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    national leader oraciones de ejemplo

    national leader

    1. states where they have over 700 churches under national leadership

    2. " With but little qualifying explanation he accepted the designation, knowing that, while they had chosen to reject him, he would be the last to afford them real national leadership, even in a spiritual sense

    3. week and become the new national leader of the church

    4. emerged in 1994 as a national leader on the front lines to make

    5. His dedication to community development became recognized by a national leader in social outreach, Dr

    6. I will however ask you and General Geiger to keep this secret to yourselves, as only the highest members of the armed services and of the national leadership now know about this

    7. status of regional or national leaders and saviors, such as Adolf

    8. Besides, once he becomes a national leader, he will want to be the sarsanghchalak next!’

    9. You don’t show any other chief minister and you have made Kejriwal a national leader)

    10. More ominously, what about war and peace that national leaders may be called upon to make, especially in India, which had fought many a war in its short independent history? Isn’t that a Capital decision with emotive element and tactical content attached to boot? Wasn’t India at a warlike situation with Pakistan in the wake of the terrorist attack on its parliament on 13th December 2001? Would have a foreign origin Prime Minister served India’s interests judiciously? Why, wasn’t the overwhelming public opinion was to take the plunge; what if Sonia Gandhi on the gaddi went with the popular mood for fear of being perceived as unpatriotic for inaction? If attacking a hostile country seems to serve the long-term Indian national interests, can the foreign origin Premier, unsure about the outcome of the adventure, have the nerve to act? Didn’t Lal Bahadur Shastri, even as Pakistan crossed the Line of Control in Kashmir in 1965, order the Indian troops to cross the International Boarder near Lahore, which none thought India ever would, and what fuss the Great Britain and other Western powers made of that Indian military move

    11. How about that popular national leader, Adolph H

    12. national leaders from Nebraska, both in the senate and the house

    13. But the national leaders use the propaganda of false analogies that work their evil magic upon the minds of the public and then there are calls for attacks

    14. For her conduct of the war, Thatcher won the respect of international leaders,

    15. National leaders and politicians will become even more corrupt

    16. Its Government and national leader was an evil sly racist thug and criminal

    17. foolishly support them and the national leaders and institutions with whom they conspired

    18. This alludes to the chief cohorts of the Vatican, the national leaders and others in positions of power related to the topic areas of these

    19. direct involvement of most national leaders and leading politicians

    20. history of deceptive and unjust national leaders misleading their populations through various forms of

    21. tool used by religious and national leaders to manage the unruly herds of deceived and subjugated

    22. the Vatican, the national leaders and others in positions of power related to the topic areas of these

    23. leaders, associated national leaders, and other cohorts throughout the centuries

    24. What isn't quite so obvious, but nonetheless discoverable, is that the national leaders

    25. Bush and most national leaders have very close ties to the Vatican and are repeating historical

    26. Most national leaders are members of secret societies with proven ties to the Vatican

    27. Just before heading to LA, I had met with Young’s mother and members of the local clergy, and told them I would report back to the community after speaking to national leaders interested in the situation, including the Congressional Black Caucus and the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department

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