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    next one

    1. The next one came in with the same results

    2. Shibani followed them in the next one

    3. ‘I heard him say something along those lines, Lintze – it will take a while to muster some support for you for the next one anyway

    4. When you’ve lived in the desert, surviving from oasis to oasis and never knowing quite when the next one is going to be found, living in a land of milk and honey is somehow surreal

    5. I have time before the next one arrives to sit down and give some thought to what we are going to get Anna and Simon for a wedding present

    6. Let’s hope the next one will be more suitable

    7. He’s relaxing more now – good! ‘I liked the next one – she’s an undergrad at the university

    8. ’ She said longingly, ‘No, Leo, finish that piece before you start on the next one! Sorry, Jo, parenting is a non-stop activity and requires eyes in the back of one’s head

    9. Ava was banking on slipping into the next one unnoticed because the planets they would settle would have never produced souls before, so the creature in that area wouldn’t search for silicon intervention in the harvest of those souls

    10. He had a big long larorlie trellis leading all along the side of the house, filling the space between his house and the next one, heavy with last year’s swelling pods and new buds ready to pop

    11. As each new hole was created, measured and left to begin the next one, Harry was there to fill it and fetch another pole for the next

    12. He then opened a crate next one of the lumber piles and hoisted up what looked like the cousin of the pump in their kitchen

    13. They had to move out the door and into the next one, but there were quite a few people around and lots of poles and railings with the usual signs on them

    14. He expected the next one to, but it didn't

    15. Her next one lasted a record three hours and twelve minutes before being found

    16. of course, the beginning of the next one

    17. We think we have a much better opportunity to establish favorable contact with the next one than with the one I was on, or any other that is likely to come after

    18. their label, so that they can move on to the next one!”

    19. I walked down Nelson Street which was the next one along To General Gordon Street so I didn’t have much time to compose my thoughts

    20. “He made me lie there naked as he told me how he had planned everything as his revenge on you and that now he had raped me the next one would be Helen

    21. Let’s see, we have the next one

    22. “They have made it to the first shell crater now their having a go for the next one

    23. “The next ones I saw die Sir were Lt John Pearson, Pte Fred Hargreaves and Pte Mickey Jones and before you ask there were only teeth and gore left of them by the time the howitzer shell had finished with them

    24. I had no doubt that this was the Countess Yvette I put the photo down and looked at the next one that showed the Château of Saint-Marianne-Angléy where Billy Boy had been executed

    25. “OK, thanks for the snack, the next one’s on me

    26. And so does the next one and the next one and the next one

    27. Thus we walked another ten miles in that heat to the next one

    28. There is always a pattern to identify them with and it makes the next one preventable

    29. It won’t be until the next one that anything can possibly be discovered, and that gives you two whole months

    30. The next one, to La Barca brought them to the westbound highway where they boarded the second-class bus, got off at La Entrada and waited what seemed an eternity under the broiling sun, inhaling fumes, until at three forty-five the tourist bus to the Mayan Ruins of Copan delivered them to the pueblo of Santa Rita

    31. Willing hands yanked the thing out and dragged it away, and six men rushed to jam in the next one

    32. As soon as one karawian was beat, the next one was there

    33. Over the next one hundred and

    34. It continued this way all through this province and the next one, Vilcas, and into the next one Andahualya

    35. The next one was from Cholula

    36. The next one was from Cuauhnahuac

    37. He couldn’t wait for the next one, it was sure to be bad for the

    38. The chief was the next one up and

    39. “You might not want to be with me but I love you Jesse, what do you suggest I do about that? Oh yeah, that doesn’t matter since I’ve served my purpose in your bed, on to the next one right?” she shrieked

    40. Titled: THE NEXT ONE

    41. That nation and the next one were mountain elves from other continents, and they had cast illusions on their areas that made the trees and plants look like those of their homelands, all of which were strange varieties that Mark had never seen

    42. “After careful negotiations, Silaran has agreed to be your mount, when you should wish to ride, for the next one hundred years

    43. I know, for the next one, I’ll overcharge her and you can step in and say, ‘wait a moment, you’ve over charged’ and when I argue, you can suggest she goes to eat elsewhere

    44. That stab wasn’t lethal, but the next one finished the match an instant later

    45. “And do you mean that I’m the next one?”

    46. We left the cave afterwards and went to the next one

    47. In truth Blacker had his next victim already! From one fool to the next one!

    48. next one of them, the next one of us

    49. wrong room, then she just went to the next one

    50. The next one answered instantly “I will obey your words

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