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    Usar "moneylender" en una oración

    moneylender oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I have the Marking, so I could go to any moneylender in the empire, and they would loan me money because the Marking proves I’ll repay it, as is just

    2. But the thought of my widowed wife and orphaned children who would become an easy prey for our local lala (moneylender) save me to live this wretched life

    3. Leaving his wife’s bedchamber door, the moneylender proceeded immediately to Reave’s office, meaning to question him

    4. The moneylender suddenly experienced an unfamiliar frisson of panic

    5. But the situation was still further complicated when, presently, a wealthy Jew, Isaac, a moneylender to the gentiles, came forward agreeing to support Jesus' family if he would lay down his tools and assume leadership of these Nazareth patriots

    6. " Then said Jesus: "A certain wealthy moneylender had two debtors

    7. Where the moneylender is not authorized, they could be

    8. Harford, the moneylender, who sat some distance off, and to Mr

    9. The son of a maltjobber and moneylender he was himself a cornjobber and moneylender, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the famine riots

    10. A petty knave, a toady and buffoon, of fairly good, though undeveloped, intelligence, he was, above all, a moneylender, who grew bolder with growing prosperity

    11. "It was I who killed, with a hatchet, the old moneylender and her sister, Elizabeth, and robbery was my motive

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