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    Usar "nicely" en una oración

    nicely oraciones de ejemplo


    1. A different tactic would be to praise the child playing nicely and ignore

    2. ‘It’s not very big, Emma, but it will do nicely for the time being

    3. Leaving the car parked in a visitor’s space, I stroll along a path bordered by rather nicely kept shrubs towards the entrance to the offices

    4. ‘Yes, my tenants kept it up nicely

    5. ‘You certainly scrub up nicely

    6. Nonsense; he was well-dressed and his hair was nicely combed; he had not gone swimming

    7. "Where is Alan now?" she asked, when she could use her lips for speech again, while stroking him to a size that would fill her nicely

    8. Well, that leaves this afternoon nicely free to visit the warehouse

    9. ’ Betta commented, ‘I think that will have done the trick nicely

    10. Jakes eyes twirled and he chuckled and replied; things are really coming along quite nicely

    11. It will do nicely, thank you

    12. It is quiet in the cottage, nicely so after the noise and emotional strain of the evening

    13. For a moment she looks as though she’s going to argue then I see her smile to herself and she gives in gracefully, thanking him nicely

    14. It fits with the rest of the house nicely

    15. Once the homework had been done, Ben said thank you very nicely and bounced out of the kitchen again

    16. She kept turning that knob until the nicely engraved brass plaque at the top of the panel said ‘Judge’

    17. To my complete surprise, when everyone called for her to reply, she stood up and not only thanked everyone very nicely, but talked about how she’d enjoyed working with us

    18. There’s some salad … what can I have with that? Anything in the tinned line? Ah yes, a tin of tuna in mayo … that would go nicely with the salad and maybe a jacket potato … sorted! Feeling very righteous after my session at the gym and carrying a plate of healthy dinner, I mooch into the lounge … don’t much fancy TV … a book it is! By nine thirty, I am nodding, so call it a day and go to bed

    19. ‘Yes, you’ve straightened that out nicely, Dave

    20. Caught me nicely, you did, square on the

    21. They were all well cleaned and nicely battered, toasted to perfection and served inverted, hottest on the bottom, so they could commence powering thru them as soon as the basket was set in front of them

    22. At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening's suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me

    23. Not because we didn't trust you with it, but that the interest was accumulating nicely on the bulk sum

    24. Miss Bunker was settling nicely into the village's social fabric

    25. Spelman read the few lines aloud, “My apologies, I'm afraid I didn't have time to assemble the view maps for your residence, but I am quite sure you will find that your vista of the river and lake are framed quite nicely by the near valley's shoulders

    26. Preparations for the 22,10,23rd annual Yoonbarla Lumbering Party were coming along nicely

    27. On this wonderful yesterday of March 24 the day that was going nicely for me, she called me back and said that this student has reconsidered and she would let me know by Friday evening if he really did want to move in

    28. losses here and there—but the guys stepped up nicely in our ace’s absence

    29. "They are both nicely polished

    30. arguments, the truth is often disliked and a lie nicely

    31. From his wish to finish nicely the book, he

    32. at me nicely at all

    33. outlined nicely in the lesson plan book (with a few

    34. She had been getting along so nicely with Xonia

    35. “Hello, young man,” she said, smiling nicely at him

    36. The science has been nicely outlined in many books and courses

    37. neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow

    38. “Well I think Pte Mack has summed things up nicely and with that in mind we have been tasked by Brigade to send out a recce patrol and locate a source of water

    39. “No we managed quite nicely as it happens this was just a recce probe and not a full scale attack

    40. "Nicely played," he said, quietly

    41. The Alena was on her first voyage, well equipped, beautifully clean, and nicely built as reported by the boarding party

    42. “It’s Billy Boys birthday so let’s settle for Vin Rouge that should hit the spot nicely

    43. Zolla enjoyed the tutorial role, it fitted him rather nicely

    44. Our lots were generous and the houses nicely sized

    45. Horton was one of his students, and by all accounts was learning to read nicely for a lad his age

    46. He was a foot taller than her, a couple of years older, broad of shoulder, and nicely muscular, as revealed by the lone piece of clothing he wore: a—was that fur?—loincloth

    47. The rifles fitted nicely into our boxes which defied the rumour

    48. I left her at the door, and returned along the route to Mother’s, thinking about how nicely my life was going for a change

    49. The agreeable thing was we could jump whatever way we pleased, just as long as we held our feet nicely together to protect our crown jewels

    50. And to make absolutely certain we jumped (whatever way we pleased as long as we held our feet nicely together to protect our crown jewels), another PT Sergeant stood beside us waiting to toss the reluctant ones off if they showed signs of not wanting to die young

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