of Fred, they all have wartime memories of some sort – he was too young and was evacuated with his mother to somewhere in Wales for a couple of years

    24. Betty’s memories are of her older sister getting dressed up to go out with some of the Poles who were stationed in Bristol and how Betty had to draw dark lines up the back of her sister’s legs as they didn’t have any stockings

    25. I look around with interest, trying to tie in what I can see with my own memories of school

    26. After a while though, I realized it was only remnants of you, memories of the years of manipulation

    27. Desperate not to miss those faint taps, but my mind drifted off again, rampaging through fantasies and memories

    28. One benefit of it all was that I started to see one or two faces clearly again, if only in those brief moments before the jostling thoughts and memories got too rough

    29. What was it like to be you a few years before you were born? When you are old, at least you have your memories, when you're dead you don't even have that

    30. "Treasured memories will be," Kulai said and extended his hand in the native fashion

    31. "It is possible to read my memories out with a pill?" Alan gasped

    32. It would also be possible to read one's memories without one's knowledge or consent with such technology

    33. ‘Angie … I know there’s a procedure for people in your situation … having said that, it’s extremely rare as memories seldom survive for long here … but I’m sure there’s something that can be done

    34. "Yes, they can read his memories

    35. He wondered if they could tell whether he really came from Earth or his memories are really from a drug overdose

    36. If they do read his memories, think of what he has stored in there

    37. "They are convincing him that a whole lifetime of memories can be synthesized

    38. "They could gain all our technology from Alan's memories

    39. "If you believe they can read memories," Victoria said

    40. I'll try and remember what is considered proper here is not the same as where my memories come from

    41. Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

    42. Memories, thoughts play as he misses his loved ones

    43. That's something that would prove his memories were real and not a drug dream

    44. "So now they're more likely to read his memories and more likely to find that proof for the wild story the people on the ship will tell

    45. Memories started to flood his mind

    46. It brought back memories of a different time

    47. These are different memories of childhood

    48. Memories of the last time I rode in the dark haunt me – it is scary riding at night and there does not appear to be much moonlight tonight

    49. ’ He said evasively, ‘By the coast, you may have memories of the sea and I’m pretty sure that garden you recall was there … you spent a lot of time in the garden from what I was told

    50. As you experienced when you retrieved your tawstones, the memories were locked away safely

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