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    Usar "monetary resource" en una oración

    monetary resource oraciones de ejemplo

    monetary resource

    1. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries in any country that is acting to turn them autosustainable, competent and generative of immense wealth without there is owner of those monetary resources and material goods, without the eternal conflict to exist among constituted powers

    2. This happens when we bought products, we paid accounts or we applied monetary resources in the banking system

    3. Bank3Sector is the way that integrates and administers the amount of material and monetary resources that will be collected by the producing units of social services (NGO, cooperative, foundation, institute, association, public organisms, etc

    4. The external suppliers can only utilize these virtual monetary resources through services rendering solicitation in the Coordenational Structure

    5. We closed this step and we affirmed that the Virtual Coin has bigger utilization power than the physical coin, because any organization (creditor) utilizes the received monetary resources in its production in the services rendering way for the Coordenational Structure in any country, without there is conversion for physical money or acquisitions in definitive properties

    6. - Level of growth of the monetary resources

    7. - Graph of evolution of the monetary resources

    8. e) Projection of monetary resources that guarantee the

    9. it is the organization that donates monetary resources for

    10. Also, the unique task eliminates the infrastructure weight of the State with its ministries and autarchies that burn billions of monetary resources in repetitive activities that in spite of the efforts always let its unsatisfied customers and they cause the social injustice, besides not satisfying most of its beneficiaries condignly

    11. This card has similar actuation to credit card operator’s flags, however with other functions that avoid transforming those virtual monetary resources in drafts or right of receipt in physical money

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