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    Usar "not capable" en una oración

    not capable oraciones de ejemplo

    not capable

    1. the shovel, and Johnny knew instinctively that even were she not capable she would

    2. The mountains of Scotland, Wales, and Northumberland, indeed, are countries not capable of much improvement, and seem destined by nature to be the breeding countries of Great Britain

    3. We are physically not capable to carry out experimentation or measurements that would assist us to obtain the evidence that we are after in this case

    4. Mostly this just earns a beating for the Kidnappers are so worked up and high (maybe on drugs) that they are not capable of listening

    5. The human mind, as I mentioned before, is not capable of properly operating on its own

    6. But that girl was probably scared out of her mind, certainly not capable of assessing situations cleverly at the time, if she was ever able to do so

    7. I can still remember that sixteen year old boy you were when I found you, skinny and not capable to hold armor

    8. You really believe I could genuinely care about her, she’s not capable of caring about anyone but herself

    9. school math teachers are not capable of teaching the subject

    10. was not capable of - processing that type of information in the

    11. (2) Where the owner of an animal is not capable of providing care to the animal,

    12. I was not capable of doing that

    13. The Draconian translation spell for Human Trade Common casts the Illusion of smiling on my face, because my facial muscles are not capable of forming the expression, but it also provides me with the meaning and use of various voluntary physical signals, such as shrugging and nodding

    14. He said it was true that our military had learned to fly one of them, but they had barely scratched the surface of its capabilities and were not capable of mastering the technologies involved

    15. And I saw others falling into the fire and burning others falling close to the water and yet not capable of being rolled into the water though they wished to be rolled down and to enter the water

    16. Under pressure my mind blacked out and it was not capable of producing not even the most tasteless of the thoughts

    17. These thoughts are useless if one is not capable of applying them

    18. True hypochondriacs are not capable of interacting in this way

    19. Twenty destroyers not capable of short hyper jumps turned one at a time to face four P I’s that were

    20. Flight engineers, I have been informed that these ships are not capable of short hyper jumps

    21. “Yeah right, she’s not capable of emotions

    22. “So what’s wrong with that fang face? Am I not capable to be here?”

    23. I don’t know what test she is let me to comply but I am not capable of playing her games

    24. This drip might not be simply drugs but food and hydration, since they were not capable of eating and drinking by themselves in this inactive state

    25. Our society compounds the difficulty by offering assistance only if the troubled person checks into a facility on his own, something he is not capable of doing

    26. I’m not capable of loving anyone

    27. Our imaginations are not capable of creating a picture of the obliteration that will

    28. mathematical equations and its conclusions seemingly not capable of being verified in a

    29. But we have to remember that rumors have a tendency of aggrandizing people and attributing to them things of which they are not capable or guilty

    30. If I’m not capable of standing up in front of the class and giving an

    31. I am not capable of being with

    32. If you were not capable of achieving it, you’d not desire it in the first place

    33. objective and not capable of manipulation by either party at the expense of the

    34. prostitutes, not capable of sustaining deep relationships

    35. something we were biologically not capable of

    36. It lacks flexibility hence not capable of embracing all of life

    37. They ‘ve been led to believe in a male god-figure’s male-interpreted order to sanctify all life as extending even to “life” not capable of being born yet

    38. They have been led to believe in a male god-figure's male-interpreted order to sanctify all life as extending even to "life" not capable of being born yet

    39. Besides, criminal groups are not capable of the high skill of implementation, which

    40. during the time of working with me that their analysts were not capable of getting

    41. back; in this position I am not capable of resisting

    42. It was her only gift; if her voice was not capable of reaching him, there was no more she could do

    43. I kicked and flailed, trying to smash its face, but it would not release the death grip it had on my boot; I had forgotten that zombies were not capable of feeling—even pain

    44. Slavers are not capable of considering such an occurrence

    45. Since bedwetting is not understood: it is laughed at and derided because it apparently shows that the person is not capable of consciously controlling his or her own instinctive behavior

    46. The intellect is not capable by itself of bringing us into touch with the concrete spiritual reality, but it can help by a mental formulation of the truth of God which explains it to the mind and can be applied even in the more direct seeking: this help is of a capital importance

    47. Self-indulgent consumers are not capable of even noticing which product is better or worse

    48. You are not capable of maintaining or sustaining the experience of Awakeness, the experience of waking up to what you are

    49. On machines not capable of displaying color or those with

    50. Our normal ways of thinking, feeling, acting, have become so separated, that we are not capable of any greater awareness or understanding of what is happening around us or what we are doing or why we are doing it

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