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    Usar "not difficult" en una oración

    not difficult oraciones de ejemplo

    not difficult

    1. You can help yourself stay safer by becoming active now – and it’s not difficult or expensive

    2. Writing this is not difficult

    3. There is a spell check on my computer so correct spelling is not difficult

    4. Don’t over-dramatise this or search forever, - it’s not difficult

    5. Everyone had to pass the College examinations, which were easy for we knew the questions before hand, and they were really not difficult to begin with

    6. Obviously this does not apply to revolvers, where one just pulls the trigger on the double action type, but on the single action types it is not difficult to cock the hammer on a revolver with one hand

    7. It was not difficult to appreciate what happened as the survivors would gladly tell us

    8. Such murders are not difficult to investigate as the culprit does not see such an act as murder, but as a pre-emptive strike to defend himself and his family

    9. " As any dog trainer can tell you, it is not difficult to learn and the use of a puppy line helped a lot

    10. “Sarah, I know this is very difficult to believe, but for me it is not difficult now

    11. The reason it is not difficult is I know that I am here from your future

    12. No sign identified the bicycle shop, but it was not difficult to pick it out on the street, because several battered bicycles were propped under its one large dirty window

    13. In the beginning, it was not difficult to erase these small impediments to the free movement of large aggregations of precious, but not easily controlled, livestock

    14. It is not difficult to see how emotional/psychological issues can be easily created around food that would take away any possible enjoyment

    15. The furnishings, carpets and decorations are all of the highest quality and it is not difficult to see why many of the members spend much of their time here

    16. It is not difficult to see why it is so popular; the food and wine are perhaps the best I have ever had, and there is gaming to suit every taste

    17. It is not difficult to understand this, because we can actually

    18. The terrain was hilly, but not difficult

    19. It’s not difficult to see what role this Justice is rehearsing to play in the outsourcing drama

    20. But now God s says to you, to take Eve who came out of your side, and to wed her, that she bear you children, to comfort you, and to drive from you trouble and sorrow; now this thing is not difficult, neither is there any scandal in it to you

    21. To assess whether, or to what extent, fascism is present or developing in a given society is not difficult

    22. When they were put in a 'trap' situation where there was an escape route that was not difficult to

    23. It is not difficult to understand Socialists and their thinking

    24. But now God s says to you to take Eve who came out of your side and to wed her that she bear you children to comfort you and to drive from you trouble and sorrow; now this thing is not difficult neither is there any scandal in it to you

    25. It’s not difficult to work out that cords in general should

    26. It’s not difficult to work it out when you see that, plus she missed some meals and refused a few

    27. knew he believed me, that it was not difficult for him to conclude

    28. The reasons for this are not difficult to understand

    29. The arrow was not difficult to remove

    30. All these patterns are genuine in indicating price direction and all are not difficult to learn

    31. When our critics pointed this out, I practised hunching my shoulders slightly, shuffling just the smallest bit, not difficult as my ankle was still hurting, and tucking in my chin so I appeared to look up at people

    32. ‘Not difficult, I’ve more cheerful things to think about

    33. It is not difficult to imagine the onslaught of degradation one would receive upon slipping into a pair of Octavia's slippers

    34. Good ideas are better than money, because with good ideas it is not difficult to

    35. It is not difficult to understand that for animals, basic motivation is the survival of life

    36. Since their lifelong beliefs and hopes of wish fulfillment were thus agreed, it was not difficult for them to find an interpretation of the Master's words which would justify their intense longings

    37. Inasmuch as the resurrected Lazarus was now a member of this group of believers, it was not difficult for them to believe the report that Jesus had risen from the dead

    38. 7 And when all of this is taken into consideration, it is not difficult to understand how these men came to preach a new gospel about Jesus in the place of their former message of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men

    39. Trimming the wing feathers doesn't hurt the bird, and the procedure is not difficult to do once you've learned how

    40. This was not difficult to do, all it involved was help from her stolen laptop, scanner and printer

    41. Killing them was not difficult thanks to the intense training Wren had imposed on his crews, but even as Wren tried to keep his mind on the swarms of ships attempting to reach his squadron he wondered about the bigger ships

    42. It is not difficult to do the math here

    43. It was not difficult as I weaved in and out of his fury and fear

    44. Fortunately it is not difficult to sort a file of data

    45. This is really not difficult to understand

    46. It is not difficult to say (LUH-See), and that’s UH as

    47. The great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences

    48. which was not difficult

    49. The climb was not difficult

    50. It’s not difficult

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