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    mental breakdown oraciones de ejemplo

    mental breakdown

    1. The doctor patiently started to explain “Whatever happened to him caused a severe mental breakdown

    2. "Unfortunately," Komadze continued, "Anna suffered a mental breakdown at the end

    3. Feeling close to a mental breakdown and with a wave of loneliness washing through him, Grailem runs out of the control room and heads back to his shuttlecraft as fast as his legs will carry him

    4. Preacher Cooper had followed close behind without even looking towards Feltus again as though he was ashamed by his abrupt and violent behaviour, but he did manage to sneer contemptuously and hatefully several times at the Ashburns as an open display of his disgust for the covert intelligence actions; evidently, his opinion of them had not changed despite this dramatic display of emotions and mental breakdown the gentleman had suffered as a result of exposing those horrid memories

    5. ―What I saw was a crazy person, who had a mental breakdown after the exhausting terrorist attacks, who made a lunge at the President of the United States

    6. He’d gone through all the stages of insanity and mental breakdown one can go through, and was now currently reverting to a state of catatonic silence

    7. He often suffered extreme mental breakdowns caused by a denial of bathroom breaks and a total lack of sleep, going into maniacal, improvisatory rants for hours at a time while popping speed capsules like one-cent candies and banging objects against the wall in what he thought was musical rhythm but was actually a deafening cacophonous racket

    8. Not a state where he enjoyed the confusion, but a state where he appeared to be bordering on some form of mental breakdown

    9. His wife has had a mental breakdown and he’s bringing her back to Castle Desiree’ for treatment by Pierre

    10. The one bit of good news is that Marcus is bringing her back to Castle Desiree', as She's had a mental breakdown and I'm sure that Marcus will agree to use Pierre to help bring back her memories

    11. “I think when his girlfriend—now ex-girlfriend—left him for Marcus, that was when he had his mental breakdown

    12. If the change is a really big one then a mental breakdown could result, such is the strength of the

    13. A mental breakdown hadn’t fit either

    14. “The loyalty training was designed to prevent mental breakdowns

    15. Marilyn would often cloak her mental breakdowns with excuses of physical illnesses

    16. One evening during the time that Marilyn was in Payne Whitney, Gladys saw a news account of her daughter’s apparent mental breakdown on the television that was watched by the patients at the sanitarium

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