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    Usar "mess about" en una oración

    mess about oraciones de ejemplo

    mess about

    1. “Have you listened to nothing I’ve said? They’re dangerous, Raven, you can’t mess about with them

    2. Kevin was delighted! He had been told not to mess about with the car

    3. However, you can still create a newsletter with a pen and some paper, but why mess about? You can get a bank loan for a great PC and only pay £10 per week for a year! You’ll save more than that on beer or entertainment because you’ll be spending time on your newsletter instead

    4. Harriet would pick us up from school daily at 3:30, and we better not mess about after school

    5. I will stab you with this if you mess about

    6. So, it was Nagarjuna, who lived in the second century and started all this mess about reforming Buddhism

    7. He replied with heavy caliber weapons and the boys didn’t mess about

    8. “Karlov’s not in the mood to mess about

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