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    Usar "next day" en una oración

    next day oraciones de ejemplo

    next day

    1. Return the next day and find the tunnels out of which the cotton balls have been tossed

    2. Throw away the contents next day

    3. Eddie didn't go to school the next day

    4. He couldn’t wait for the next day, but it scared him as well

    5. Day 8: Then the next day dump the contents of bin #2 into bin #3, turn bin #1 into bin #2 and start all over again with bin #1


    7. Their morning was in pretty good agreement with a wake up time on the ground the next day

    8. The next day she was moved to another wing

    9. ‘No … but they’re keeping her heavily sedated for the next day or so to give her head a chance to recover

    10. Next day, a colleague at work tells me she has had such an experience in England

    11. Moreover, uncle Alex gets a heart attack the next day

    12. She suggested I should come the next day “so that we can be alone”

    13. Thru the next day it went on, it was nearing sunset again

    14. Since Herndon had long had a mistress back in Sao Luis, she fit into his life without undue bother, except for the fact that Jalloo would ask Elond if she might borrow him and they might discuss him the next day and be distressingly matter-of-fact about it with 'why don't we do it like that's?' going back and forth

    15. The next day Brijbabu had agreed to visit the “Sen”

    16. It was touch and go for a while, but around 4 pm the next day the fever finally broke

    17. We traveled the rest of the night and into the next day

    18. At the Osborne School, new dreams told them that they would be coming for them the next day

    19. They requested quarters on the mountain the next day

    20. The White contacted Jake a short time later and a meeting was set up for the next day

    21. There was nothing left to do, but prepare for the battle the next day

    22. The very next day, guided by the hotel concierge, the soldier went to the finest tailors and shirt makers in Saville Row

    23. The soldier was tried, convicted and sentenced to hang by the neck the very next day

    24. I spend a good bit of the next day stretched out by the ggs’ stable, dozing in the sunshine, while Berndt sits nearby reading

    25. Sarah asked him to join them in a hunt the next day to see their squad in action

    26. The next day, with the show ground full to bursting with every type of plant, with new roses, new fuscias, begonias, hostas and hebe, with the walkways full to bursting with eager competitors and excited crowds, the judging commenced

    27. The very next day Burberry read about a famous film star and his wife in one of her favourite glossy magazines, a couple who had been happily married for over forty years and even had a barbecue sauce named after them

    28. The next day was spent with Lord Tarak showing Duncan and Rayne around the Hold

    29. She scolded Ali for not studying for his test the next day

    30. again the next day

    31. Duncan was commanded to the Queen’s Hold for a private audience the next day

    32. They agreed to speak with the Hold physician about it the next day

    33. The next day in my clinic I was talking with a patient

    34. Rayne noted the sharp change in the landscape the next day

    35. The next day, she was lead to a stables and lead to believe they had one more day to travel into the interior of this island or continent, whichever it was

    36. very next day, guided by the hotel concierge, the soldier went to the

    37. convicted and sentenced to hang by the neck the very next day

    38. Dancing the next day was out of the question

    39. next day my patient came back to the office and said,

    40. The next event in the village's education came the next day

    41. As arranged, after they departed the dock the next day and had eaten their little lunch, George put posthole diggers in their hands, gave them a brief demonstration of how he wished them to use the tools and went back to the house

    42. In this manner the posts were installed and ready for the next day's delivery

    43. Allcock for their last supper at the Chelsea, he handed the letters to the concierge with sufficient change for postage with the assurance they would be sent promptly with the next day's House mail

    44. While she was in the hold she got an offer from one of the crew that she followed up on to her delight the next day

    45. The smile which played on Harry's face carried him through the night and into the morning, so that at breakfast the next day he was still as enchanted as much as the evening before

    46. The next day he made his way up to the meeting

    47. I awoke the next day to the smell of bacon and eggs

    48. Allcock's morning at the factory the next day was interrupted by a troubling wire from Malvern

    49. The next day, The Fedora was safely behind bars

    50. There was nothing much Jean could do the next day until

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